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S2 licensed
whats name of server i will give it a go
S2 licensed
500 mhz runs lfs ? i only get like 5 fps on my 3 ghz computer with ati 32 meg graphics card.(im getting a new one for that reason)
S2 licensed
haha you dont get what i mean. because lc has got new owners all the time and now you own lsc unlike cobra. i know you where part of it before. just different owners. all i was saying is i hope you stay owner and dont drop out and make someone else run it
S2 licensed
did it work?
S2 licensed
never mind guys i was teaching my self how to code and now i am half way through codding my own insim. but thanks for suggestions everyone
S2 licensed
i am new to codding but most people charge like £100 or stuff like. that i might not have that much expereince but i do know how to code
S2 licensed
Quote from marcel1 :yes and your sig sucks

and you can say yours is any better ? tbh i just made this to have something i am waiting for my insim to be developed so i can turn on my server. then i will have a good sig
S2 licensed
and povo tbh it does matter what country the server is hosted in. cause u.k has really horrible connection speed and not very stable as u.k brodband is not given much funding
S2 licensed
and povo tbh it does matter what country the server is hosted in. cause u.k has really horrible connection speed and not very stable
S2 licensed
i know they have same insim i just liked name of old one. and it feels like lsc is turning into lc with different owners now
S2 licensed
Quote from PoVo :Why would I want to run 2 separate servers?

why not. but fair enough i just liked your old server
S2 licensed
poVo why dont you run your other server too
S2 licensed
hello what i think your trying to do is run lfslapper from the hosting company(500servers or something like that) i have tried that before and what i do is run lfs lapper on my own computer. all you need to do is config the lfs lapper so it will connect o the i.p of the lfs server(you will need i.p and insim port) and enter the admin password you have set and before you run lfs lapper type /insim 29999 (or what ever insim port is) and then run lfs lapper. it should work. if you want it hosted on the server i reqemend uploading it to the company in a support ticket and they will deal with it
S2 licensed
well thanks everyone we now do have locations on the servre
S2 licensed
the server looks great
S2 licensed
i told everyone that it was lagging horrible yesterday because i was backing up the server which used all the bandwith. and usually it does not lag at all
i can help
S2 licensed
if you mean help like being a officer or police or what ever then sure. if you mean help like free hosting then ya sure i can help. i will go on the server to have a look and see what it is like and btw guys a know there are loads of cruise servers but some of them are horrible. but a few are really good and i hope this one is one of them really good ones
S2 licensed
i know thats why i would like a different insim without airio
S2 licensed
i dont want to set up airio so if anyone else wants to set it up or create a insim then please contact me
S2 licensed
so we can not use airio any more. why dont you set up the free one and i will host it on my dedi
S2 licensed
oh so is this why the insim is shut down. it is not running anymore?
Demolition Derby insim
S2 licensed
heey guys i desided to start up a server and and wondering if anyone can code a insim for a demolition derby. i have no clue about what sort of code i would need so i might as well just have someone else do it(can pay)

it would need points and such for crashes and stunts like drifting. i am thinking of having it in AU1 if that helps
S2 licensed
you have to change all the code and recompile it. i recommend getting microsoft visual basics. there is a free one that you get get off the microsoft site
S2 licensed
i got that once when i tryed to host from my home network. i dont know why it does it but now i host from a different location it has stopped. i think it might have something to do with slow connection
S2 licensed
i still have open places on my server if anyone else wants a server