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S2 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :Make video!

Me take picturez
S2 licensed
Quote from Rudy van Buren :i did mean his real life karting stuff since he always makes that sound great dont even wanto start about the coments in the dutch karting meeting thread

Yeez Rudy. Just because youre mister GOD ALMIGHTY in LFS doesnt give you the right to criticize other people. You never saw me drive seriusly.
Just doing some random laps.
And btw. Come to Berghem tomorrow. Then you can see me race!
S2 licensed
Well you see people.
Dont trust Leopoldo Ramirez.
He doesnt answer mails for months and sells the wheel when I did might wanna buy either!
Last edited by Vinnylegends, .
S2 licensed
Quote from pololo40 :Hello

Vinny, I am very surprised to read this post and see that it has made public a private email I wrote to vinnylegends, I very much regret the misunderstanding but the wheel has already owner.
If anyone intends to make one, would be happy to assist.



Estóy muy sorprendido al leer este post y ver que se ha hecho público un email privado que he escrito a vinnylegends, Lamento mucho el malentendido pero el volante ya tiene dueño.
Si alguien tiene intención de hacer uno, estaría encantado de ayudarle.


Weird Leopoldram.
I never got an E-mail back from you.
S2 licensed
Quote from Rudy van Buren :alteast i know how to race cant say that about you

And where the hell did you get that from?
You never saw me race!
S2 licensed
Quote from Rudy van Buren :he is just shit verstappen would kick his ass hard, if you say he was just in shity minardi then barichelo is bad aswell since in his good years he was in a fast ferrari

button,barichello,weber,fisico,trulli should just go home imo to old baibai new drivers waiting for there change and there mostly faster anyway

Why dont you race to the nearest grammar class?
S2 licensed
Quote from Gills4life :You seem pretty certain about that!

Yeah, I was really sure about that.
They said that during a live broadcast during a race..
S2 licensed
Like wtf in hell??
I thought they removed them to save some weight.
And I always see them being pushed into the pitbox.
S2 licensed
Quote from mookie427 :The Prodigy's excellent new album Invaders Must Die

I only like the Invaders Must Die song. The rest of it is just too rough.
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Yes. Like all F1, F2, GP2, F3, F3000, F4, FR, FBMW etc etc cars

Uhm no, F1 doesnt have reverse gears.
S2 licensed
Well, Gills is just watching some porn right now :hide:
S2 licensed
Quote from aroX123 :What am i looking at? the bottle or the ass? wow

Actually its a can
Since I'm busy with pulling Monster Energy in as a sponsor I cant get enough of that drink
S2 licensed
Quote from CobraDrifter :

Anyone a box of fake ricer?
S2 licensed
Quote from oscarhardwick :as little or as much as is needed, my dad seems to think

You can never drive enough km's.
More More More is always needed!
So you can learn more and more!
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Quote from oscarhardwick :sorry to have been away, bt internet is a nightmare, couldnt b at whilton as i live in surrey :P, um, i want to take it all very seriously but not worryin bout winning so much as just having a good time.

thanks guys


The first step you must take is driving, Drive those KM's and those Miles until your kart runs out of gas and rubber!
But what is your budgets maximum?
S2 licensed
Its a cool logo!
Also the first Layout is almost done!
S2 licensed
Im working on a layout for the server ATM
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :

Mirrors Edge - 1337.

What does 1337 mean?
S2 licensed
Wtf was there a Subaru Formula car?
S2 licensed
Ey Greg, Did the medical crew revive you or sumthingz?
S2 licensed
Quote from Andrei221 :u can try scratch me though xd

S2 licensed
Quote from DeKo :hardly, FS hasnt been at the head of its field for a long time.

Hmm.. Didnt knew that
S2 licensed
Alot of flightsimmers will be pulling theyre hair out right now.