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Quote from chavm481 :oh... germans have left side wheels?

Almost the entire damn continent of Europe does. You know, that landmass between Blairland and where the terrorists and communists live.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :as an engineer whos had to work to standards i understand that many standards a written by drunken lemurs and its usually better to build a proprietary solution that actually works rather than trying to work round the hundreds of problems that arise from complying to a standard dreamt up by idiots

If what Microsoft came up with actually was better than what the "drunken lemurs" at the W3C (which includes Microsoft BTW) came up with, I'd agree with you. You'd have to be a special kind of idiot to think that though. There's nothing proprietary about IE the way it stands today. It's just a poor and buggy implementation of the W3C recommendation.

And I'd love to see some of these implementation problems you allude to. You see, everyone else seems to do just fine these days, so I'm genuinely curious as to what these problems are.
Last edited by wien, .
S3 licensed
We had a lengthy discussion about that very feature yesterday. It's not great but also not nearly as intrusive as the original EULA text.
S3 licensed
Quote from Woz :Yep, google trace EVERYTHING you do.

They're in the walls man! The walls...

Or maybe it isn't all doom and gloom after all: ... r-bad-well-change-it.html
S3 licensed
Quote from Alistair :well it saems logical depnding on its power it could be a good opnent for the XFR/UFR but i think it would probaly be to powerfull

throw std::logical_error("Non-sequitur");
S3 licensed
No. The copyright holder determines the licensing agreement. Granted, Google doesn't hold the copyright on all parts of Chrome, but they certainly hold the copyright on the stuff that's specific to Chrome. They're not allowed to change the license of the parts they don't own the copyright of though (Webkit and whatever it is they took from Firefox).
S3 licensed
Quote from Serpentine :

Thank you. That is indeed ridiculous if it means what it looks like it means. (My legalese is a bit rusty) I doubt Google has the means to actually carry through on that clause though. They don't store any information you post to servers that aren't theirs.

Still, ridiculous.
S3 licensed
Quote from Serpentine :The second point could be especially significant - Google can display, for free, any content we display, submit or post!

Where exactly does it say this? I've seen it quoted all over the web, but it's not in the privacy policy and Googling (hah) some of the text only produces links to news sites.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :I think the point is that it really doesn't matter about W3C if over 75% of your target audience use IE because they are your standard users, so IE's foibles become your standards.

But when the de facto standard is in fact the real standard, just half-heartedly implemented and legendarily buggy, a developer's job gets a tad annoying. If Microsoft just broke free and did their own thing while documenting it and conforming properly to their own documentation it would actually be borderline tolerable. Right now though I can't look up how IE will behave when I feed it some presumably valid CSS. It's pure guesswork half the time.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Moose :I, like a lot of people, am hoping that it sounds FAR better on Vinyl.

Yeah, if this is how CDs are going to be mastered in this day and age I may have to go out and buy myself a turntable before I go nuts. I still can't believe any professional sound engineer would sign off on an atrocity like that though. Has to be the rip that's fudged. Has to be.
S3 licensed
Quote from herki :though I guess this is pretty much fixed in IE7.


IE8 is supposed to be standards compliant and Microsoft made a big stink about how they had to "break the web" because of that, but in reality they've tweaked the CSS support to the point where it's almost usable (there's plenty of new fun bugs to work around) and left the rest of the stinkin' heap more or less unchanged. The Javascript/DOM support is still horrendous, SVG is still missing etc.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Erhm, block message(s) ?

Merely hiding the stupidity won't make the stupidity go away.
S3 licensed
Quote from DeadWolfBones :so I figured you might want to give it a go.

Heh. Trust me, he won't like it. It's basically IE7 with even more pointless UI and layers of crap.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Moose :Good god, I didn't know they had it in them any more. This rocks! :headbang:

Srsly? I've found every song I've heard so far to be a complete mess of random riffs and time signature changes without any real concern for the entirety of the song. It seems like they're trying way too hard, and it's just tiresome to listen to.

Could be the rest of the album is better though, so I'll reserve final judgement until I've heard all of it.

EDIT: Having, umm, "obtained" a copy of the album I hope to god this is isn't the actual final mix. It's turned up and compressed to the point that it's actually frickin' clipping half the time. The levels are absolutely pegged at maximum at every frequency. I'm only three songs in and already my head hurts. Ugh...

