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S2 licensed
when i said lfs i didnt mean the full thing i mean a slimmed down version. and anyway the iphone has the A4 processer in it and it quite good. any one played real racing on iphone it is good. i bet lfs on a iphone could be damn good too. but i do think that a lfs app that includes just some basic stuff for the lfs people that us a iphone (or ipod touch) i think even if it is made by someone else it would be o.k
S2 licensed
well you could have done it in visual studio from microsoft. but skywatcher removed the link with the insim in it
S2 licensed
i like that idea. hard work though depending on what it should do. i think it should have lfs remote sort of built in (make use of that nice new screen on iphone 4). if the devs could do it then mybee even a mobile version of lfs. like you can play lfs but on the iphone. means you cant play agianst people on pcs cause of different graphics and stuff like that. i bet people would even pay for apps like the two ideas above. BTW Second idea just came as i typed so it is a bit ???????????????????????????????????????????????????
S2 licensed
yes. i would like some teak like that. like it is unstable and lower it. cause i own a old car (93 dodge ram 150) and it idles at really low rpm now. i would like to make the lfs car idle at that low speed too
how do you change engine speed
S2 licensed
heey guys i have no idea if this is correct place to pop this question but ahhwell. i am wondering if it possible to change the engine idle rpm. is it even possible ? or is there a insim that changes it. for all i know there might be a thing it the settings to change it can anyone help me
S2 licensed
haha good idea. not paying for host
S2 licensed
have you downloaded lfs dedi? (top link)

when you download that and extract it there is a folder with every config you will need
S2 licensed
well tbh i have no clue what you mean discription but i will do my best to explain. to do a "Race Control" you will need to do three commands to brodcast a message to everyone connected to your online host. in game type this /rcm [MESSAGE] (thats where your message goes) then /rcm_all (that will brodcast it. then to clear the message you will need to do /rcc_all

and i think you mean welcome message. well in the same folder as your host setup and such make a document called welcome.txt and then in setup.cfg delete one of the / at the bit where it says welcome.txt and then it should show the welcome message
S2 licensed
oh and one more thing bmx if you have lots of connections put togeather it does not mean you get faster internet it just means you can download alot more at the same time. there is a huge artical about it some where. if you had that sort of set up your download speed would be as fast as only one of the lines but you could download (lets say you had three lines) three times as much data as you could if you only had one line to your network. sorry for a long borring thing you dont want to hear but when i install networks people always ask why they dont get a internet speed 3 times as fast as when they only had 1 line. and i have to exlplain that too them
S2 licensed
lol i know that they are multi connections all in one. i set up a network like that a while back with four dedicated lines to the switch right to this office building(some video hosting site) and they all had like 15-20 megs a second each (download) it was one sick set-up though
S2 licensed
sorry for like triple posting but i have been posting from 3 different computers and i found this on the world wide web (who calls it that still?) lol i wish i had this
S2 licensed
look at my home internet speed it is horrible i have posted the dedi internet too so show the difference between home hosting and dedi hosting(dedi is slow atm because of a few reasons)

S2 licensed
here is my internet speed on my dedi ( must say it is slow atm cause there is two full lfs hosts running so this is whats lefT)
S2 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :Justin is saying some people have bad internet (he doesn't)

the dedi your server is on is not on my home network. the network the dedi is on has good internet and i wish i could run that to my house. my home network is horrible internet and bt blocks port 80 outgoing (not on my side) so there is nothing i can do to host servers from home.
S2 licensed
well if i know what your saying then. the insim that is above will work fine in demo. and if you want to make a list of where everything is then get a picture with the whole track in it and put locations(even use paint if you must)
S2 licensed
haha i dont think skywatcher is jelous tbh (but who am i to say that) and i want to say that i am really proud of poVo for keeping a server that meant alot to loads of people in lfs going. it was a huge part of my lfs part and i hope to go back on that server one day and see all my amazing freinds that cruise on your server.

thanks poVo for keeping this great thing alive
S2 licensed
haha sorry no it compiles alright but i was a noob and i popened a insim from a different server i was running. so that was why it was never working. problum solved now
S2 licensed
darn it failed my code. can any one help with just that bit of code?
S2 licensed
thanks for help i just made something in the insim with a gui in it thanks. will post the source when the ban gui is done
S2 licensed
cause some people have crappy internet that cant handle hosting server. my internet blocks server running
insim see ban list
S2 licensed
hello guys i am currently codding a insim and as i am codding this insim to teach myself how to code(im a noob) i was trying to code something to show people banned and for it to show for how long and why and by who they where banned by. i was wondering if anyone had any bits of code that they would not mind sharing with me to allow me to use this in my insim
S2 licensed
yes i aggree get a G25 or G27 they are best of the best (in my view)
S2 licensed
np thanks for telling us you found some one
S2 licensed
he said 20USD to ship around the us.of.a that is a ok price. bet it costs heck of a lot more to ship to me in u.k mybee 50GBP
S2 licensed
ya i got to say the insim is really nice