Me and my friend (Weed) has made an offroad team and we are looking for someone who could be nice and make us some team skins.
The cars we need the skins for the most are:
LX4, LX6
Those are the most common offroad cars that we use although if you want, you could make it for other cars aswell.
I got 3 things for it:
No fake sponsors since I'm not a big fan of that.
Mud around the wheel wells, since it's an offroad car!
Cool color scheme that can compensate the place where the fake sponsors could have been.
This might be a new thing for you guys since it aint often people are requesting offroad skins.
And yes, we are serious about the team, we also have an offroad server.
These pictures could be good for some inspiration.
http://www.unlimiteddirt.com/o ... core-baja-250/28_1600.jpg
And there's more to find if you just google "Trophy Truck".
You got a pretty free hand on the skin colors, scheme and so on.
And one more thing, our team name is: Offroad Madness
Take care and if you have any questions, just ask. I will be happy to answer them!
Thanks and best regards, McGyver.