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S3 licensed
I would assume a wing that has fallen off would stop producing downforce.
S3 licensed
I hate to the party pooper, but Scawen didn't say all those updates are in Z did he? Just that they are what's left before S2 final? Or am I reading him/you wrong?

EDIT: Damn you Android.
S3 licensed
Click on your name in the opening screen and enter your name and password in the appropriate boxes.
S3 licensed
You can do all that in D3D8. Shaders, dynamic lighting, everything. The only problem is that the shader instruction limit in D3D8 (or specifically Shader Model 1.4) prevents how advanced you can make all that stuff. It won't look quite as good as it could because you have to simplify a lot of the math involved.
S3 licensed
Well you modded the damn thing. The original wheel looks just fine. Tough. Now, could we please stop spamming this thread with all this nonsense?
S3 licensed
Install the game in your user directory (Documents or something) and it should work fine. You have write permissions in there.
S3 licensed
Quote from kiss me :i hope it fixes my crash,
after 30 min, lfs allways crashes, once i got a bsod, might be my psu, might be lfs

I'd say that's almost guaranteed to be your computer in some way. There's nothing LFS could do to BSOD your computer, unless it's rubbing a buggy driver the wrong way (unlikely and still not LFS' fault).
S3 licensed
Letting the ball keep rolling slow is always an option. As long as they sell enough licenses to keep themselves with food and beer, they don't "need" to do anything.
Quote from Jakg :FTR Scawen said Multi-threading would take about a month to do.

True, but that was about a split down between renderer and physics and I don't think even that would be enough to remove the CPU bottleneck of LFS.

Say rendering takes about half the CPU time currently (very optimistic, it's probably closer to 2/3 in graphics heavy conditions), that means we would get a doubling in framerate in the best case. From the back of a full grid at full settings that would mean you still wouldn't get a smooth 60FPS on anything but the fastest processors available. LFS just doesn't have a level of detail that should require a CPU load like that, meaning "going multi-threaded" isn't really enough (though it would help a great deal of course).
Last edited by wien, .
S3 licensed
Doom 3 used OpenGL with a few different rendering paths depending on what hardware it was running on. It ran on "D3D8 class hardware", but it wasn't D3D.
S3 licensed
Heh, if only things were that simple. Your plan lacks detail on the "make LFS able to use 2-4 cores" step. Doing that just isn't trivial. Especially when the main CPU bottleneck is talking to the graphics API (which can't really be parallelised).
S3 licensed
Well, some of that work happened in Y22.

LFS basically draws a lot of geometry vertex for vertex and (I assume) takes little care to group objects with similar state (shaders if any, textures, blending etc.) together before drawing. On older CPUs and GPUs that made sense since the GPUs got fed anyway and the CPU overhead of batching like that was too high, but these days the GPUs are orders of magnitude faster while CPUs mostly aren't. The CPUs can't keep the GPUs fed this way any more. The result is a maxed out CPU and a GPU mostly idling.

Changing this is no small feat though since it requires rather drastic changes to the design of the renderer. Switching to using vertex buffers instead of drawing vertex for vertex is simple(ish), and helps free up some CPU load (this happened at least partly in Y22). But the big gains are found in state grouping. Instead of for example drawing cars and their component pieces one after the other, LFS should instead draw (for example) all car bodies, then all wind screens, then all wheels, then all tires etc. This minimises the changes in state the GPU has to do, enabling it to scream through geometry at full tilt.

This can all be done within the D3D8 API though, and could potentially free up a lot of both CPU and GPU horsepower which could then be used on fancy shaders and other goodies.
S3 licensed
Quote from Almadiel :But, there are few effects you can do in Dx9 that you can't do in 8, just with poorer performance.

While true in some cases, once you start doing normal and parallax mapping like you alluded to (perhaps even with some shadow mapping on top) you quickly run headlong into the instruction limits in DX8 shader programs. You could always multipass of course, but I dont' think that's realistic considering the CPU hit LFS already takes from rendering (though that too of course could stand to be improved).

I agree that LFS wouldn't need DX9 to get a marked improvement in graphics quality though. There's a lot of room for improvement within the existing system.
S3 licensed
If you can wait a week or two, you may be able to get an even better deal though as the 48XX series is coming out very soon and prices on older cards are bound to drop.

EDIT: If by "HD exit" you mean an HDMI port, then yeah that works though an adapter. (I have the same card) Supports HDCP as well if you're into restrictive HD video.
Last edited by wien, .
S3 licensed
AGP or PCIe? For PCIe I'd suggest this one: or perhaps a 512MB version if you feel you need it. Excellent value for money.
S3 licensed
Absolutely! If it's under warranty, send it in and don't mess with it. Memory failure is covered if you haven't been overclocking it. I just assumed it wasn't under warranty since the X600 is an older chip.

Oh, and memory can fail even though it's not overheating. Had a 9700 die on me in exactly the same way.
S3 licensed
Since it happens in all games it's either drivers (unlikely given that you get the same across several different drivers), or it's physical. Fried/overheating memory most likely. Could perhaps be worth a try to reseat the heatsink and maybe apply a new layer of thermal paste, but the damage may be done.
S3 licensed
Quote from FL!P :And IMO, for that, the old way it sounded was much better than the new one.

It changed? I haven't noticed anything different, but then I rarely fly around in SHIFT+U.

Either way though, some weirdness when flying around at speed is better than the alternative in my opinion (no Doppler). That would just sound wrong when the camera is standing still and cars are flying past it.
S3 licensed
Quote from FL!P :It's way too much, IMO. Sounds really weird with BF1's!

It sounds weird because you're moving in a completely unnatural way in SHIFT+U mode. You're flying at great speed and with almost infinite acceleration up to and down from speed. That does not mean it's wrong.
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :I'm running 7 servers and only the 3 demo-servers aren't showing or aren't connectable when using patch Y22.

I think someone needs to read the changelog. Demo users now need an account on to be able to play. Hence, old demo servers don't work on Y22.
S3 licensed
I'd suggest trying the latest ATI drivers and cleaning out the card's heatsink. The artefacting is probably due to overheating (or memory failure). Hot summer days tend to take their toll on graphics cards.
S3 licensed
Quote from Start Wars :Do reflection mods not work with this patch?

I've never heard of that specific mod, but any mod altering the way LFS renders is unlikely to work now. Complain to the mod author.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Bwahaha. I love how people completely turn off their brains when vehicles are moving backwards. It's not freaking rocket science.

Last edited by wien, .
S3 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :However, if your GFX card was already the limiting factor, then this patch will make your fps worse.

I don't think it should really be worse. The GPU still has to draw the same amount of triangles with the same materials, the only difference is that the CPU doesn't have to do quite as much work to get it to draw them. ("Draw the triangles in that buffer", instead of "draw a triangle here, draw a triangle here, draw a triangle here... etc.")

It could be those undisclosed graphical improvements having an effect though.
S3 licensed
Quote from Intrepid :I am not saying I appreciate the bias coverage, but from a business point of view if Hamilton is the main attraction, which he undoubtably is in the UK, then naturally ITV will push that.

Are you seriously suggesting that ratings would go down if ITV avoided silly comments like "Senna-esqe"? Hamilton would still be most people's favourite in Britain on account of being a really successful British driver. Toning it down a bit would also prevent pissing off the core fans who know he isn't quite that good. Those are the people who will keep watching when the novelty of Hamilton fades away so it's in ITV's interest to keep them around. (Well, the BBC's interest strictly speaking. Maybe that's what Allen is up to? :tilt