I am sick of people, connecting to the OCS server, and trying to steal cars and leaving. So i made this thread to tell you what a cruise Server is. A cruise server, is a server what is running an InSim that connects to LFS and changes the gameplay. What you do on: CLC, LTC, OCS, R-L, TC, is that you drive around in an UF1000, and earn cash and have fun. You can buy new cars by typing '!prices' and it will come up with the list of cars that are available for you to drive. If you want that car you really wanted, then type in: '!buy xrt' for example and that will buy the XRT for what ever the price is.
Whats the point ?
The point is, that have fun and relax and enjoy your self.
Why do you do it ?
You do it, is so that you can become rich or popular on some of the servers or not. ( might be wrong )
I hope you get the idea now. I hope this Stops now.