? yes about that. The reason i told you is because you kept on spamming my threads. And i sm learning and reading books and stuff so please dont tell me any more... ok ?
hehe. Cant wait untill its finished the app your making i'll use it so much actually iam on that part now for the co-ordinates. hurry dougie-lampkin hehe
Yes. Rob are you finished making that app for the programmers ? i just relized by hovering your mouse over the track image what Scawen made, it tells you the co-oediantes, so then you can programm it for your lottery tickets or Bank or what ever.
and thats really getting on my nerves, its just like saying to a computer 'WORK WORK WORK' but it doesnt do anything.
dougie-lampkin i'll tell you the whole story in msn, but you dont go in there so i'am not spamming this thread. Go online more - Not trying to force you, just saying thst i dont want to spamm any more of this forum or thread if you like to call it.
My friend tried running my insim and it worked and spamming a message, But when i run it it doesnt do nout. I probebley should of told you this a long time ago, but when i load my insim and i join my server if times out after about 10 or 20 seconds. Its all connected right and in the server CFG it says: 'InSim=29999' like it should.
i tried it with a diffrent piece of code and thats:
for (int i = 0; i < MCI.NumC; i++)
InSim.Send_MST_Message("Speed of player id " + MCI.Info[i].PLID + " is " + MCI.Info[i].Speed);