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S2 licensed
Yeah the DACs should not make a difference.
For high qualitiy DAC you would pay more as for the whole Z5500 .
But I assume the Z5500 supports hardware decoding of AC3 and DTS signals (for dvd playback), which cheap onboard soundcards surely not do.
S2 licensed
Have a look at the Edifier S550.
From what I know it sounds as least as good as the z5500.
It looks much better and no probs with high background noice (like the z5500).

Only drawback, it is not digital, so you have to use analog inputs.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gegry1992 :Niiice
your chip is expensive huh?

In Germany I can get the small Version iow24 for 12 €.
It is sufficent for little to medium Led-Applikations. Via matrix mode it supports multiples of 64 leds.

Edit:For matrix mode you need additional driver chips.
S2 licensed
I did such a thing via usb years ago.
I used this usb-chip
It comes with a dll that makes the programming quite easy.
I directly connected 16 Leds to it

Wrote a little app the took the data from outgauge and lit some leds .
S2 licensed
The problem you approach isn't just keeping LFS on top, that is just a property of the window, but lfs looses the focus.

LFS simply becomes silent as it is loosing the focus.

I don't see any way arround this.
S2 licensed
Well I didn't think of syntax, that is just something you can adapt.
But memory management, type juggling etc. that is what really seperates the script languages.
Also there is lack of template libraries in ANSI C, so if u need a hash table, you first have to invent it, as well as a few other things.

But at the end I don't want to discuss programming languages.
I was just annoyed by that dumb post.
S2 licensed
Quote from JackCY :WTF is that
it's thousand times easier and more understandable to write it in ANSI C
or C#, Java, what ever you like, just don't use PHP for desktop applications

I want to see your ANSI C compliant version of this. Of course with file handling.

And who did ever ask for your opinion regarding php ?
Please behave.
S2 licensed
I got it .

You forgot about the z axis.
Include the z-axis in calculation and everything is fine.
S2 licensed
I made such an application myself years ago in java.
The values, you have been posted, are wrong, the manual is right.

Edit: What happens if you replace 65535 with 65535.0 ?
Edit: I think I see the problem ... you applied the converion to meter (/655535) very early, which causes the difference in values, apply the conversion as last operation to the overall length and you get the same values as written in the manual.
Last edited by yankman, .
S2 licensed
It is not that much complicated.
Start Lfs, go to Options\Graphics and click on the Adapter (NVIDIA GeForce 7300 Go or something like that).
Then select the not highlighted adapter, which should be the second screen.
Close LFS and start it again, it should now run on the second screen.
S2 licensed
Quote from :Think of Wine as a compatibility layer for running Windows programs. Wine does not require Microsoft Windows, as it is a completely free alternative implementation of the Windows API consisting of 100% non-Microsoft code, however Wine can optionally use native Windows DLLs if they are available. Wine provides both a development toolkit for porting Windows source code to Unix as well as a program loader, allowing many unmodified Windows programs to run on x86-based Unixes, including Linux, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, and Solaris.

I hope that explains it
and further there no relation between Open-Source Software and that possibilty to run it on every hardware.

You would need a true emulator for x86 based computers to run it on a ps3.
S2 licensed
Well the link in the first post in this thread says:
Quote :Nehmt in der ESL Intel Arena (Halle 3) am Volkswagen Scirocco Cup teil und gewinnt diesen unglaublichen Preis.

It is german, I know, but maybe you unterstand "Halle 3".
You could also search for Intel in the exhibitor list.

Edit: damn to slow
S2 licensed
Well I would not advice to use a fixed fan value.

With rivatuner u can override the bios settings for the dynamic fan control.

As for my card (8800 gts 512) the original settings kept the revs at a low level until 85°C, which is much to high.
I increased the idle rev to 40% (the point where u start notice the noise of the fan) and changed the dynamic settings so it runs at 100% arround 87°C.
Now I get a max temp of about 75°C (the revs are arround 65%) and a idle temp of 60°C, which is quite ok.

I wonder how ppl can run their fans at 100%, for me it sounds like the case is about to have a lift off.
I like to have it quiet when I am working on my pc and while gaming I don't care if it gets a bit louder.

There was somewhere a description how to override the default settings with rivatuner.
Only drawback, you need to start rivatuner every time with windows for the settings to take effect.
S2 licensed
If you look a the graph the now-time stucks at 5:18....
S2 licensed
Don't mix things up here.
C# is a programming language as well as C++ but .NET is a lib or a framework of libs ... thats a big difference.