EDIT2: Allow me to present exhibit A:
Last edited by wien, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :ive never claimed that ms is better than google all ive said is i cant understand why one giant gets all the flak while others get cheered on for doing much the same

The flak is rarely because of their privacy policy in my experience. It's more to do with the quality of their products. Chrome looks like it's going to be a really slick browser, IE8 does not. Therefore Google gets praise and Microsoft get flak. The same goes for most of their other competing software.

Issues like privacy are far beyond the scope of most internet whiners.
S3 licensed
Hmm, so why don't we take a look at the privacy policy of IE7? Specifically the part where it says it redirects any url that doesn't resolve to MSN search. Not the same thing, but pretty damn close. Certainly nothing that makes me think any better of MS than of Google in this case. Furthermore every browser on the market has a search box that behaves exactly like the one in Chrome. Google have just combined the search box and address box.

That's not to say I particularly like this feature, but I don't find in any more draconian than features already available in other browsers, Microsoft Internet Explorer most definitely included.
S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :google and apple silently come up with much more intrusive ideas than bill could ever think of in his lifetime

And Chrome is one of those, or did you just feel like a good whine?
S3 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :The only weird thing with it is, its called google chrome, yet the colour of the bit where the tabs are is blue!

"Chrome" refers to the name often given to window borders/decorations (the window's chrome). The idea being that the browser itself is nothing but chrome around the main UI element; the tabs. Also, if you want your computer to look like Vista; how about, umm, getting Vista?
S3 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Honestly I think it's because most people don't think of Google as being the big scary corporate beast that Microsoft is, yet.

Could be, but I don't quite see how using Chrome exposes me any more than using Firefox, IE or Opera. They all have integrated search, and they all collect your search information to target ads your way.

Like you I trust Google about as far as I can throw them (which, despite my muscular keyboard fingers, isn't very far), but I wouldn't let that stop me from using Chrome if it turns out all right. Gmail and desktop search though...
S3 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :It's almost as bad as Safari

Hmm. Seems the same as Firefox and IE here. Does it enable ClearType even though it's turned off or something? IE7 also does that IIRC.
S3 licensed
Quote from Victor :meh so another browser to test websites with - hurray

While I share the sentiment, it's based on Webkit so if Safari works Chrome will as well. Those of my sites I've tested have turned out just fine. YMMV.

EDIT: Lfsworld seems extremely smooth in Chrome though. That's actually the first time in a good long while a browser has impressed me. Even the huge windows with enormous tables resize and redraw like it was nothing. Firefox gets quite chugguy when I try the same there.
Quote from Shotglass :funny how people rejoice everytime google comes up with something new but cry rape when microsoft does

Maybe, just maybe, the company is irrelevant, and people recongnize a good product when they see it. If IE8 (urgh) had the speed and UI cleanliness Chrome looks to have I'd probably give that serious consideration as well. It doesn't.

Give people some ****ing credit.
Last edited by wien, .
S3 licensed
The day I have to listen to spotty teenagers pwning n00bs while playing LFS is the day I stop racing. The chat feature is depressing enough as is.
S3 licensed
Quote from jayhawk :Looks fine to me. Word of mouth, when accurate, is a good form of advertising.

Until it gets too noisy, in which case it's extremely annoying and may very well put me off a product.
S3 licensed
Quote from wark :But seriously, people tend to forget that pee is sterile.

While true, it's also an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, so once it's outside your body it won't stay sterile for long. Especially not if you rub it all over your bacteria-covered hands.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bladerunner :The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't. Douglas Adams

Man that guy could turn a phrase:
  • "All it takes to fly is to hurl yourself at the ground... and miss." - Douglas Adams
  • "In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move." - Douglas Adams
And some other good'uns from my archives:
  • "With soap, baptism is a good thing." - Robert Ingersoll
  • "The pen is mightier than the sword, and considerably easier to write with." - Marty Feldman
  • "The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' but 'That's funny...'" - Isaac Asimov
  • "Always be wary of the Software Engineer who carries a screwdriver." - Robert Paul
Last edited by wien, . Reason : Added more quotes