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S2 licensed
Quote from Litro :Is this joke ?? Pitstop can't be longer than 50+ seconds. But your "refuel" is just started after 153 seconds ??

No the pitstop was just about 153 sec long when I took the screenshot.
But there was no sign of an end .
S2 licensed
This is the bugs section, not the post comment even if you don't got a clue section.

I play this game for quite some time ... and I know when I set the amount of fuel to add to zero percent.
If afterwards at the pitstop there is a refuel message and the pitstop has no finished message I consider it a bug.

You should really keep your thoughts for yourself as long as they don't add anything valueable, otherwise it is nothing but spam.
Refueling @Pitstop w/ no fuel to add [hopefully fixed in Z33]
S2 licensed
I went to pits on cruise server to fix some damage.
When repairing was finished, lfs said it is refueling,
but there was no fuel to add selected.

Edit: I could provide a replay, if it would help in any way.
Last edited by yankman, .
S2 licensed
Did he probably created this world in 6 days ?
S2 licensed
Ever thought that about the facts what you would need to run LFS on PS2 ?

So first you would need a x86 emulator cause LFS binaries are compiled to run on x86 processors (and don't forget it must be pretty quick).
Next you would need a win32 enviroment cause LFS is made for win32, uses win32 windowhandles, messaging system and of course win32 libraries.
All that is a bit much for a 300 mhz processor and 32 mb ram .

On top of that it runs from CD ... and loads that fast
But of course, if you know him you would believe it.:doh:

In case you're still believe him ... the video is not even showing a PSX.
S2 licensed
Quote from bishtop :8 processors on one chip,still good its not like hyperthreading on intel chips,,plus the proccessors are for dedicated gaming and not so much as an os

You can't be more wrong with that.
There is a Linux for PS3 and works very well. Also the computing performance relative to power consumption is very good.
There is even a Supercomputer build from PS3. Have a look here: ... puter-of-Epic-Proportions.
S2 licensed
Well my car already has 4 wheels same as F1, next I am going to buy pirelli tires .
S2 licensed
Quote from deggis :
Likely those same viewers that vowed to never watch F1 again after every wrong rule change, scandal and political war.

Can't agree more.

I just remember the discussion about the new points system, which somehow has proven good.
Less fuel consumption as well as usage of kers is something that can be later adapted for series production.
F1 will never be eco green sports or whatever but it may be become an innovator for new technologies again.
S2 licensed
How about ... Alonsos car got a technical failure.
Vettel and Webber will fight a furious battle for the WDC with nothing to loose on each side.
S2 licensed
In german tv Dr. Marko said there will be no team order as it is against the spirit of sport.
Both drivers are just instructed not to kill themselves like they did in istanbul.
This will not change for Abu Dhabi.

Anything else is up to them.

On the other hand if they are in the same positions as in Interlagos towards race end, I expect Vettel to let Webber pass.
At the point where Vettel has no chance to win this years title, I think he will help Webber.
Somehow I hope for such a scenario, so Vettel might get some reputation back, he has lost over the season.
S2 licensed
Well the only difference is, that I don't try every possible controller just the controller with id 0 (the wheel in my case).

essential app code

void Activate()
if(g_pWheelHandler == NULL)
g_pWheelHandler = new bw::WheelHandler();
SetTimer(hWindow, 1, 5000, NULL);
hDebugWindow = CreateWindow(L"EDIT",ClassDebug,WS_DLGFRAME|ES_MULTILINE,CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT,300,300,hWindow,NULL,hInst, NULL);

catch(std::exception& ex)
MessageBox(hWindow, CA2CT(ex.what()), L"ERROR", MB_ICONSTOP);


switch (uMsg)
/* .... */
case WM_TIMER :
if(rangeIdx == sizeof(ranges) / sizeof(ranges[0]))
rangeIdx = 0;
try {
catch(std::exception &ex)
MessageBox(hWindow, CA2CT(ex.what()), L"ERROR", MB_ICONSTOP);
default: return DefWindowProc(hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam);
return 0;

Again the vital part of wheel handler

: m_pControllerInput(NULL),m_pWheel(NULL)
, m_iOldRange(0)

// get handle of LFS window
HWND WheelHandler::GetLFSWindow(void)
HWND hwnd = FindWindow(L"LFS", NULL);
if(hwnd == NULL)
throw std::exception("LFS window not found");
return hwnd;

// initialise wheel member
void WheelHandler::InitWheel(void)
HWND hLFSWindow = this->GetLFSWindow();
this->m_pControllerInput = new LogitechControllerInput::ControllerInput(hLFSWindow, TRUE);
this->m_pWheel = new LogitechSteeringWheel::Wheel(this->m_pControllerInput);

