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Linux OS 2007: Problem
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I'm guessing this post would go under off topic, being it has nothing to do with LFS at all.

So I think I'll be switching operating Systems and heading towards Linux, How ever I'm using a shared connection Via wireless and I cant get Linux connected to the Internet. I got a wireless router but I'm not sure if I'm forgetting something or not. If you can help me out I'd appreciate the help. I know not to many people use Linux let alone wireless routers, so any help would be great.

Thanks -Mike
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So I'm taking it I have to join a league??
Are LFS servers different pending on where your from?
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Well I've been watching some videos on you tube and I see how all the racing servers are Packed with "Serious" racers and I cant find one Active/ Full room other then CD- with the FZR-GTR. I'd like to find a server that has the xr-gt turbo and fxo-turbo. I'm asking this because I'm not sure if we all see the same servers on the Master or if we see different servers. Ex. Considering I live in the US will I see servers in the UK? If I cant how am I able to connect to servers else where? Does it go on which Mirror you use when you download LFS??

Please fill me in.... Thanks -Mike
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What excatly are you tying to get across??
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Quote from Scrabby :why does everyone buys ATI cards, they are crap imo, nvidia gives u the power to go on

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Never mind, I'm using Linux OS 2007 and there's a MEM Test on there so it's been running for the past half hour, How will I know if it's good or bad??
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How do I run a memory test? And I just downloaded Fire Fox so I'm waiting to see if that helps.
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I'm tring the one step, using the Shear filter but WoW is it hard to get a perfect circle.....I'm going to try to find an easier way, but thanks for the info
Ever since I installed 1GB of DDR2 I'm having Internet Problems
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Ok..So I bought 1GB of RAM yesterday and when I'm on a site such as I'll open the Forums and open a link and when I go to close a thread or any link I've opened off the net it'll close and say Interent Explorer has encountered a Problem...I'll click de bug and it'll close the I.E. and I'll do it agian but this time I'll send the error report and once again it'll close I.E. and it's really getting on my nerves...I'm not sure what the heck is going on but it sucks not being able to close any of the websites I go to or else it'll crash Internet Explorer.

Any ideas of what can be doing this, or how I can fix it??

Thanks -Mike
Adobe Photoshop CS2: Filters
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I'm woundering if there is a Fish Eye Filter like Digi Kam on Sabayon for Linux...If anyone got some info please submit. I've googled Fish Eye filter for Adobe CS2 and it'll bring up photos taken with a fish eye lense and edited with Adobe CS2......

If there's something out there let me know

Thanks -Mike
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Well I still got alot to learn about the camera and what it's capable of...This is like going from a Ford Fistevia to a Chevy Corvette..Atleast thats how I feel, I've been reading the manual but not as much as I should be so I should start reading more, but I just want to go out and take pics. I'm thinking about buying an 80-200mm zoom lense this friday, pending on the price that is. I'm going to check out the nikon forums and see what lenses are good and what are crap, but I'm happy with the camera
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Quote from spankmeyer :There's practically zero reason to go for D40X since D80 is right around those prices and it simply kills in its price range.

TypeRCivic, for quality night time fun:

1) Manual mode
2) Lowest ISO
3) Tripod or solid base to set camera on
4) 2-sec self-timer to avoid any external movement (pressing the shutter)
5) ???
6) Profit!

