Didn't read the whole thread, but from my perspective your move was perfectly legal. If he had been smart enough, he would take the ideal line on the right as soon as he saw you taking the defensive line, so he could get better exit speed and he could try to overtake you on the straight.
I remember old S1 (alpha demo i think) with 3d artefacts on the Blackwood back straight, with no skins available (only solid car colours) and speedo with texture from a bmw (i think). It's been a while .
Anyway i gotta say this mod is really interesting and great fun. It's amazing how close to real ice feeling you can get with some tweak modifications .
Not exactly correct ... but since there are so minor differences in the exterior i approve your answer . This car is Mazda HB Cosmo (difference is in rotary engine).
If it took you 6 hours to make those minimal changes, all i can say is you're a lousy skinner. You won't convince me that you accidentally used _exactly_ the same color shades, drew _exactly_ the same design and put logos in _exactly_ the same place as pdanev (ING logo for example). His skin was far far more than just an inspiration. So don't lie, you're arguments are weak. I hate seeing skin rippers taking others work (especially pretty well known and very nicely designed skins), making minimal changes and claiming that's their work.
And funny you added the "don't edit" text to your skin - you think that doesn't hold for you in case of other people's skins?
There already is a plain white strip, and i think it's good enough (rumble strips on straight would be too much, maybe thicker, but that would be a minimum difference).
mcintyrej: As i said, feel free to modify it as you wish. If you come up with anything better than current, please submit it here.
I confess, i got the idea from mrminor28, but i hope he doesn't mind .
Basically i modifed the dds file with chalkes and changed them to simulated curbs (3 angles). Preview images are in the attachments.
Warning: Backup original chalkALPHA.dds first because with this dds file installed some chalks won't display properly so some layouts may not look properly.