I am 99.9% sure that Rockingham will not be released by the final GTAL round. We have been told it is still a LONG time away, and the fact that people are already buzzing (like buzzy bees) about it worrys me. If i'm wrong, and it is released, we will consider it while I eat my lucky cowboy hat, but it WON'T be out.
Tonight brings the first round of the IFCL Championship, and a first chance for the UF1 drivers to show their class in front of the viewing public. And what better way to bring in the new season than joining Chris Wilkinson and someone (I'm working on it :razz to bring in the new series with a bang!
The racing tonight comes from the tight and twisty Fern Bay Club circuit, and with the UF1s being so equal in pace, great racing is certain.
Hope to see you all watching some mid week racing!
WooT Motorsport is back for one race only, the annual 16h race. However, we need YOUR help!
WooT Motorsport are in need of a FZR skin for the event. We have an old skin from the DoP Tour that we would like converting to the FZR. Please PM me for more details.
Thanks ever so much
NOTE: I'm getting desperate, as Ellis can't be arsed to do it himself! :banghead:
I drive in Junior TKM and having to add lead weight is DEFINETLY an advantage IMO. I'm about 2kg overweight without any ballast at all, but the people having to add lead seem to run rings around us. We have a 3 tier restriction system, and so it may be cock ups in the restriction amount, but IMO, it's quite probably the weight.