// initialise class
void WheelHandler::Init(void)
this->m_iOldRange = this->GetRange();

// set the wheel range
void WheelHandler::SetRange(int _range)
if(_range < 40 || _range > 900)
throw std::exception("Argument out of Range");
LogitechSteeringWheel::ControllerPropertiesData propertiesData_;
ZeroMemory(&propertiesData_, sizeof(propertiesData_));
if (!this->m_pWheel->IsConnected(0))
throw std::exception("No wheel connected");
if(!this->m_pWheel->GetCurrentControllerProperties(0, propertiesData_))
// default properties
propertiesData_.wheelRange = _range;

HRESULT hRes = this->m_pWheel->PlayLeds(0, 2000.0, 1000.0, 2000.0);
case 0x80070005:
case 0x80004001:
//MessageBox(NULL, NULL, L"Something else has happened", NULL);
Debug(L"Something else has happened");

S2 licensed
To bad I can't help with this as I don't own a G27 and I won't buy one as long as the G25 works *knockonwood*.
S2 licensed
I called PlayLeds via SetTimer every 5 seconds and put LFS in foreground.
The hres is E_NOTIMPL (guess I own a G25) but no E_ACCESSDENIED.

Are you 100% sure you supply the LFS window handle when creating the ControllerInput class ?
S2 licensed
I don't know if the leds are special thing,
but I have an application running in the background, that sets the wheel range via Wheel::SetPreferredControllerProperties, while I play LFS and it works.
S2 licensed
Well, all the functions the SDK provides, are realized through Logitech profiler.
I guess profiler itself uses the window handle to distinguish between games/application cause it is used to init the profiler classes.

So what need to be done is, get the window handle of LFS and init the controller classes using the Lfs window handle.

I made application myself but for the reason to set the steering range in game.
Here is a part of the code the class that handles the communication with the wheel.
I hope it helps.

// get handle of LFS window
HWND WheelHandler::GetLFSWindow(void)
HWND hwnd = FindWindow(L"LFS", NULL);
if(hwnd == NULL)
throw std::exception("LFS window not found");
return hwnd;

// initialise wheel member
void WheelHandler::InitWheel(void)
HWND hLFSWindow = this->GetLFSWindow();
this->m_pControllerInput = new LogitechControllerInput::ControllerInput(hLFSWindow, TRUE);
this->m_pWheel = new LogitechSteeringWheel::Wheel(this->m_pControllerInput);

Last edited by yankman, .
S2 licensed
Congratz Spain.
Not much to add here, you simply were the better team.

Anyway Germany played a good tournament, some nice matches to watch.
Hopefully Jogi will stay with the team, his is the best coach the germans had so far.

Lets hope for a good final, I don't even know who to support.
I think spain ist the better team, but you never know .

PS: Timo1992 it was about time to learn your lesson. Treat other (teams) with more respect and you will get the same.
Last edited by yankman, .
S2 licensed
Quote from DevilDare :Holy shit. That was an absolute killer. Best goal this world cup hands down.

Well good shot but by far not the best of the wc.
My favourite so far is maicon in brazil against north korea.
S2 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :It has to do with the fact that we are much better than you, and same goes for Uruguay.

Are you the dutch edition of timo1992 ?
S2 licensed
Well as the end Argentina wasn't that bad, but german defense made a superb job.
Messy and Teves didn't have many chances to show their brilliance.

The best for me, which is a new aspect in German play:
After 0:2, they didn't fall back and tried to secure the lead, they kept attacking, just like the Netherlands against Brazil.
Really nice to watch and it also shows how much fun is involved.
I'm looking forward to the next match.:spin:
S2 licensed
Well I don't think that this catastrophe will be easily forgotten.
There are far to many people affected by it.
I wouldn't even be surprised if there will some of the oil on northern europes
atlantic shores.(via gulf stream)

As Nightfly said, if there is not a greater diseaster to happen, this one will remain very present.
If I consider the long term effects and costs, I am not sure if BP,
as it is now, will survive it.
S2 licensed
Quote from J@tko :I do hope the Germans get thrashed by the Argies. Or the Mexicans. That would be funnier

Most probably Argies ... but who cares as long as the play a good match.
S2 licensed
Worst defeat for England in WC ever.
S2 licensed
Quote from Fuse5 :bitter english are amusing to watch

Capello can hardly do anything with a teamful of overpaid underskilled exhausted and injured players.

Very true.
Capello isn't the one to blame and don't forget all the cheap shots towards germany in front of the game.
S2 licensed
Quote from mat6681 :Ehhh... Is it not posseble at ANY way to make it to go over USB?

Of course it is possible but you would need a usb controller chip together with a driver and an API.
You can't control outputs over USB directly like the parallel port.

I made such an application with this chip.