The online racing simulator
The GTA IV thread
(1843 posts, started )
Quote from trackah123 :I bought GTA4 but..

GTA4 cracks wont work unless there would be a proper one but as far as i know they all have the shaky cam boobytrap in them and automatic car driving. (Game recognizes the crack and activates those boobytraps on purpose making the game unplayable). I find this funny actually

I use a crack because i can't be stuffed putting in the CD constantly. Working fine for me.
Well i mostly just leave the CD in the drive.. its not bothering me at all.
Boy am i glad i bought PS3 back in may, seeing how awefull port the PC version is, and how it would not even run on low on my 8600gt...
Quote from Klutch :I use a crack because i can't be stuffed putting in the CD constantly. Working fine for me.

I'd rather have the inconvenience of swapping discs out of drives from time to time, rather than the inconvenience of getting rid of whatever type of computer syphilis arrived with a crack.
Quote from thisnameistaken :I'd rather have the inconvenience of swapping discs out of drives from time to time, rather than the inconvenience of getting rid of whatever type of computer syphilis arrived with a crack.

Take the cracks from well known crackers, not from some random .exe off of a warez site.
Quote from Boris Lozac :Boy am i glad i bought PS3 back in may, seeing how awefull port the PC version is, and how it would not even run on low on my 8600gt...

It wouldn't run on my 486 either. Developers today, eh?
Quote from hrtburnout :I found the solution to the problem some of us were having with textures not appearing. I stumbled upon This man's website. It basically tells you to add -availablevidmem 2.0 to your GTA 4 shortcut's target. It works great! I just tried, and it's awesome.

That made my FPS even slower... i've added
-norestrictions -nomemrestrict -availablevidmem 2.0 -novblank

But i now have less FPS, and now i DO have missing textures, lol.
See people? This is why consoles are better for gaming :rolleyes: Turn it on, pop in the disc, and away you go
*hands over flameproof suit to dougie-lampkin*

I agree however!

*puts on flameproof suit himself*

Quote from Bose321 :That made my FPS even slower... i've added
-norestrictions -nomemrestrict -availablevidmem 2.0 -novblank

But i now have less FPS, and now i DO have missing textures, lol.

It works perfectly here! I have -novblank and -availablevidmem 3.0, and I get good fps on high/high
Quote from hrtburnout :It works perfectly here! I have -novblank and -availablevidmem 3.0, and I get good fps on high/high

Just a quick query...what CPU/GFX card/OS are you using? I tried adding those lines, and although it showed up in the UI as available memory, it refused to load the benchmark test!

(Q6600@2.4, 8800GTS, 6Gb DDR2 RAM, Vista x64 Ultimate)

I can still run it at med res, med textures, and high renders, but fails when I try to push it too hard.

(Just a warning, I have seen reports on the GTA forums of guys frying their GFX cards by trying to push them too hard!!!)
Quote from Bladerunner :
(Just a warning, I have seen reports on the GTA forums of guys frying their GFX cards by trying to push them too hard!!!)

I use riviatuner and turn the fan up to 80% (from 25%) to make sure that doesn't happen, temps don't tend to get that high, but just in case.
I did check all that when i set up my system, since i had a problem with a faulty graphic card.

I checked the internet and there are quite a few people, so im guessing the problem aint coming from my side.
hmm i dont know then, wait for the patch then i guess
Yeah hope its going to get fixed, thanks anyways .
Bought it on Friday, had time only today to try it out. Damn its buggy. I get BSODs on some menu visits, or while loading new missons, but no blue screen when just driving around, even for hours. I also have that throttle and steering bug, which is really annoying. Any tips, or known methods to make it work? I haven't read everything about these problems, but will do soon.

Btw, it runs ok. Medium textures, very high rendering, 1280*768, rest set to halfway, and getting 25-50 fps in game. E8200, 2GB ram and HD4850 with vista.
Quote from RevengeR :Bought it on Friday, had time only today to try it out. Damn its buggy. I get BSODs on some menu visits, or while loading new missons, but no blue screen when just driving around, even for hours. I also have that throttle and steering bug, which is really annoying. Any tips, or known methods to make it work? I haven't read everything about these problems, but will do soon.

Btw, it runs ok. Medium textures, very high rendering, 1280*768, rest set to halfway, and getting 25-50 fps in game. E8200, 2GB ram and HD4850 with vista.

Hm, those bugs sound familiair, but only with cracked/downloaded GTA's... No offence if im wrong, just saying
Quote from Bose321 :Hm, those bugs sound familiair, but only with cracked/downloaded GTA's... No offence if im wrong, just saying

Want proof?
Quote from RevengeR :Want proof?

Yes, send me your DVD's and serial key, or GTFO. lol. Just kidding, sorry if you really bought it.
Quote from Bose321 :Yes, send me your DVD's and serial key, or GTFO. lol. Just kidding, sorry if you really bought it.

I did, hehe. It works perfectly on my bro's pc, and we have a very similar config. Only difference is that he has a 8800gts, and I have a HD4850 . It seems like the vga makes all the difference...
well when ATI's probs are fixed yours should be better as the 4850 pwnz teh 4850z0r
Quote from Scrabby :well when ATI's probs are fixed yours should be better as the 4850 pwnz teh 4850z0r

I know, but still. He has the same fps, or even more without any porblems. I have bsod every 15 minutes, and streering problems after 5-10 mins of playing
since you must register a xbl account to play this game does that mean you can play people from the computer on your xbox 360?

The GTA IV thread
(1843 posts, started )