Just because A - someone would assault someone who said it, and B - said assault would cause serious harm, does not mean that it would be an incorrect statement to make. Quite possibly a unwise one to make direct to the person, but that is not related to correctness.
I get it, I just wasn't expecting sarcasm as it doesn't make discussions better and doesn't translate well over the internet. I don't see why you can't just say what you mean. You can explain clearly and concisely to help the debate.
lol at the Canadian having a laugh, its like the hat laughing at the head
Merely putting your statements together, and coming to a conclusion that if you are NOT likely to be impolite to a serviceman in a face-to-face situation, then maybe you should not be impolite when hiding behind a keyboard.
As for 'fantasies', maybe you live in the fantasy that the world would be better off without Armed Forces?
Until mankind can learn to settle their differences in another fashion, they have to exist, for YOUR protection as well as mine.
btw..as you have probably guessed by now, I am PROUD to have served in the armed forces, and given the chance to restart my life from 16 years old, I would more than likely join up again.
Yeeeah, that's a strawman. Kev is over there. *points*
Maybe he thinks (and I'm speculating here) that the armed forces should be used for defence only? What our countries are doing in Iraq and Afghanistan these days isn't defence by any stretch of the mind and anyone willing to risk his or her life to pariticipate in that cluster**** is, in fact, "a thick shit". Keep in mind that this does not include yourself unless you served within the last few years.
I, like Kev, probably wouldn't tell a trained soldier that to his face but that doesn't change my feelings on the matter. Just means I value my currently full set of teeth.
Well, I guess saying that we should only use them for 'defense' purposes, let's wait until Rusia or somewhere decides to invade us, only to find we're too busy 'defending' instead of fighting, to protect our country and we'll end up driving Lada's for the rest of our lives. I'm not saying what's going on is right, because the war in Iraq is and was a mistake, but by saying we shouldn't ever be on the offensive just makes us easier targets. :hide:
I'm not "hiding" anywhere. Are you saying you'd like to come and beat me up because of the things I said here?
My opinion is that for someone to sign up to be part of a government's heavy mob demonstrates a myopic view of what the job entails. And if someone understands that it's going to mean spending a few years shooting whoever some corrupt **** tells you to shoot and getting paid for it, and decides to do it anyway, then that's even worse. I'd rather be called stupid than cold-blooded, but maybe you're proud of being like that.
What the hell are you talking about?
Actually, don't bother trying to explain, I really don't want to hear it.
Just don't fall victim to rightist propaganda, trumpeting shrill cries of "Oh noes white people are a minority" and spurting out statistics that were made up on the spot.
A lot of what people think is going on with immigration is an illusion created by certain parts of the media etc, they are not taking over, most of the people I see are white.
Once I almost believed the crap that gets turned out about Europe being killed off, but all you have to do is look out the window and see reality, I don't see any Muslims stoning people under sharia law right now.
TBH we should be covering our own backsides, not the USA's in some foreign land, a major reason why the middle east is pissed off with us is because we keep intervening with their own life and helping their human rights abusing neighbour Israel kill a few Palestinian refugees.
If I ran this country I'd make it friendly, but isolated from the rest of the world when it comes to military affairs.
Leaves before being accused of trolling/ being an evil vilain feared by Lucifer.
with the middle east, it's partly that but 5haz, surprisingly, is right. If we stop trying to impose the western idea of democracy on systems that can't handle it, the world would be a more peaceful place
Over 95% White British not enough for you? (National Statistics Office)
It really isn't anything like that.
You cant on the one hand claim they are all unemployed and sapping our benefits system, then on the other hand claim they've stollen your job. Make your mind up instead of quoting racist rhetoric.
Are you an unemployed bum? I'm not. My White Welsh hiney earns a bleeding fortune as it happens, I beat a Chinese guy at interview simply because ... I was better.
