Wise words.
Sometimes I think the battle for this planet is lost anyway, so let's at least save this galaxy. By dead consume our self. /Sarcasm off
As long as parents "whip" their children to surpass them, as long as we turn in a circle. The children should have better grades, have better jobs, and have more money. And what do you do with more money? More consuming, of course. The whole thing is in my opinion more of a causal evolutionary problem.
All parents want their children to feel better than themselves. Even animals want that. This is a function of evolution itself.
But If 8 billion predators believe they can own everything and have been chosen by God to conquer this universe ... then .... then .... then = 42
Planet of apes....nothing else.
Just as a single human is born and dies. In the same way, it may well be whole species in this universe. It may sound sick, but maybe we are doing everything right right now to make room for others.
Its sad but we had our chance.