So, as I am starting more to drift nowadays, I was browsing a few servers lately. As I have drifted alot on a mate his server, I just know every single corner (literally, sometimes ) of his private layout. Yesterday, I joined "°° Drifters Heaven °°", and saw that my mate, his private layout was on their server. Slightly edited.
So, I've came up with a little idea. Wouldn't it be better if it was harder to save a layout from a server. For instance, by disabling the save layout button, and enable a button for the administrators, to send the layout to a certain numbers of users on the server.
It would basically mean, only the people allowed, would receive a layout.
I'm Johan, I'm not that good in racing, but you can find me at several drift-servers, or a drag-server (recently got banned on a server, by some guy that hitted me, and blamed me for being a "crasher", as a sim-racer I do know how to race "clean" ). I dont have a special racing steer, just a cheepo with "vibration". Anyways, I've been racing in rFactor, and a mate of mine hates it, so he made me buy LFS S2.
Ingame, my nickname also is Johan, I like to keep things "Simple"