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S2 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :A world champion isn't a world champion.

He's DD2 Grand Final Winner not Karting World Champion. A deserving DD2 Grand Finals Winner yes! It's not even called a World Championship by Rotax it's called 'MAX Challenge Grand Finals'

Within the FIA CIK framework there is only 1 World Karting Championship! That is just a fact. I am 90% sure if you ask Dennis "what would you rather win - the Karting World Championship, or the DD2 Grand Final?" he would choose the former!

I've seen kids drive 2 strokes with hardly any experience. Yes caution should be taken but a Jr TKM or Jr Rotax is out of this world for a novice to pick up and go. Of course don't jump in and think your senna though

Haha, Actually he would say none. I want to have fun.
S2 licensed
Well, ok not years.
But he must gain alot. I mean alot more experience before buying a kart.
He probably cant handle the power of a 2 stroker. I wasnt even able when I first tried.

( And youre saying so that Dennis Kroes isnt a deserved World Finals World Champion? A World Champion is a World Champion )
S2 licensed
Nah, The money cheating was a kick from Trial.
Then I had another chance. Then I made it into WS.C.
But because I said:
I'm going for a drive at CTRA
Mr. Berni thought I was going to leave WS and go to the CTRA team.
But wtf?!? There is NO CTRA Team...

And why the fudge you guys all love me? I know I'm hot though
S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :Well, myea ... but in that case i think that you had any fights with other admins or something?

Yes because they were selfish and bossy. There are many many people who agree with me.
S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :Well, if youre a beginner there then surely admins dont give a damn when you play tough guy or you make a mistake. Theyr not bad at all actually, ive been playng there for a pretty long time now. Yes, i also once had 1month ban (Thanks Kimberly). But still, theyr very okay for me.

I think I should know how those guys are.
My name was WS.C Vincent for a long time..
S2 licensed
I loved to cruise there too but there are way too selfish admins.
Well... When I ''cruised'' at W.S. there were selfish admins.
S2 licensed
Quote from deiwisxxx :Dint want to make another treat so here is my fast track .

Dude. Every track you make are ''Fast Tracks'' but with every 1 they are getting faster. Maybe the devs should make a Veyron so they can explore the limits of grip on your track...
S2 licensed
Quote from hazaky :Why's that?

No explenation needed.
S2 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :Rent one? Spend £500 on a kart for a day? He could buy a kart cheaper than it costs to rent one.

Its cheaper to buy, try, and then sell Vs renting

I agree he should spend time learning about karting, but you said YEARS. I know the real karting world champion and he didn't spend YEARS learning about karting

Spend months learning before you buy - yes. but years - no

And may I ask who the REAL World Champion is?
There is no REAL world champion.
S2 licensed
W.S. :bananadea
S2 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :get years of experience? You don't need any experience to start karting. You get experience by working on, and driving your own kart. It is good to have a go in something reasonable to see if you like first, but other than that not much more experience is needed.

You learn by doing! You don't learn to figure out how to solve chassis issues if you don't know what they 'feel' like. It's like learning to read without learning to vocalise the words

There are plenty of people at the circuit who are more than willing to help a noob out, and also many web forums to make sure a noob gets all the right advice.

I know hundreds, if not thousands of people that have done it this way. None of them have suffered because of this

Hmm. Yes he can start with 0 experience.
Not recomendable though.
A friend of me is the current Rotax DD2 Master World Champion. He says the same. Its better to first learn the basics of karting and then buying a kart.
I think he should rent 1 first to know how it feels.
S2 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :am gonna sabotage you vinny, I like to throw some banana splits while racing. Oh and dont forget to check your tires before racing

Hehe, I eat bananaz on track every day!
And your toothpickz wont pierce or deflate me tirez!
S2 licensed
Quote from aroX123 :Guys, i would like to have more people in

We all would like that uz leagemakerz
S2 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :How about a complaint because their drink sux? Tastes like piss.

I thought you liked piss???
S2 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :you can ask for free sticker set on their website
It said i had to wait 4-8 weeks till it arrived, but it arrived in a week.

Then mine should arrive soon too!
But its vacation now
S2 licensed
The problem is.
Like reducing oversteer: Countersteer.
Thats not what I meant. I meant mechanikly reducing oversteer.
Again. I say:
First get some years of kart experience and mechanical work.
Then START TO THINK of buying a kart when you got the space, money, time.
S2 licensed
Quote from Sponge :stickers?

Yez, Stickerz.
S2 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :yo i got me free stickers today yay

Me is getting a box of em stickerz this week!
S2 licensed
Quote from keiran :Vinny, I think your looking a little too deep into it. Those are the sort of things you'll learn through asking others, reading about it and expriementing. I was quite lucky in that my Dad had and was racing karts as well but I still had to be able to understand the changes.

Thats the great thing with a kart, it takes so little time to make changes and try them!

Yes it does.
The point I'm triying to make clear here is the fact that he cant know what the lenght of the step he's taking is.
If he has only driven a bit of indoor he should get way-Way-WAY-WAAAY! more experience before even thinking of outdoor racing.
S2 licensed
I will take it easy
S2 licensed
Quote from oscarhardwick :i can do maintanence, and adapt my driving, just the racing i need to learn :P

Uhm. You said you have only done some random indoor driving.
Then you cant have any idea what it is to drive a competition made kart.
But I got some questions for you!!! ( Like a little game of Trivia )

Wich is the best tire pressure to start from with Dry Slick Tires?

How do you stiffen or loosen up the front of the kart chassis?

How do you reduce Oversteer?

How do you reduce Understeer?

How do you fix too much grip?

Well, Thats it.
You just cant have any idea how much work your own kart is.
Even I wasnt able to know after 7 years. Now I do!
S2 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :Still expensive for a drink.

AH had Gofast in discount. You could get a whole tray for 7 euro's.

Come to think of it, Gofast has more quality indeed. Nothing comes near to it.

Ive tried it. Its good. Not as near as good as Monster.
Monster also offer like 1033034329 more drinks...
Project TBO Class Safety Pack
S2 licensed
Hi to all!

I've began on making the TBO tracks safer to drive on.
Mainly improving anti pits and corner cutting.

Here is the result:

Kyoto National

( I assume pictures arent needed. My work is known and I only release it when its good and finished )
Last edited by Vinnylegends, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver :nice idea's
