All the people who are 1 lap behind the leaders get to pass and rejoin at the back of the pace car. The real leaders need to stay where they are
I hope this helped!
Ok then.
Well I've raced against a Tony Kart today. They were pretty fast.
But ok. Then Jade Kart is indeed a good kart.
But its not the chassis who is fast but the driver. Remember that.
Intrepid. I have seen them and driven a TKM only once. But I have never been directly involved with things like TKM Races.
But lets stop about this and return ontopic!
No im not involved with TKM engines but I havent heard really good things about it. And I agree the new Rotax Engines are crap. Thats why I got a 2008 Model.
''internally crash'' yes i wasnt able to find the word for it.
What I meant was. The piston will jam. Things like. Pumping too much fuel in. Wrong fuel mixture. Etc. Etc.
And those old engines when they jam you can just trow it away because they are almost always unrepairable and a new engine would be much better.
Trust me. I've seen many engines destroyed and had to fix alot of them myself too.
Ohw god..
Not a TKM engine.
Listen. When you pump too much fuel into those engines they will internally crash and you wont be able to repair them.
I would have bought a kart with a Rotax Max engine.
But ok.. Who am I to judge that?
Why should I watch my back?
And I dont speak Danish and still I can speak to Kaw.
Just E-translate and your'e ok.
I'm not triying to be cocky and stuff but the conversation with Vincpr and me isn't actually really interesting to someone else.
Ik rij nog maar een half jaar Rotax. Daarvoor 7 jaar andere klasses met gemengde resultaten.
Podiumpje hier. Overwinningtje daar. Uitgevallen. Ga zo maar door.