My camera settings were set at ISO HI 1 and Exposure comp. -2.0and flash Comp at 0.0. I'll try out the new settings but I cant get a self timer of 2-seconds....It's only 10-seconds....And I've been using manual mode as well. Any help to improve my skills I'll gladly accept

So I finally got my Nikon D40 D-SLR.
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Well I'm very impressed with the camera and so far I've yet ran into a problem, other then the fact the lense is 18-55mm...I've been reading the manual little by little and to be honest I was surprised how much info the manual has to offer. I'm looking to get a bigger lense and I about crapped a brick when I saw the prices at a local Camera Supply Store, I know the lense on it now is an 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6GII ED AF-S DX Zoom, How ever I'm looking for something with greater zoom but I'm not sure if I can use a lense from a different Company other then Nikon. I've been looking on Ebay for lenses but I'm not sure if I should buy a camera lense off ebay...I'm really looking for a Fish Eye Lense..18-55mm and a Zoom lense (80-200mm) and I've priced the fish eye lense for $500.00 (USD) and the 80-200mm lense for $170.00 (USD) If you can help me out with prices and where's the better deals and what lenses I should use I'd be more than happy....The picture taken is the sun rising over my street....and I think with a better Zoom lense the picture would've turned out alot better......I think I should invest in a new flash as well...I'll have to see the prices and the difference it'll make.....

So I clicked a button and I lost the toolbar window in 3DS Max 7. How do I fix it
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I was doing something in 3DS Max 7 and I pushed a button on the keyboard and I lost the toolbar window....Where you click for Edge. Poly or vertex.......I have a screen shot of the window I'm talking about, I've been messing with it for some time and cant find out how to get the window back....

Let me know if you can help me out.... Thanks- Mike
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Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Nope he means that it shouldn't just have a flat surface, it needs to look like this... ... cm/wheel_rim_final_sm.jpg

Well the project is far from done, I was doing a preview and discovered the problem....So there's going to be more the the rim..
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Quote from wheel4hummer :It looks like you extruded it accidentally. Why does the rim matter when it is not properly shaped? Car wheels aren't perfectly smooth on the part that contacts the tire.

I dont get what your saying?? You mean my rim isnt propely shaped?? Maybe it's the angle of the render or wireframe
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Quote from Crashgate3 :Post the wireframe - if that looks ok, then it might be a smoothing groups issue.

Ok....I had to use MS Paint....Adobe is being gay...It keeps saying Runtime Error.....But here it is.....
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Congrats...... Bring on the sleepless nights and long DAYS
So I think I messed up 4hours of work and didn't notice it until I Previewed the REND
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After 4 hours in front of the Computer screen and struggling with my design I discovered I must have messed up something somewhere...And now I'm not sure how I can fix it, I can re do it but I'll be upset that I wasted 4 hours of my life on this Rim....If anyone got some pointers on how I can fix it Let Me know....BTW I'm using 3DS Max 7....
S2 licensed
Thanks for the help....That works....
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Quote from LineR32 :Try saving it as a scene after you import it, then if you **** it up just reload the scene or use the Undo button. Try the CMX importer though if it keeps doing it.

Where do I find the CMX importer at??
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Quote from LineR32 :If your using Max 7, use the CMX files from the Viewer, or just get the scenes.

Well I have the .obj files saved so I'm just going to File/Import/file Type...obj.. and open my file....But the first time I open it it's all good..But if I mess up and want to start over I'll go to file/new and clear all and repeat the process...But once it's loaded it'll look like the pic I posted
What is going on with my 3DS MAX 7...
S2 licensed
Ok so when I open 3DS 7 and import the .obj this happens, and It'll get worse as I click new...and re open the file...At times it'll go away after closing the program and re opening 3DS Max 7 but after I click new it'll start this again....Ever when I preview the render it's all bright and stuff...... thanks-Mike
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Quote from STROBE :It's just a standard typical kit lens, nothing great but fine for getting started. I hear it's better than the Canon kit lens, which some people regard as junk. But the most important thing is the photographer, not the equipment.

However if you're wondering what kind of range it has then I'm guessing you don't understand what 18-55mm means, so I'd query whether a DSLR is right for you at all.

Well I'm guessing it mean mm and I've love photography as long as I can remember and it's something I want to get into...I have to start somewhere and point and shoot cameras are not for me....So I think I'll learn real quick what everything means the photography world.....
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WoW can we get back to the post.....Shake hands and be men...Put your problems behind yah and move on.