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Quote from J03130 :im sorry but why has every twat in this forum sniffed out this 'argument' and tried going against me????????? if your not involved dont get involved!

I'm sorry but I have to reply again against my will, because you just called me a twat...
IMO you can take that compliment for yourself... suits perfectly. Go back and read what you wrote on public forum.
Iracing and rF are not crap. Both have things I wish we had in LFS, but we dont. No problem there, because LFS have unique features that I love and is always developing. But saying iracing is crap, comon man, take a grip and open your eyes... but I doubt you will because of that comments.
Last edited by tiagolapa, . Reason : spelling
S2 licensed
I listen to a lot of rock and metal and other styles also.
But I don't like MTV punk rock style.
I'm much more interested in metal with roots from old punk, like black metal, some thrash, grind, crust. I listen to them all.

I love one metal punk band: Ratos de Porão
S2 licensed
Unless you do it in real life, because in LFS you won 5 races... lol have a good life
S2 licensed
Quote from J03130 :i dunno i find both those games shit.

Glad to know. Keep cruising and away from serious racing
S2 licensed
I don't want gear change animations because I dont need to see ingame body, but I want better mirrors were I can see my car in them
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :Got captcha CBA1 at megaupload, so first I though "CBA to mirror -.-" but then...

or, if it's slow for you (most likely for aussies and americans, very unlikely for NL/DE/SE/NO/FI/BE/FR), use this:

Thanks man
S2 licensed

Alcohol or thc?
S2 licensed
Wear some corpse paint and play raw violent death metal joking. If there is no security maybe you shouldn't hang around that place
S2 licensed
LFS racers dominate wathever sim they put in front of us
S2 licensed
Quote from UncleBenny :Nope, they have the "fast track" system in place now. Get your SR up and your 4 rookie races in, and you'll get promoted automatically to D. No more waiting until the end of a season.

I think the problem is he don't own all the tracks in schedule and must wait. That sucks but thats how it works

Oh and good luck achieving your PRO license!
S2 licensed
Quote from Ger Roady :In this manner you can't find anything analog in a computer system because you can always go down to 0 and 1.

Yes you are right. But some systems are closer to analogue fidelity but never equal. This is of topic and maybe you dont care, but thats why virtual instruments or processing units will never sound like the the real analog gear. Same applies to vinyl and CDs. Take care
S2 licensed
Quote from birder :(...)

We have already closed down 4 of our LFS servers and opened up 2 on nKpro while we wait. Leguna Seca, Spa, Silverstone and Snetterton are just great tracks dont you think.......... But it would be great to race LFS again very soon

Hi. The last weekend I fired up netkar pro and noticed CD servers with people racing. But in Laguna, and I don't have that track in this SIM. I must find it to join the fun
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :*Bangs his head against the wall endlesly*

Can the mods/devs update the Forum Rules and put in a like a temporary rule that states "Any new threads about development will results in a infraction".

This is getting beyond stupid. And to answer your question; No. Thats the main reason its taking such a long time, the devs want to get it perfect and make sure everything works as it supposed to before releasing the update.

Hi. Your overreaction makes this forum suck worst every day. Keep it cool please.
Who are you to think what gives infraction or not. I hope no one listen to your words because I don't want a dictatorship forum like you suggest. So, you and your friends please stop telling the mods/devs what to do. Its not the first time..
If you still want to increase your post count, simply reply on topic: No, I don't want a semi-finished physics model.
Last edited by tiagolapa, .
S2 licensed
lfs forum at its best
S2 licensed
Quote from Morti :I hope a LFS with the nurburgring!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep dreaming
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :I'd be up for that, but I'd need to install it again first
Would be better if we could recruit a whole load of folks and do a Steam Tour across a few games

I like DOD. I join you
S2 licensed
What is a damage set?
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :I think you're just being difficult. All stories of humans v zombies are going to be similar, but it doesn't mean L4D is anything like Dead Rising or any of the other millions of zombie movies and books that have been released over the years.
Source is the engine it's built on, but it's perfectly possible to upgrade that behind the scenes. The entire Source engine got a massive overhaul for HL2:Ep 2 because large outdoor sections weren't really possible before. And any AI script can be rewritten without a serious engine change.

Oops I dont want to be difficult or anything, sry for the interrupt
And I agree with what you said
BTW I bought King Arthur and Thorchlight for myself, and gifted Day of Defeat. All great games
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :Well it runs off completely different engine for a start.

No. It's Source
S2 licensed
Quote from max92 :...

LFS -> normal guy
iRacing -> crazy with mental problem

long live LFS... and iRacing
S2 licensed
Another sad christmas in LFS world.
S2 licensed
Quote from EliteAti :What a bitch.

I might get infraction from that, but i was in todays Catholic christmas mass at night just few hours ago so i think she deserves to be called a bitch

Thats hilarious. After all the church time serves you nothing. Forgive, forgive... lol
Anyway, shame nothing lethal happened. Someone needs to try again
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S2 licensed
survive till 2011