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Quote from Dygear :No, PHP is really the only well documented Language out there.

That's pretty close to the most preposterous thing I've ever heard. No other language on the planet is quite that filled with undocumented quirks and implementation specific behaviour. API documentation is easy enough to find (but certainly no better than any other API documentation out there), but dare to venture off the beaten path and you're at the mercy of whatever the Zend engine is doing this week.
S3 licensed
Quote from farcar :Yes, that is a problem. I bet the bit where I said 'I'm a fan concerned at stagnant development' helped you come to this conclusion.

And what makes you think you shouldn't be bored after playing since 2005? Expecting to still have fun in a game after playing it that long is a bit unreasonable, isn't it?

This all seems to resemble a bad breakup where one side is refusing to let go and keeps wanting back to the good times when the love was fiery and intense, and everything was new and exciting. That time has passed. LFS is already screwing around with all your friends and having a jolly good time doing it. It's over. Time to let go.
S3 licensed
Quote from NightShift :When/where was this announced? I'm not questioning it, just curious

I wouldn't call the Blackwood tweaks a "complete overhaul" though.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bladerunner :Read it and weep:

Thanks. A bit wordy for my time right now, but I'll read them when I find a spare moment.
S3 licensed
Quote from tombarlin :thats the anti bnp bbc aswell

Doesn't say anything about it actually happening. Just that some people would like it to happen.

The argument used by one of these people makes sense though. Someone with an Asian background that has grown up in that culture would be better suited than a "brit" in a borough with predominately Asian inhabitants. That "inside information" would definitely be valuable to a police officer. That's not about race at all though, it's about qualifications.
S3 licensed
Quote from andybarsblade :Its the fact that there is already RACIST SELECTION BY EMPOLYERS! but its not seen as racist because its against British people! ARE YOU BLIND?

Wasn't there someone in here whining for proof to back up statements earlier? What was his name again?
S3 licensed
Quote from durbster :Although we've had an absolute classic F1 year in 2008, most of the passing was done because of the weather mixing things up.

A lot of it was also due to the relative stability in the rules over the last few years. This allowed the small teams to catch up to the big ones in terms of development and close the field up with respect to laptimes. That's why I'm not convinced these huge rule changes will necessarily have the desired effect (closer racing).

Time will tell though.

EDIT: I guess I'm not one of the clever fans.
S3 licensed
The top F1 teams should seriously consider a break-out series leaving Bernie and the FIA alone to play with their licenses and trademarks. The whole thing has just become a parody of itself lately. F1 needs to be less business and more motorsport.
S3 licensed
Good thing they've removed all those ugly winglets spoiling the looks of the cars, eh? That there is just plain funny.

EDIT: What's Loeb doing in the Red Bull BTW? Publicity stunt, or is he considering a change of hardware?
Last edited by wien, .
S3 licensed
My WTF of the day: Some men from the local telco came by and asked if we'd mind if they dug up half our garden in search some old telephone cable no-one knew was there but which apparently was broken. They promised to clean up afterwards so I said "sure" and let them get on with it.

Looked out the window a few hours later, and they had dug a 2 meter deep hole in the middle of our neighbour's lawn and driven a belt digger all the way round it tearing up what grass was left after the hole had been dug.

No idea why they came by our house or whether they'd talked to the guys next door at all. They must have found a cable down there though, because our phone went out shortly after they were here.
S3 licensed
Quote from Flotch :beta = finished?

In LFS' case, it just about is. You enter beta when all features are in place and just bug squashing remains. LFS is practically bug-free already so chances are the beta period would be very short.
S3 licensed
Quote from durbster :IE8 should, in theory, conform to international standards but we'll see.

If the betas are anything to go by, it's not looking good. CSS 2.1 is most of the way there but still is a bit quirky in my experience. Most bothersome are the outright bugs where parts of the design will suddenly disappear for no apparent reason. Very similar to the IE6 "peekaboo" bugs, but they're triggered differently. Fun, fun fun.

JS, or more specifically DOM support, is of course nowhere near where it needs to be, XHTML still isn't properly supported, and SVG just isn't there.

To sum up: meh.
Last edited by wien, .
S3 licensed
Quote from sil3ntwar :I see no point in installing other browsers when IE works fine.

Why do you hate me so? Not having IE to worry about would make my job 4 million percent more enjoyable. With IE8 arriving I'll have yet another browser I have tweak my sites to work in. That's special CSS and Javascript I have to write for IE6, IE7 and IE8. All the others seem to manage with the same code. It's just depressing.

And don't even get me started on the technologies IE just doesn't support, full stop. Oh how I yearn for ubiquitous SVG support. And the canvas tag. And the video/audio tags. And CSS3.

S3 licensed
Grr. This is way too annoying. I made it to around 10 meters fairly elegantly. Once. Then completely lost it and fell over backwards the subsequent 3 million tries.

S3 licensed
For 64bit, Vista is the way. It just is. It's a breeze to disable all the pointless (for a gaming rig) services through the services control panel, and then you're basically left with XP with DX10 and Aero, which you can also disable. Don't see the problem to be honest.
S3 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :There's very few people who don't think their race is superior.

Umm, what kind of ****ed up notion is that? You may think that, but don't drag the rest of us down with that one. You couldn't be farther off base.
S3 licensed
Quote from flymike91 :'What change? How will you carry it out? What will it cost America?'

Why don't you, you know, look it up? The "we don't know who he is and what he stands for"-mantra is really getting pathetic. The information is right there if you actually cared. Which you obviously don't as it's easier to parrot the latest Republican talking-points ad nauseum.
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Quote from The Moose :The misinformation was that you needed a degree in computer science to get it running.

There's not even a slight chance he may have been employing hyperbole?
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  • Web developer
Um... that's it really.
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Heh, I don't care about 10-years-from-now-me. I hate that guy. Always ragging on all the cool stuff I find interesting.

It's not that F1 cars are especially aesthetically pleasing now (single seaters generally aren't in my view), but more the engineering of it I like. Function over form at all cost. I find that kind of beautiful in its own way.
S3 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :But the rest of the car is much nicer without the shitty fiddly bits all over the place.

In my view that just makes them look plain. I always liked the fiddly bits. Made the cars look more advanced somehow. More cutting edge. Not that appearance matters much in the end, but still.
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S3 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Pretty much summed up what we all thought about his true reasons for disliking Obama.

It actually kind of scary. I used to think you'd need some kind of totalitarian government for political propaganda to be really effective, but the US have certainly proved that wrong haven't they? Not only do a lot of Americans accept propaganda like that without question; they also brag about accepting it as some kind of badge of honour. They actually think they get the real truth through these videos and their e-mail, and that there is some giant left wing conspiracy going on in the mainstream media to hide the "facts".

It's bloody shocking.
S3 licensed
Quote from major_syphillis :Ohh, and based on this video alone... wondering who you guys would vote for if you lived in America?

S3 licensed
Quote from The Moose :Yes, it's buggy, I'll give you that much. You're completely exaggerating how bad it was though.

If you were one of the unlucky few having trouble (I was) it's not anywhere near an exaggeration. It was that bad. It was completely unplayable on my more than adequate hardware. You don't get to brush that aside as misinformation just because you were lucky.