I mean that, because we're too busy sitting on our hands, being politically correct and not actually being militant, when we're invaded we'll be too politically correct to bother repelling the attack. Kind of hard to explain what I mean :hide:
Kev : No problemo, infact, why bother replying in the first place. You're nearly as pompus as me.
Easy to mis-interperate, however both statements are true. Alot of immigrants do work, because they send the money back to their homelands, however, there are plenty of immigrants who are sapping the benefits and taking the taxes that we pay.
Last time I checked you were some programmer - Obviously, having better skills there are more important than getting a job at your local supermarket. Maybe you have a secure job out there, others have been made redundant and are forced to give away many hours of free labour in "work experience" shit in hopes of a job. But yes, I'm uneployed, technically speaking. A bum? Far from it - I'm doing something about it.
I think it's kind of hard to explain what you mean because you're talking about a rubbish untangeable point. Nobody, not even the wettest liberal here, is advocating we roll over and die to appease a theoretical Russian invasion. I think you'll find if invasion came i'd be quite happy to bitch and moan about our new rulers just as much as our current ones... Infact i've half a mind to take up guns against the ones that we democratically elected, let alone let my country fall prey to either a communist or a fascist state. I'll die for an ideal, because the ideals of others would have me die. So stop making up rubbish about wet liberals being too pussy footed we'd let an invasion happen.
I know that YOU think the country is being invaded by immigrants right now. This is in point of fact not statistically, socially, economically or morally correct. It is because you are so stupid you actually believe fascist rhetoric. The last time I checked white British people died fighting against fascism. Go figure.
How many programming jobs do you suppose there are in an industrial enclave within a rural area? I'll tell you it's not many, I have spent time out of work - during which I skilled up and produced provenanceable works to demonstrate my skillset to accomodate my complete lack of an education (I hold less qualifications than you listed earlier, I actually hold none. I was expelled from school).
In my experience the biggest asset a person can have at interview is to come over as a nice person to work with, second is to demonstrate your ability to fill and later expand the role, third is your experience at the roll, and lastly any qualification which suggest you might be able to do the roll.
A fascist twat would fail at the biggest and most important skill a person can have, unless they only want to work for another fascist twat.
Indeed, if the people in Iraq really hated Saddam Hussein, they should have risen up and had a bloody big revolution, we could have sold them a few guns perhaps to help them, but we have no business being there especially as the original reason to be there was because Saddam supposdely had wepaons of mass destruction, which turned out to be false.
People complain about being overrun by foreigners, imagine if you live in a village in Iraq and your town has been overrrun by a load of westerners, who all have guns, I would imagine you would be having some hostile thoughts towards the westerners who put them there.
So if you complain that we are being overrun by foreigners, until the day that Englands ends it military activities in other countries, then you are being a touch hypocritical.
Well, invaded by immigrants is rather an.. extreme term. I think that there are too many immigrants coming in that is good for us. That's my somewhat...extreme? opinion, however it's valid (at least in my eyes nevertheless), and I'm sure others also agree (although not necissarly openly)
at theortical invasion. I just feel if we stopped any outgoing military activities we'd be seen as a weaker force and more open for attack.
Btw I hope you're correct about the whole job/skills thing. Really.
*Maybe it'll be a good thing, if it happened - Who knows?
It's easier said than done. It sounds easy enough but it doesn't work so easily. Germans weren't even slightly Nazi-leaning, but because Hitler very quicky banned any political opposition using such places as Dachau, they rapidly gained an inordinate amount of power and oppressed their own people as well as much of the rest of Europe in a very short space of time. Iraq suffered a similar fate and opposition was impossible.
Only an idiot would suggest that Iraq was worse off under Saddam though. A million dead civillian Iraqis can't be wrong, can they?
Britain may go the same way if political opposition and dissent continues to be suppressed like it is being, re: the Damian Green situation. Times are not good.
PS: Britain is ripe for invasion right now. All our troops are bogged down in an illegal war in Iraq, and another completely unwinnable war in Afghanistan. We're deliberately defenseless. We didn't accidentally invade two foreign powers, after all.