Yup well that's about 10 minutes worth of snow, it's stopped now, thank fook.... hope it won't snow again, or if it does, snow a lot so i won't have to go into college tomorrow (would be a dream as it's the last day before half term lol)
lol ye punch was a laugh My favourite moment on one of our ATC sessions was James (EZY1339) circling me round heathrow to let everyone else land before me, quite annoyed I was
I've been signed up to VATSIM and IVAO for a few years, and have only been on it once for a flight.
Most of the ATC controllers are more than happy to help you out if you're in a pickle, just don't ask obvious questions. It is quite daunting to a novice flyer (in terms of ATC use) but it is rewarding (personally and in real life).
Informal ATC sessions are way more fun though , Wspilots flying from KSEA to KMIA with 7-8 pilots is awesome
Well to be honest with you, I've only had the camera a couple of days and I haven't really figured out all of it's settings. Without any objects foreground, the camera can focus really well on full zoom and get a crisp image, it's just the fence was a real pain and the AF kept flashing up when it was focusing.
Could someone please explain why there is an AF warning on the screen sometimes?