if i read this right you do tyhe same sort of training as me. I note down my Best lap times and conpare them when i get around to racing the same track again.
And of course being a (geek) I compriced myself a little racing league X amount of rounds Bot skill vaireys depending track and how im feeling normal it on quick but when im feeling up to it it pro. but as always im never in the top 15 lol but its fun and im getting better
from other pics iv seen I thought oh we are going back to the old versions of the F1 cars (1990s ) but from theses pics they look total difffrent to what iv just said and they look cool
sorry for being a tad short with my other post- but to mean it seemed that you thought i was lieing. so that why i said see lfs world.
On another note. in the process of wathing some of the hot laps/ and watching some of the live races vr LFS remote I also download MPR where avaible (but there not many of them about)