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S3 licensed
first we need much better aero Phsysics, and then... this is totaly nonsence (my opinion sry) because we dont design the Cars. We only play with the Wings. But a ingame setup guide would be nice. (sometime ...when its done)
S3 licensed
I do the same with 3-5 monitors and 3 pc for years and it works very very good (i-net too, very smooth without any big lags). Now i use 2 pc & 2 beamer. Its like living on Virtuality, especially when the horizontline tilts or you are in on 2 wheels.
S3 licensed
Little drifting is funny in real cars, i think everybody is doing this shit when they get her driving license new. Why not to have some fun with learning the Physics better in LFS by drifting.
Its is not a must "have" but a must "try" when you doesent do it before.

Especially when you have no driving License or no ability to feel the forces as co-driver (in real cars).

Much friends of mine has learn better the weight of the simulated cars during they drifting.

Drifting is the first step into a racing Sim, when you have no experience with real cars. Its "more" fun in very short time. The other has alot experience and are bored of drift and want (like me) a battle of experince. But these are no reasons to blame the "beginners of experince "
(most are, but some guys are Magic & we all know this its true)
S3 licensed
Quote from Hotdogxx60 :I tried rFactor about a year ago, the biggest thing that put me off was trying to get my G force pro setup. Even with realfeel I couldn't get the same steering feel as in LFS.

As for everything else no complaints, plenty of variety, but the steering needed to be plug and play who wants to stuff around tweaking configs.

Yes its true its very tricky to get good results ! But its a funny Sim with real feel BETWEEN the real big patches of LFS. Its different as LFS thats true too, but its Playable as Sim and makes alot of fun. (singleplayer or lan with 32 ai :nod
S3 licensed
When you dont waste your time of crying about

new Cars
new Tracks
new Physics
new Patches

when you are BELIEVE that we are the greatest Community on Earth about a Racing simulation are and they still are stand Closed ranks behind "our" devs.

/sorry for bad english
S3 licensed
Yeah, come back when we are UP again, then you all can say LFS is still the best, i know it everytime bla bla blub ..... .

LFS need Time to be good but it doesent change your LIFE, so for what you are waiting for every day ? Its only a SIM.

Let the devs work some Years on it, and yes maybe they make a year holiday, why not. This is LIFE.

My opinion.
S3 licensed
Thats the reasons why i dont drive online anymore!

Lfs (and every other sim too) works only with friends or lan good where everybody use the same device.
S3 licensed
or we can vote, which is playable offline and which online. Risk, Risk, Risk.
S3 licensed
Wow, and i think i am too old, to play every day with 36.
S3 licensed
@Flame CZE thx for tip about the Force feedback

2. but no its not possible to save the startup grid with Setup for each car.
When you load it again it takes only default setup or Player setup.

3. I Know i can Play Singleplayer Replays but i will race the MPR again.
-Real time race- let you race in real time with real drivers on real Tracks.
They use Gps signal from Realcar and imported to your virtual Track on PC.
It must be possible to make the same think with Mutiplayer Replays or Realtime Races.
(or we made the same stuff, with Rockingham and the less Realcars we have)
S3 licensed
Yes its very Risk. I Agree with you, but its the same risk as less Content over Years, i hope there a lot more new Stuff in S3 as Scawen said to us.

Rfaktor2 came out in Q2, Real time Race came out in some mounth.
And Iracing is also very strong with contents.

We need a little more for S3 as only 1 Track more & 1 Car more and newer Physics. Thats to less for playing LFS next 1-2 Years with waiting for next patches.
S3 licensed
1. Saveable Forcefeedback setting for each Car
2. Saveable Starupgrid (AI) with own setup for every car
3. Possibility to DRIVE the replays of Races we make.
( ) (maybee in ghostcar or other method)
4. Only Wheel Server/ Only Mouse Server/ Only Keyboard Server / Only Wheel & Clutch & H Shifter servers forced.
5. More AI in Lan modus
6. Curved Midle mirror
7. Safety Car (playable)
8. Spectator can WALK around the Tribunes and Pits (maybe invisible)
9. More Racelines for AI (they drive all the same Style)
10. next patch and the next 10 wish .
S3 licensed
Yes Nordschleife would be great but the rfaktor moding TEAM work 3 1/2 years on Nordschleife 2.2 and there are it still working on these. How long will Eric work on these alone???

