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Pfh.. real men don't read the article.
S3 licensed
What I don't get is; don't the people at checkin control the conveyor belt sending your luggage into the rest of the system? Did they just flip the switch and wave goodbye when she sat down on it?
S3 licensed
Sigh... Z may be the final version, or there may be a 100 more before S2 final. No-one knows at this point. I'm sure the devs have this all plotted out, but they won't tell us because plans change, as evidenced by the sudden disappearance of half the interiors in patch Z because they had to do the VW.

We get the damn thing when it's good and ready. That's all you need to know. The devs are not going to come in here and say anything more than they've already done. When it's done. That's it.
S3 licensed
Quote from chavm481 :im not gonna stop posting, feel free to ignore me. back on topic... the developers havn't told us how it went yet...

How what went? This was a Volkswagen PR show. The devs had nothing to do with it other than providing the car and the sim. What is it you expect them to tell you?
S3 licensed
Quote from chavm481 :well its not a real life replica so people arnt gong to compare it to a real f1 car cause its not based on one.

Weren't you going to stop posting?
S3 licensed
From a technical standpoint there's absolutely no reason why it can't work like that, and as I said, looking at Tweak that seems to be the case. When you enumerate all the different settings, it's still a lot to get right of course, but if they have real data available that should be easily doable. Tweaking any underlying physics algorithms should not be required unless some flaw is discovered while creating the new car.

This is of course a bit of guesswork on my part, but based on what information is out there, I think it's accurate. Only the devs know for sure.
S3 licensed
Quote from jbirdaspec :Though I know nothing about the hands on development of a engine to replicate a physical environment. I know enough that you just can't plug in real world data into it and generate high complexity objects (like a car) with out lots and lots trail and error.

In the case of LFS I think it's almost that easy. The LFS physics engine is very general, since all cars use the same underlying physics engine. They probably just feed in the mounting points for the suspension, track width, wheel base, power train etc. and off it goes. If you've ever played with Tweak you have seen some of these settings there.

rFactor is different in this respect since many more of the actual physics properties are bundled with the cars themselves (tyre curves and all that wizardry). It also has a lot of bugs that makes it react weirdly if you input realistic data to it. This makes rFactor more customisable of course, but it also means only a select few can manage to create a car that isn't complete rubbish.
S3 licensed
Actually, no. That means you're the best.
S3 licensed
Oh please spare me. I can't take all this panicking. Russia withdrew from some joint military exercises with Nato. Just reading past the frickin' headlines would tell you that much. They are not about to bomb Norway nor the USA, world war III is not about to start just yet, the end is indeed not nigh.

It's a turn in the wrong direction for sure, but for god's sake try to keep some perspective. You're just making it worse by reacting like you do, because sooner or later someone with actual power is going to follow your lead and react with ignorance fuelled panic, and that's when things go sour.
S3 licensed
Quote from Biohazard :what is so special about this particular plane crash?

Why do you feel the need to go there? Feel free to browse one of out other fine threads if this one upsets you.
S3 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Coupled with the plate, does that mean we won't get a right hand drive version??

Why would it possibly mean that? All cars in LFS can be configured as you please, so why should this be different? My guess is Victor took this shot, which explains the difference from earlier ones. Occam's razor.
S3 licensed
Quote from piggy501 :Shame on you... I think you lot are worse than any dopers because you don't trust anyone.

Oh give me a break. Given the track record of most sports, I think it's entirely justified to the sceptical about performances like that. It's certainly nothing you need to get all hurt and judgemental about. It's not like all athletes since Adam have been innocent and squeaky clean angels.

That said, I really doubt anyone would get away with anything these days. They're way too active with testing to let anyone slip through.
S3 licensed
Ignorance. Creating unsubstantiated panic since the beginning of time.

How about some of you try to understand a tiny fraction of the issue at hand before you predict certain doom? If anything is going to destroy this world it's people like you jumping to stupid conclusions without at shred of evidence. "What a ****ed up world" indeed.
S3 licensed
A TV card will introduce massive latency though. Most likely too much latency to leave the PS2 playable. Connecting the PS directly to the screen is probably the best solution. How depends on what screen you have (its input methods).
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Well, because the norwegian language sucks.


