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S2 licensed
If you are looking for small practice amps to play around the house or jam with friends without a drum set, definetely look for some modeling amps, i highly recommend the Roland MicroCube, it's got a pretty good tone and volume for the size, and it's really cheap. It's no big tube amp, but it can make some noise, without sounding shit.

The Line6 MicroSpider is really cool too, small, its 6Watts, but loud enough for any playing at home and easy to carry around.

If you want tube, then you can look for something like the Zvex 1Watt, for practicing is more than enough, or a small Fender, like the VibroChamp.

But if it's for practicing at home,i would go with modelling. I use a POD for practice and late night recordings and works just fine.
S2 licensed
Sent you a PM.
S2 licensed
Well, i might aswell try to see if i fit in somewhere.

What kind of team are you looking for : Race or Drag, some team that doesn't mind having a new guy and is willing to grow and help us all grow as individual drivers.
Age: 27
Preferred Car/Track:
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track:
I'm on avarage and according to LFSW about +5~+8 off WRs.
How Active Are You?
Pretty much everyday, at least 1hr day.
What Kind of Control do you use? USB Wheel + 2 pedals (autocluch)
Time Zone: GMT +3

I'm also a self-taught php programmer and webdesigner, have some clues on video-editing,and made a couple of skins, so i can help a team with those aspects, aswell.
S2 licensed
Expect to see me, when the TBO server is running S1 tracks.
I am loving to drive the FXO recentely.
S2 licensed
will do, for sure, this weekend is going to be a mess for me (i have a wedding to attend), so no lfs, but the next one, i am free (during the week and weekend), so i will let you guys know.
S2 licensed
2 guys showed up, but they disconnect before the end.
i guess it wasn't meant to be, but no problem, we can try this again on other day, perhaps weekday is better for more people.
S2 licensed
Audi R15 Le Mans inspired livery.

As usual, please do not edit more than the number/flag.

Thanks and enjoy the skin.
S2 licensed
tristancliffe, AndroidXP : Hmm, i guess i'm out of luck then. I don't think the wheel can use separate axis, thanks for the reply.

MadCatX : This is my wheel : ... e&test=portlet-action

i am using the drivers that came with it (Genius drivers), works and calibrates pretty well, just i can't seem to find a option for separate axis..

I guess it time for me to get used to all that footwork, hehe.

Thanks for the replies.
up and down on the same axis at the same time.
S2 licensed
Ok, here the thing, my wheel only use one axis for throttle and brake, so i have set it up on lfs as throttle/brake combined axis.
This is good, however, if i press the brake, while will pressing the gas, the gas automatically goes to zero.
It's not a BIG deal, however, it makes more difficult to do throttle blipping while downshifting, because, i have to break, downshift, release brake, blip throttle, resume braking, all in a millisecond time, and repeat that a lot.

So, is there anyway to configure the wheel (i haven't found a way on the control panel options on Windows) to allow LFS to read up and down on the same axis, at the same time ?

If it helps, my wheel is a Genius TwinWheel FF.

Thanks in advance.
S2 licensed
Looked around for this livery, couldn't find it, so i decided to make one myself.

Hopefully it's good enough, if anyone can edit it and improve upon it, feel free to, just post it back here so all of us can enjoy it.

Renault Megane Rally Livery (old)
S2 licensed
The Rigel team wants you, join ?

Done, the skin is attached to this file, same as the madonna, please do not edit anything other than the number, thanks and enjoy.
S2 licensed
thanks, there could be some refinement on it, but the original car is so low-res, that i had to do a lot of guessing.

And if anyone wants one of others, just ask.
S2 licensed
My First FBM Skin, the Madonna livery from SMGP (the old Sega MegaDrive/Genesis game), since there are no readable sponsors on the game (just the VTMAO), i decided to write stuff on it.
Feel free to use it online, but please don't edit (at least no more than the number).

(i have made the rest of the SMGP1 grid, so just ask if you want any of the other cars).
S2 licensed
Finished up this skin for the race. Since i will probably be trailing the field, i decided to go with a color scheme that might resemble the old Minardi cars.

Also, this is my very first LFS skin and render (using Blender and the kit by Bogey Jammer).
S2 licensed
Probably already mentioned, but i would a LMP-type car.
If it could be a Ferrari 333SP it would be EXTRA awesome, but a LMP generic type of car would be so freaking awesome.
S2 licensed
Cool, let's make this a nice race for everyone.

z-ro 8 : thanks for the heads up, i will edit the posts with the new time.
S2 licensed
I will leave the server open today, maybe we can test race (with some shorter races) and Next Week, Sunday (nov. 8th) we do the long race.

Times will be :
Time : 1:00pm EST (USA)
4:00pm Brasilia (Brasil)
18:00 (UTC)

Server name is "[XRT] tibone race"
Passwords for the long race will be issued via PM.

Is that ok ?
I am trying to do something for fun here, clean racing and all that. So, if you guys rather have something else, just say so.

Last edited by tibone, .
S2 licensed
Saturdays are a no go for me.
But Sundays are ok.
Maybe next sunday then (nov. 8th) ?
XRT - South City Classic - 40 Laps - Tomorrow!
S2 licensed
Hi, just trying to get a race going, how about it ?
Rules are simple,mandatory pitstop and no crashing just to take another race.
Any skills are welcome, beginners or not.

Sign-up on this thread.

Event Details :
XRT - South City Classic - 40 Laps Race
Day : 08/11/2009
Time : 2:00pm EST (USA)
4:00pm Brasilia (Brasil)

Qualify : 15 minutes
Race : 40 Laps.

Let's have a fun and clean race, anybody ?

Thanks in advance!
Last edited by tibone, .
S2 licensed
Glad to be a part of this community. Seems like a bunch of cool people.