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What it boils down to is that life in the "civilised world" is now so mind-numbingly boring that people have to find other ways of getting the rushes they'd normally get by nature being its ruthless self. So instead of running from hyenas and hunting buffalo we now throw ourself off bridges and play with explosives instead. Progress.
S3 licensed
The subsequent adrenaline rush? Not the way I'd personally would choose to achieve it, but to each his own.
S3 licensed
Quote from wsinda :Aren't you worried that the magic might miss, so the sledgehammer ends up in someone else's skull?

I guess we'll have to accept the additional evolutionary bias against people attracted to loud bangs. Over a couple of thousand years I think we'll eventually end up with a population with a healthy fear of sledgehammer-mounted explosives, and it will all have been worth it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Furiously-Fast :I don't like having stuff delayed with my cash.

It's not your cash. It's the devs' cash and you parted with it quite willingly in exchange for a piece of alpha software, which is exactly what you have. Bet you feel stupid now, huh?
S3 licensed
Quote from Furiously-Fast :I'm gonna start to feel ticked off. :arge:

What the hell for? Getting pissed because a free patch gets delayed is the behaviour of a spoiled little child. Have fun with what you've got and quit your damn whining.
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :Are you people seriously wanting to copy this ridiculous and dangerous nonsense or are you just saying that to be "cool"?

Shhh, let Darwin do his magic.
S3 licensed
Quote from Migz :Although the programme which I was using before wasn't uninstalled until now. Could it have been messing around with the speeds?

If you're not using it, probably not, but who knows with these things.

But if mounting the drive as a normal share still doesn't help, I'm not sure what to suggest. The drive could be fragmented all to hell I suppose, but even then you should get better speeds than that. Maybe some anti-virus program is butting in while copying? You could try disabling anything like that temporarily to see if it makes a difference. (Not sure if defender qualifies)

Do you have a lot of traffic other on your network? Other family members downloading pr0n while you're not looking?
S3 licensed
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :The EU is trying to do the same thing as the USA, unite all sates into one country, if it happens we'll be the biggest most powerful country in the world.

And that's a good thing is it? A much better idea would be to have the US split into individual states like Europe as least used to be. If that were to happen I'm sure they'd quickly stop trying to be world police and start squabbling among themselves instead. If you could do the same to China, Russia and India while you're at it, I'm sure the world would be a better place.

Big government leads to the dark side.
S3 licensed
It's probably a 100Mb ethernet switch round the back, so you should be seeing around 8MB/s of effective bandwidth with your computer plugged into it. Why you're not achieving that is hard to say. The drive shows up as a normal network share in Windows? Or is there some proprietary shite of a program you have to use to access it?
S3 licensed
Quote from GrIp DrIvEr :How about:

Same answer but I'd buy a small apartment as well. And I'd still probably beat you at the lights.
S3 licensed
Quote from Migz :I just know their ethernet cables :/ hmmm

Then, if they're bought within the last decade, they're cat-5 cables.
S3 licensed
Quote from MAGGOT :(Do any harddrives even have ethernet connections?)

They're usually called NAS (Network Attached Storage), but yeah they're basically harddrives with an ethernet plug. Or wireless as in this case. They're fairly common these days.
S3 licensed
I'd be shocked out of my skull if what you're currently using isn't cat-5 cable. Bangerboy up there obviously doesn't know what he's talking about.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Actually I canot find that

Then I assume you need to get yourself a proper browser. Firefox has one built right in, and so does Opera if I'm not mistaken.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :god damnit I canot spell words today

They have this awesome new technology these days called a spell checker.
S3 licensed
Quote from Syfoon :It's a constant battle against the mad fanatic Apple fanbois on my usual forum, forever spamming threads with "Buy a Mac".

Personally I find the pre-emptive "Apple fanbois buy anything shiny" whines at least 134% more annoying. You bloody lot are everywhere.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :I would at all times strongely advice wired cables.

That's all fine and dandy if you're sitting in one place, but I'm usually not. Why would I use anything but wireless for a portable internet surfer? Latency and bandwidth is completely irrelevant for such a machine as long as it's good enough, which it is.
S3 licensed
I'd take whichever is the most expensive one, sell it, buy a Caterham and spend the rest on gold bars and myrrh.
S3 licensed
Quote from Migz : its going at just over 2mb/s which is appalling.

Assuming you mean 2 megaBYTE per second, that's about what you can expect in practice on a 802.11g adapter. You can forget about achieving the theoretical throughput, that's for sure. If you need more, wired is the way to go.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Moose :I've seen someone else mention that, but I've never experienced it myself.

Happens to me all the time. One of the reasons I can't be bothered playing to be honest. Just feels totally wrong and disconnected when it happens. A slow drift into a spin without any warning that it's about to do it.
Quote from The Moose :At least we know the complete rewrite of the netcode and collision detection is taking place, so that should be solved in the not to distant future. (no smartass comments required thanks. )

Because as we all know, complete rewrites always result in high quality bug-free code. (You're welcome )
S3 licensed
Quote from Michael Denham :I wonder if he ever got his sledgehammer back.

I'm sure the emergency people will contact him once they remove it from the head of the guy it landed on.
S3 licensed
Quote from kiss me :they make you lose races etc..

No. Crashing in the first place makes you lose races. In a normal race the barriers are a non-issue.

Furthermore you seem to be assuming that any "bug" can be fixed with the same amount of work put into it. That's wrong. Seriously wrong. Collision detection is hard and takes a lot of time to get right. That's why the smaller things that can be fixed easily get priority over it.
S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :No offense, Lerts, but why not find something scientifical that the majority of the forum can understand, rather than the minority?

Lerts' lunacy aside, if you don't have the required brainpower to contribute in any meaningful way, that usually means it's time to shut up and move along to before you hurt yourself. Your input is neither wanted nor required.
S3 licensed
You didn't notice the additional shadow underneath the car? That's the ambient shadow he's talking about. The shadows are also very slightly sharper, which is ironically why the aliasing is a tiny bit more noticeable now.

The point is that this is not a bug. A bug is an unintended error in the behaviour of a program. (like the previous shadow errors on Crossfire cards) This "problem" is very much intended as evidenced by the comment you quoted and the fact that it's been like that forever, thus not a bug.

Add to that the fact that it's an unbelievably minor detail, and you get my comment above. But by all means, keep on posting screenshots.
S3 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b and a million others :Anyone else having horrible looking shadows?

Sigh... Like xaotik said this is nothing new, it's been like that forever, and furthermore it's not a bug.

This is just how real time graphics work. Finding a balance between quality and the FPS you would most likely be crying about if you didn't get is everything. What you're seeing there is a variant of one of the most popular shadowing techniques these days doing its thing; shadow mapping. Shadow mapping will give aliasing artefacts like that unless you use obscene resolutions for your shadow maps and/or shaders that could make a Cray cry. Because of that you'll see a similar "problem" in just about every game on the market today. The hardware targeted by LFS can't do better at a reasonable number of FPS.

Not a bug.