I feel that the demo provides to much, in all aeras. If they'd limit the game play per person then more people would buy, but allowing them to have access to everything but tracks and cars wich dosent leave much but more people are on the demo then s2. Cut back on connecting to the master server, the ablility to set up your car and the option of tracks, should be blackwood standard and the rally cross, in wich the game play should as well be limited to a couple of hours to give the player an idea if her/she would consider buying the game. Wich in terms means More money for the producers and in return more online races for us "s2 licensed" players. What could possibly go wrong? And to make sure the guest dosent try to download the demo again have it read ip's so each computer can get the demo one time. I know when i frist foung the game i was hooked and all i wanted to do was race, and if there were a time limit for playing i would have boughten alot sooner.
This is just an idea on how to possibly improve sells. If anyone feels different please reply. And I didnt use foul language, so please dont respond with any. - Mike " Typercivic "