The Norwegian language is perfectly fine. The problem is how it's used by most people, especially in written form. People are becoming so completely ingrained with English turns and phrases that their Norwegian often reads as something Google Translate would produce. People are trying to use it as English with Norwegian words, so it's no wonder it sounds strange. It's even starting to bleed into newspapers and other media one would assume had a proper grasp of the language and it's depressing to watch.

Learn to write proper Norwegian instead of whining about how Norwenglish sounds strange.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :I'm sure that Norway don't win a shit..

Umm. Handball? Women's football? Javelin? Sailing? Taekwondo? Racewalking (hah)? Kayak? Shooting? It's not the Winter Olympics, but we still have lots of possibilities.
S3 licensed
****. It looked real bad when it happened, but I was sure he'd just been knocked out. Eurosport just went off to something else without much of a mention by the Norwegian commentator and I couldn't really find any more info online at the time. Just assumed he was fine really.

Horrible stuff.
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :Put it this way, how do you know, just because a free AVG says you are virus free, doesn't make it true

But of course once you part with money, everything is guaranteed to get caught?

Meh, anti-virus software is a scam. In my experience they do much more more harm than the very thing they're supposed to protect you from. In all my 20 years of computing the only malware I've had on my computer was the Blaster worm, and the anti-virus software I was using at the time (bought and paid for even) did jack shit to protect me. It would do a real good job of nagging and making my computer slow as molasses though.

Can't be arsed anymore. Use a proper firewall with a sprinkling of common sense and you'll be fine. You'll never be 100% safe either way you slice it.
S3 licensed
Quote from scoobyrbac :When the wings will break off, will they stay on track or will they disappear?

No one here knows. I doubt even Scawen does at this point in time. Just wait until the next patch is done and see for yourself.
S3 licensed
A hard lockup can't be because of LFS directly. At the very least you should be able to bring up the task manager (CTRL+ALT+DEL) to regain control. Try updating drivers and other relevant software, make sure all fans are running and that heatsinks are dust free. If that doesn't help you may have some damaged hardware on your hands.
S3 licensed
Quote from David33 :This makes no sense.

This may be the language barrier playing a part, but to me "perception" is something mostly based on intuition. What you feel is the case. Like Dubya said in the video STROBE posted; "I believe Saddam Hussein is a threat to the American people". I've yet to see the cold hard evidence he used to form that perception.
S3 licensed
<oldfart type="grumpy">
I don't get recent Hollywood megamovies. I just don't. Is there some acting buried in there somewhere or is the CGI the whole point these days? CGI stopped exciting me after Lucas raped and murdered the Star Wars prequels with it. It seems they're doing entire movies in front of green screens and it's just so painfully obvious. There's nothing for the actors to act off of so you end up with movies completely devoid of human emotion. The actors are just puppets with glazed over eyes.

Now, I used to love a campy high-budget action movie as much as the next guy, but these days I just can't get excited about them. They've lost the charm that made them entertaining through all the effects.

EDIT: Sorry about the negativity. I think it's a delayed reaction from watching the Transformers movie or something. That thing really depressed me.
S3 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :You can't prove what someone else is thinking.

What they're thinking isn't relevant. What they're doing is. I mean, are you seriously advocating thoughtcrime here?
Last edited by wien, . Reason : Added quote
S3 licensed
Quote from wheel4hummer :Either way you are going by what you perceive...

Absolute nonsense. If you perceive them to be a threat, you go look for evidence that your perception is either right or wrong. If there is no evidence (as was the case here) you re-evaluate your perception.
S3 licensed
Well nothing has really changed in the gear box and clutch department, so I think it just a matter of it being easier to adjust to change when you've been away for a while. It's all about mindset really. Some cars have improved suspension and weight distribution though, so that may be part of what you're feeling.

Welcome back. Give it a chance before running off when the next physics change comes around.