These are only dreams!

The only way is, to open the doors for modders.
S3 licensed
I believe it would be the best if LFS is still open for mods.

Rfactor have every week some new Tracks, off course not every is good, but there a a lot of talented modders, they can make every Track we wanted here.

I dont wanna see any single track with variations i want to play alot of tracks with variations. This is only makeble by the community, not by a single man.
(sorry Eric, we love your trackdesign but its to less for playing the whole time)

We need support and permission of the devs to make GOOD MODS.
We are waiting for Rockingham since 5 mounth, (maybe we wait another 5 mounth) ok its possibly to have much variation on these Track, but after 3 mounth driving its still boring too. I bet.

Maybee the communtity can vote wich mods will permit to play online and wich not, to prevent a split of comunnity.
S3 licensed
Absolutely nothing!

for what the hell i should pay for play ?
For a rich people community ? No thanks, Lfs die for me, when this come true.

a proposal:They want to earn more money ? Why stop LFS on S3 ?
Let the project continue....
S3 licensed
I Dont want wait 2 Years for a simple facelift.

I love the look of the ´80 cars, i dont like the rounded newer Models,
they have less charm.
S3 licensed
@OmniMoAK thx for Info about the Fanatec
My Bro want to buy this wheel.
Must try it out, can you tell my which games are support these Effect?
S3 licensed
Thx man, another Idea is dying before it was born.
I try to handle it over Basshaker again maybe i can use a amplifier to seperate the signals. Maybe
S3 licensed
I try it out, @jules but i think its feel to hard and the forces are to sharp.
I try to handle with damper but i dont found a setting wich works for me so good like the orginal ff.
Sensitive Brake possible?
S3 licensed
First sorry for my Bad English

I have 2 question and a Improvement Idea.

The first question is, is it possible to connect 2 Force Feedback devices
(or rumble force ) on LFS (off course both working ingame)?
(a Mod or Tweak or something else)

And now the second question: Is it possible to take Data from Insim about jammed or blocked tire?

If this is possible, my idea is to connect a second Joypad (only rumblemotor) with rumble Force under the Brakepedal and give them the Insimdata to let them light vibrate if the tire are come closer to be blocked.

I try the princible out with a basshaker and ownmade "Brakesounds" and it works very good but the problem is, the Basshaker take every sound from ingame to make it vibrate, not only Brakesounds.

i hope you understand my "English".
S3 licensed
People go Working ! People has family ! People has a lot of to in the Week.

A Weekend Endurance Cup over 7 weeksends is Possible.
Otherwise only Schoolkids and nonworker has 1 Week sustained time for LFS.
S3 licensed
Big Chance to found these Turkish driver here

and yes we speak English (sometimes ).

Write the same stuff there (enough people there speak English /better as me) i am sure you find them quick. We are very less Turkish people who play LFS.
Last edited by Xenix74, .
S3 licensed
Jules I test every mod you make !
I still love your Ideas like dual screen mod for about 1 1/2 year. The idea was so good that is in Z28 now implendet.


I Must drive some Hour now.
S3 licensed
We had the same Cheaters sometimes our Lan Servers.
We let this people (kids) play alone everytime. We go to the Pit and let him drive alone.

belive me this crap guys are so borred after MAXIMUM of 2 minutes they leave the server.

Dont speak to him, dont chat, dont play. Ignore them, then this kids realize they burn her own time away to hack games and pissed off.
S3 licensed
Global ban ?

You must be the Devil on Road man!

Try another Game plz plz plz.
Try Flatout we know you will love it more then LFS.
And then play and stay there if this is your Way you play Sims.

Global ban !
never heart of this.....until you tststststst .

Sorry for bad english.