i downloaded the game from the Skichallenge 09 website that is listed in the 1st post and the thread starter and then i have never updated it becuase it won't update it just freezes then finnaly opens the menu and i click play and i ski
my question is why do you guys drive on the left side of the road not the right? but i always thought when going around a bout if you enter the roundabout and are taking the first exit you stay in the left lane and for the second exit you go into the inside lane then merge into the outside lane then exit. But i'm only 14 and i've never driven a car other than on games.
Ingame i can't it always says my internet is not connected but it is becuase when i get off the game i can go on the net and LFS and be fine.
so i would like one becuase i can't make an acount. I've tried sevral times and it just doesn't work. Thats why i would like some one to make me one.
Email:[email protected]
Pass: I'll PM it to the person that makes it or they can make one but they just have to tell me it
Name: Jason Monk (its not my real name cause i don't like using my real name on certain games)
B-Day: anything if you want i'll be 99 lol
Good Luck man and i can't wait to see some pics ingame. Are you going to be making it 3d like Trainz or Rail simulator? If you do make it 3d like those games Good luck and if i knew how to code i would love to help but i no absolutly zilch in coding.
ya but i just think some people would say it would say you should have to be in 1st the whole lap to make it count as 1 lap in 1st place.
But i still do think this is a good idea.
Well this is bad news but i guess i can wait for the better version but i do think Scawen should release the car on Test Patches just so we can see i there is any bugs or glitches that Scawen and the team don't see.
I've had this exact problem but i didn't think it was the game beuase my mouse some times does it but for me i just could only turn to the full left or right and i just stopped the car and waited a few seconds and then it when away. But please Scavier fix this as it has cost me some positions I do have once in ahwile my steering freezes for like 1/2 a second to 1.5 seconds but very short time.
i don't know if this has to do with this test patch but i've never noticed this before. The bug/glitch is when i was racing the LX6 last night i was changing the colors of the rims and i had the innner part of the rims black and the outer area red and when i was changing the red from green to red the inner area was flickering as the red had made the black look a little brighter. So it wasn't a smooth change it was very framey.
is there another place to register other than on the game becuase when ever i try to register it always says verifying register or something and that and never changes. cause i want on the other tracks If there is no other way is anyone willing to make an acount for me?
Last edited by swisscosmo, .
Reason : had numlock on when i was typeing lol so some numbers and letters lol
Ok i know bumbing isn't the best but i just got invited onto the Open Beta so i'm downloading know and i'll post some pics so you can see them. And so far the game will be released sometimes this month or early next year
is the acual download 32GB big or is just how big it is when installed? cause i only have 23GB empy on comp and i can get rid of some stuff but when i get rid of it if the download is 32GB and it installs to something bigger well then thats another problem.
EDIT: I"M BLIND i know see its megabyte not gigabyte lol still though how big does it install to?
+1 but there is one problem and that is if you go over the Start/Finish Line in First, then get overtaken and go to 2nd and then get back into 1st before going over the start/finish line would LFS count that as 1 lap in first place becuase if so you could be getting wrong readings as you were only in first place while going across the start/finish line.
Ok some of you may have seen this but its amazing. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=_dd4KKav6Qk&NR=1 Mladen Petric which is a striker for FC Basel has to save a penalty Shot as Basel's Goalie Costanzo is kicked out of the game. Its happend before to other teams but the only other one i know of the guy that had to play goalie new were the player was going to shoot and Petric here didn't know at all it was just pure luck and skill but mostly luck.
I Know i have to get a wheel and i plan on doing that bu i don't know if my parnets will alow me to get it and from watching vids on youtube some of the wheels are loud and i can't have a loud wheel i need it to be very very quiet. and under $100 around 50 pounds.
ok just did it and for my left hand i got 0.252 and for my right hand i got 0.29 but when ever i did my right hand i was horrible and the 1 time i did left hand i got my best and its wierd i'm right handed.