I don't want to make the mistake of making some forum gurus angry...but give the dude a break he ain't done anything bad (in my oppinion---sorry for having a different one)....
We shouldn't be posting crap like ....nobody likes you... and stuff like that...that flash animation is simply ridiculous but made me laugh
Ikaponthus i think i know how you feel, you´re right ai is way faster but only that, ai makes phisical contact very often and wreckesly, it also behaves very consistently...
In my oppinion AI is very important is this game altough it is a mainly multiplayer game, i like playing offline too and it's great training...
Ikaponthus only one more thing i'm sure in REAL life some kids and men wouldn't be as agressive and kinda cruel, you know why? cause fists hurt in real life unfortunatly i cant punch trough my online connection or i would already done it quite a few times you know like in real life...
I know some persons like to ruin others game and servers are owned by 3rd parties not lfs....
So bans and kicks are sometimes needed.
But sometimes are really annoing, there are some paranoid dudes that bind a message saying blue flag let me pass... most times they still can hardly be spotted by the rear mirror, and they demand that we immediatly brake and almost go to grass so that they can pass largely lol...
This was passed about 10 min ago in conedodgers server...i think they dont really know (at least 2 of those guys) that a blue flag means facilitate passage in a maximum of three curves and preferebly not in slow corners...Not imediatly...
I posted this here in this sub forum so that developers consider this ban kick abuse by some users while developing the rest of lfs...ONLINE is getting less and less INTERESTING, cause this causes tension and anger while in a race...accidents and phisical contact happen in real races and this supposed purists and inflexible dudes should enjoy it or at least tolerate instead of banning people for no reason.
whatever the setting i use to set the process afinity to cpu0 or1 or both or whatever setting i use in priority it delivers same results with only less then a second difference
1 A rear wheel drive car whith engine mounted on rear axle (porsche)
2 A four wheel drive car with inline engine mounted on front axle and advanced transmission, cpu assisted traction (inpreza)
3 A four wheel drive mid engine racing SUV (chayenne siberia like)
4 A small compact car like xf something in between the 2 versions gti and gtr...(like saxo 1.6 vts, clio 2.0, peugeut 207)
5 More exotics the convertible one sucks real bad; to me is the least achievement of this game; I´m familiar with phisics of this kind of cars and the one in the game only looks right, because handling feels very poor with lateral forces very badly applied...
I don´t remember where i downloaded it, but yes it is a tutorial....
When i setup my renders they just need to many time to be calculated, so i try to use some scenes done by people who master these issues...
I´m now trying to tweak the scene, so that it looks better...
Edit:didn´t see the question...it is the final file but i think i messed it up in the settings
My skills are limited ...if you see errors point them, i´ll try to fix them. The glass needs more reflection?
There are cars with rwd and transversal inline engines, so that engine looks well, but the discs and those things that have the piston brakes are doubled....that i´ve never seen
I´m trying to make a tyre, meanwhile i downloaded a scene changed a few things . Anyone knows a good tutorial to paint a car in 3dmax like if it had a skin on ??
I´m feeling shamed for having posted that...but although this is not an excuse i have splinter cell chaos theory that only runs with crack in my pc, original disc does not pass the security check...I have original disc and it only runs with a no-cd....
I think that if i wanted to buy it online i would have already bought it i´ve been tracking this game for a couple of years, but this is not the point...
To me (and it's obvious that we don't know each others) online payment it's a pretty good excuse. Notice that i just made a simple question which has been replied to....I am not asking for a freebie, if there are games which i think are worth buying, this is one...
All that i can say is that if it existed in a shop shelve (cd or not voucher etc..) i already would have already bought it :thumb3d:
Has i said i´ll think it better....and maybe i´ll do my first online transaction...i would really like to have the full game.
xpjames Ps: Your post felt a bit rough but thats ok....:grouphug:
EDIT: Just remembered that some online services can be payed in an ATM. This i think it´s secure and it´s also an immediate payment method...This can be done when the service provider or sale companies have an ATM reference number (don´t know the correct name in English), i would dress up and go PAY :-)
Last edited by TONI_PT, .
Reason : Just remembered