Here's a working example from a site I made a while ago. It's not a rating system, but the gallery there is coded up in the same basic way you described. If JS is turned off or unavailable, each of the thumbnails in the gallery just link to a new page with the selected image. If it's on, the image gets loaded and inserted dynamically into the currently loaded page.
Hence why I asked if this is going to be a regular thing. Because if it is I want to welcome you to my ignore list. I'm so sick and ****ing tired of having to wade through metric shittonnes of pointless spam like this thread in the vain hope of stumbling over a thread of the quality this forum was once known for.
If your car makes that kind of artificial noise when changing gear, something is terribly wrong. It's just *boink* and you're in another gear with correct revs. No sign of the engine struggling or the clutch slipping as the gear engages.
The sound is bleemin 'orrible. No feedback whatsoever and that completely destroys the immersion for me. I really miss the Scazzartiorfghm compared to this thing. Any word on that making a return any time soon or do I just have to get over it?
I can. You need to set the a high number of degrees in the profiler for it to become a problem.
Most likely there is some hardcoded threshold of input axis movement you need to cross before the steer button will detect the movement and assign the axis to itself. With a high number of degrees lock to lock normal steering input is too small to cross this threshold unless you jerk it about violently.
In case anyone cares, it turns out I'm an idiot. A few months back I rearranged the innards of my computer to make room for a new disk. Apparently the PCI-E slot I moved my graphics card to only has 4 of 16 lanes wired, as opposed to 16 on the other two slots. D'oh! I did of course know this at one point, but I never connected the dots when LFS started stuttering. I just reseated the card in one of the 16 lane slots, and performance is back to normal.
I must say I'm really impressed with the how much PCI-E bandwidth improves performance when an application spills out of the on-board video memory. I really had no idea I was running out of video memory before. LFS (and other games like Crysis) ran just fine regardless. Running out of video memory used to mean performance took a nosedive (or everything just failed altogether), but now everything still remains quite playable.
Jaap was talking about a field full og Abarths so I assumed that meant the beta team had access to it. My bad. The point is that I don't see the value this information is providing me with. "Hey, here's some more stuff you can't play with to go along with all the other stuff we promised that you still can't play with." It just comes across as rubbing it in at this point.
At this point I think it'd be better for them to shut up until they're ready to release. We've heard every promise before so it's just empty words. All they're doing with posts like that is remind people that "no, we're not done yet, and when we are you're still not going to get all this cool stuff we've been playing with here in the beta team."
So when you say "everything will look rubbish with opera", what you actually mean is that the fonts on Wikipedia are slightly smaller that what IE6 renders? What you mean by "everything looks like it shouldn't do" I have no idea because the fonts is the only apparent difference I can spot.
You know what, we've had this conversation before and I just don't have the energy for another round. The fact is that if you're going to be pedantic to the level where differing font sizes (something which is influenced by the size settings within the browser itself, change it and Opera will look the same as IE/FF) qualifies as "looking rubbish", nothing other than IE6 will ever make you happy.
Windows has its own anti-aliased font rendering and Safari should be using that like every other Windows application. Apple porting the OSX font rendering and GUI widgets over to Windows makes every application they make look and work like shite on Windows. If Microsoft tried to pull a similar stunt with Office for Mac they'd get hamstrung by irate Mac users. It's quite frankly a pathetic effort.
And the best way to do that is to read the entire thread to make sure your problem hasn't been reported, explained and/or fixed already. That way you avoid clogging up the intertubes with redundant bug-reports.
Yup, that did the trick. When going down to 1680x1050 all is well.
I don't quite understand where all that memory is going though. If we do the math, assuming no compression and that 8x AA requires 8 times the framebuffer (does it?), I get a framebuffer of 1920x1200x32x8 + depth-stencil buffer 1920x1200x32x8 which means 2x70MB = 140MB. Add to that the 60 or so LFS uses for textures, and we're still a healthy bit shy of the 256MB the card has onboard.
At first I thought Aero might be hogging some memory in the background, but turning it off makes no apparent difference. Hmm, memory fragmentation combined with changes in the memory management inside the driver perhaps?
Oh well, guess I'll just have to make do with 4X AA then.
You make an excellent point. I run 1920x1200, so that's certainly a possibility. It it was right on the edge with memory usage before, a small change in the driver could easily break it. Wouldn't that show up in the texture memory counter inside LFS though? Right now it hovers around 50-60 MB IIRC, but that number may not include the framebuffer size?
Anyway, I'll try some lower resolutions later and see if that works.
Yeah, sorry, that wasn't targeted at you. More of a rant on the possibility of the WRC losing even more teams.
I meant to point out that there's no point in the FIA bringing down costs if the teams don't really want it and pull out of the whole thing instead. Unless they've got other teams lined up to take over for the ones that leave it'll still ruin the sport, cheaper or not.
It just seems to me the FIA are running around like headless chickens making decisions to "save the sport" while the teams just have to watch from the sidelines until they get fed up and find something else to spend their money on. I doubt Suzuki (and Subaru?) would pull out if they though WRC was heading in the right direction with these cost cuts.
Isn't the whole "bringing the cost down" thing supposed to be benefiting the teams? Hasn't the FIA been talking to the teams at all to find out what they want?
That sounds very similar, yes. Even a HD2600 should be able to handle 8X AA in LFS (Heck, even my old 7600GT almost did it), so I doubt it's a lack of power in your case.
Weird I haven't experienced it before though. As I said, I haven't been playing much recently, but I can't remember ever having these problems until maybe a few weeks ago.
While overriding is workable, it's still rather annoying to have to do it that way. I'll see about reporting the problem to ATI or something as I doubt this has anything to with LFS. It's hard to enable AA wrong. I'd like to hear from someone with similar hardware to rule out hardware failure though.