I know that you made lapper using C#.NET.
I modded it quite a while ago for the oval junkies.

Your are right about C++. Beside that I find the STL very useful, there is not much to make a complete software,
but it is not platform dependend.

.NET is a Microsoft development so it runs natively only on win32.
Mono is a try to get .NET to other OS' but it has a lot of drawbacks.

So there is no way for plattform indepency in case of network and graphics features.

Why are u trying wxwidgets ? Isn't it a library which uses the same api as win32 ? (analog to mono which implements the .NET api)

If I could choose I would use QT.
It is easy to program and better to understand than win32-API

Enough OT
S2 licensed
Well don't go away that far from event handling.

POSIX compatible OS's implement signals for inter process communication, which you can see as some kind of low level events.

So if you're sending a RCM, you could use the alarm() function (defined in unistd.h) to deliver a timed SIGALARM signal to your own process.

You need to define a signal handler for the signal of course.

I have no idea if there are similar low level solutions for Microshit OS's.

If you got a stable INSIM implemention in C/C++, it would be very nice to release it to the community.
I am not a fan of C# and would really like to see a platform indepedent solution in C/C++, even if if not has all the functionalty of LFS_external.
Last edited by yankman, .
S2 licensed
Well a much easier way than fiddeling with a pic is using a standard usb controller chip. It provides all you need.
I startet building my own gauge some time ago.
I used IOWarrior 24 as base and connected almost straight 16 led to the outputs. Description is here :

The chip comes with a small dll, and function description so it is fairly easy to programm.
Next step for me would to attach 8x8 matrix to it and attach 64 leds to it.
Sadely I didn't found suitable leds driver chips so far.

Here is a small movie showing the prototype in action.
Last edited by yankman, .
S2 licensed
Does that mean server located in germany have a bad ping in general ?
How much do you know about networking ?

Edit. bad typo
Last edited by yankman, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Dygear :
SELECT *, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`date`) AS `epoch` FROM `table`;

To something like this ...
SELECT `id`, `title`, UNIX_TIMESPAMP(`date`) AS `date` FROM `table`;

I think there is a problem putting date in `` if there is date column.
Try it this way:
SELECT `id`, `title`, UNIX_TIMESTPAMP(`date`) AS 'date' FROM `table`;

But be warned UNIX_TIMESTAMP computes the timestamp according to ur timezone.
So check the result before using it, maybe u need to do a little correction.
Last edited by yankman, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Dygear :What is the best way to handle time, in particular the unix epoch, in a MySQL table? I would think a full int (11), but what's the best way to make it the human readable in PHPMyAdmin. Basically, I just don't like looking at the date in it's raw seconds from in PHPMyAdmin. Any idea how to chance that?

Save it as DateTime rather than int(11) using FROM_UNIXTIME(timstamp).
It is drawn YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss .
If u need a timestamp out of mysql use UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`datetime_column`).
Last edited by yankman, .
S2 licensed
Of cause u need to run the host and insim on different ports for each host.
S2 licensed
But there must be an error in your code.
I know it works. I can prove it.
S2 licensed
Quote from GeForz :Does REO work on singleplayer games?

No idea.
Quote from GeForz : And by "final vote" do you mean the small_vta or the VTN with connid=0?

I used the c# insimlib for this.
I act on vta with connection id 0 which i just realize is always 0 .
Anyhow it does it like that:

private void handler_Vote(InSimHandler sender, VoteEventArgs e)
if (typeof(FullMotion.LiveForSpeed.InSim.Events.VoteAction).IsInstanceOfType(e))
VoteAction va = (VoteAction)e;
if (va.ConnectionId == 0 && va.Vote == Vote.Restart && !onTrack && !doAdd)

onTrack and doAdd are custom booleans.
S2 licensed
If the host restarts it is to late. The order is already defined at this point.
You have to act on the "final" vote for restart.
S2 licensed
I have a reordering and it does work no matter if fixed or not.

The order of commands might be important.
First I have set up event handlers for a vote, and reorder.
On vote i check the type of vote and connection id.
If vote is restart and connection id is zero I request the current order.
On reorder I check if it is requested by me, reorder the grid and send it back.

I did this to implement a pace car which always should start in front and it works.