So this crossed my mind some time ago, why dont we ask the devs to put this game on steam, so we can have a bigger player base, and a bit more money to the devs work with.
i think it would be a good move scince this game is a masterpiece of a simulator and quite unknown too.
ill leave it like this, we get this on steam to get more attencion, include de s1,s2,s3 pacages as dlc, and then we shall see if it works.
So this crossed my mind some time ago, why don't we ask the devs to put this game on steam, so we can have a bigger player base, and a bit more money to the devs work with.
I think it would be a good move since this game is a masterpiece of a simulator and quite unknown too.
I'll leave it like this, we get this on steam to get more attention, include the s1, s2, s3 packages as dlc, and then we shall see if it works.