- League results
STCC - 3 drivers entered, all of them in top 10, 2nd in team standings (Hannu, Viper93, NoGhost)
OPS Season 1 - places 2., 5. and 6., 3rd in the team standings (Paps, Gasp, ToniX)
LXCC - multiple wins, leader in overall standings (Paps)
OLFSL, MoE, LFS GT entrants
- Number of drivers
- List of drivers [Muroc]Paps° [Muroc]NoGhost [Muroc]Hannu [Muroc]Gasp [Muroc]ToniX [Muroc]Syxxpacc [Muroc]Skylark [Muroc]Montana
Last edited by tonix, .
Reason : added 2 drivers, corrected typo in the team name
Actually Australia and Slovenia won, Serbia was third. But yes, it's true that finals weren't as strong as expected, because Finland and Germany didn't show up .