Great job! It amazes me how professional and clean the footage is, you can definately tell that there has been a lot of work put into it. Some great racing too, right down to the last turn!
Here's how my process usually goes (You'll have to know what effect each setting will have on your car to do it properly..):
- Do consistant, steady laps to figure out how 'even' your tires are running (use F9 to see tire temps/wear), then adjust camber/tire pressure as necessary.
- Once each tire has even temperature and wear, I'll start adjusting the spring rates/anti-roll bar settings to loosen or tighten the car as needed.
- Once it handles how I like, I'll start concentrating on adjusting gear ratios. You'll want to do plenty of laps before messing with these to get a good feel of whether you're actually using each (and every) gear efficiently.
- By then I'm usually running pretty quick and competitive, so I'll just begin tweaking other settings to see if I can find something I like.
What I'd really love to see is the ability to let end-users (us) build and use custom tracks. The only problem I could see with that is copywrite/trademark issues as people build tracks that need licencing.
I did. That being said, I'm fully aware that everyone has their own respective opinions, I'm just not bashful about letting mine be known. I paid x amount of cash just like everyone else!
Anyways, on the topic at hand.. wouldn't South City be Monacoesque? Crazy elevation changes, bumps, no room for error, etc.
I'd rather the devs concentrate on other things than waste time making more tracks/cars. Dynamic weather, day/night cycling (both would be an amazing addition to endurance racing), proper damage modeling and finally fixing the damn moon-launching signage would be much higher on the priority list..
I use a 21" ViewSonic CRT monitor. The size and weight don't bother me at all, considering I'm not exactly moving my PC around all that much. It's as crisp, clear and responsive as any LCD/Plasma monitor I've used, and it's a fraction of the price.
To be honest, I think having a 'rally car' (read: WRC type car) would be complete overkill. Most of the stages I use are fairly short (unless I feel evil and decide to use Aston GP or something). For the first few events I had the FXR available, but nobody wanted to use it.
I'll begin using GMT/UTC from now on, I realize how confusing the time zone thing was. I'll also have a feature on my website (after a redesign) that'll be able to show the current GMT/UTC time.
I've been trying to do that by starting most of my events at 17:00 UTC. I may be able to start a few hours earlier, but that'll require me waking up earlier!
I asked in the one thread about a subforum to no avail, and I've began sending out invitations to teams this week.
It's not a 'league' per-se, atleast not yet. I'm simply trying to get some solid events organized before I concentrate on starting a league.
Interesting. When you say 'rally', do you mean rallycross or stage rallying? What I'm trying to get off the ground is much different than your typical rallycross.
A simple question. I've been trying to promote stage rallying on Live for Speed for about two months now, and at first there seemed to be a real interest for it. Now, as I see my entry lists getting shorter and shorter, I can't help but wonder where all of that momentum went!
Is there a general concensus for why most people seem disinterested in such events? I'm hoping it's just obscurity, and that proper promotion can help alleviate the problem. If it's not however, I have a bigger problem.
So, who has/hasn't heard of SimRS/LFS stage rallying?
If you have, what do you like/dislike about it?
If you haven't, does this sound like something you'd be interested in?
This is costing me real time, real money and real stress sometimes.. but I'm simply trying to add something new and different to the Live for Speed community. I appologise if I sound desperate, but I am in a way. I posted this here in the hopes to catch the opinions/thoughts of people who don't oft frequent the Leagues/Events forum.
Please, feel free to post any constructive critisism or questions, I'd much appreciate them!
Well, the holiday rush is finally behind me and I can get back to business!
SimRS would like to announce the following:
Club Rallies (All times are GMT -5 ... be sure to convert to your local time zone!)
January 13th - 12:00pm - Open Entry
January 14th - 06:00pm - Open Entry
January 20th - 06:00pm - Open Entry
January 21st - 12:00pm - Open Entry
February 10th - 12:00pm - Open Entry
February 11th - 06:00pm - Open Entry
February 24th - 06:00pm - Open Entry
February 25th - 12:00pm - Open Entry
Any change in the above schedule will be noted in this thread, or in a subsequent announcement thread.
Although not required, I recommend that if you're interested in taking part in any of these events you should submit a proper entry! Doing so will guarantee you a seat in the event.
I also recommend that everyone read the SimRS Rulebook prior to taking part in one of our events!
I suggest people take this opportunity to get as much experience as they can... as I may *hint hint* be working on organizing a championship for this spring!
All events will take place on the official SimRS server: [SimRS] Rally Sport
Thanks for reading, if you have any questions don't hesitate to contact me here on the forums, or via email!
I love GPL. I've been playing it since it first came out years ago (albiet not much since I bought my S2 licence). It's definately better than LFS in some reguards... I mean who doesn't love tearing around some of Europes most notorious tracks in a sickeningly hard-to-control rail? It's more 'raw' than LFS for sure. On the other hand, the variety and multiplayer community LFS has definately gets a big thumbs-up. In short, it really depends what mood you're in...
I gave them a spin a few days ago, and I'm still unsure whether I'll use them or not. I appreciate the effort, but they're a bit cryptic in design at some spots... and until the devs fix the moon-launching barriers I have to be mindful of such things.