1. It looks like an Audi R8 on a bad hair day.
2. Zenvo sounds like a name for a line of kitchen appliances like blenders, (If you even think about asking "Will it blend?" you win a slap) not supercars. Really- When you say "Zenvo", I think- blender, toaster, mixer, not supercar.
3. 1100 HP and mere 375 KMH? Fail.
Although I made this vid purely as a joke, and to prove to a friend of mine that you can do ALOT with Sony Vegas(95% of the vid I made with Vegas),
I must inform you that The Who /= gay.
Pablo, Do everyone a favor and learn to use thumbnails, or attachments, please? While I myself do use a screen resolution of 1600x1200 most people huge images still screw up the forum formatting. Please be more considerate.
And another thing, while it is nice of you to make this tutorial, that texture is bad. Way too rough, over-zoomed and too low res.
Just use one of the textures niels linked.
And Grip driver- learn to not quote images.
(Yeah, like that will happen amirite?)
Bleh. All the pirates will do is move away from torrents, to some more secure file sharing protocol, and the cycle will continue.
But the entertainment industry has a chance of breaking the cycle: by stop being greedy bastards, and come up with a viable business model that would make people pirate less.
But that is hard, being blinded by greed is easy, if you know what I mean.