Quote from LineR32 :I started downloading it last night, got 21H left on it atm, that will prob change to 2 days again though.

Do want i do

If the anime have 25ep to download and you are using utorrent

Go to the file label , select the first 10 episodes and set High priority

The rest set as "Skip Dont download" , when the first 10 eps are downloaded , Set as normal that 10 episodes , and the other you put in "Skip" set as high priorty and so

Do that , depends of your conection or the seeders , is more fast in this way, cuz when you downloaded the first 10 ep , you can watch it and the other cap are currently downloading

Hope you understand =P
I can do that Azureus, but it's mainly my connection that ****s the download speed.

I dont really mind too much, I've been playing on Pokemon Sapphire and Monster Rancher on a GBA emulator the past 2 days.
Quote from LineR32 :I can do that Azureus, but it's mainly my connection that ****s the download speed.

I dont really mind too much, I've been playing on Pokemon Sapphire and Monster Rancher on a GBA emulator the past 2 days.

Imhaving the same here my internet conection just turned from good to dowright crap
My connection was on and off all day the other day. I came on here, went to post and had no connection untill 30 mins later.

Edit: 17:38

Started watching Beck again seeing as this torrent is gonna take till tomorrow to finish.
weee finaly up to 198 of Bleach and omg this last enemy/thing with the espada is going on for ever

ps i was bored and did this
Ichimaru Gin 83%
Kyouraku Shunsui 75%
Hitsugaya Toushirou 67%
Komamura Sajin 67%
Soi Fong 58%
Zaraki Kenpachi 50%
Aizen Sousuke 42%
Yamamoto Genryuusai 42%
Kurotsuchi Mayuri 42%
Kuchiki Byakuya 33%
Tousen Kaname 17%
Ukitake Jyuushiro 8%
Unohana Retsu 8%

go me im a evil little shit
I did that quiz and it came up with 'The quiz could not be retreived' :wtf2:
Who has seighn Toradora episode 11 it was kind of difrent compared to the previous 10
whats the differance in Naruto Shippuuden and Naruto?

what seriese should i download?
Naruto is the 1st series, Shippuuden is set 2 years after the end of Naruto iirc.
olo0o0o0o ok so oviously start wif Naruto you wouldnt have a site to download from or am i going to need to use torrents?
I've been watching the dub of Naruto so I can only give you the sites with the vids on them, but your looking at 220-230 eps to download.

Look on the torrent sites like Mininova or use Toorgle and you should be able to find them.
(Chrisuu01) DELETED by Chrisuu01
Lol I found something weird and cool at the same time.

This is how the Toradora opening would sond if the singer was male
Male singer FTW!
ANd for refferance the original
The normal version
Which group of subbers is doing the subs for Toradora?
Quote from LineR32 :Which group of subbers is doing the subs for Toradora?

At the moment I have no cleu but I wil find out
Quote from Chrisuu01 :Lol I found something weird and cool at the same time.

This is how the Toradora opening would sond if the singer was male
Male singer FTW!
ANd for refferance the original
The normal version

Read the description of the Video

Male version of Pre-Parade, opening of Toradora xD

No one sang this. ii just edited the orginal song. ;DD
Can any of you recomend a good horror anime?

I found Toradora on Anime-Suki, but I dunno if it's gonna end up like Wangan Midnight (5 months to sub 1 ep :jawdrop, or if the subs are gonna be utter crap.
Quote from LineR32 :Can any of you recomend a good horror anime?

I found Toradora on Anime-Suki, but I dunno if it's gonna end up like Wangan Midnight (5 months to sub 1 ep :jawdrop, or if the subs are gonna be utter crap.

Try to look "Pet Shop Of horror" , is the only anime came to my mind
Quote from LineR32 :Can any of you recomend a good horror anime?

I found Toradora on Anime-Suki, but I dunno if it's gonna end up like Wangan Midnight (5 months to sub 1 ep :jawdrop, or if the subs are gonna be utter crap.

How about Toki(something) that was creapy.
And about teh wangan midnight 5 monts for 1 episode OMG!!!

EDIT: Oh and shame about The VWS i had my Toradora Taiga skin ready for it:weeping:

and BTW Ulqiourra XFR redesighn is done
Clicky for the skin
CoalGuys is a fastsub group who are subbing toradora
If you want better subs and video, wait for ggrain or paradym releases

for comments of releases go to anidb.net, for torrents go to tokyotoshokan (just google it)
Quote from ekze :CoalGuys is a fastsub group who are subbing toradora
If you want better subs and video, wait for ggrain or paradym releases

for comments of releases go to anidb.net, for torrents go to tokyotoshokan (just google it)

Holy shit what a terrible name !!
Quote from ekze :CoalGuys is a fastsub group who are subbing toradora
If you want better subs and video, wait for ggrain or paradym releases

for comments of releases go to anidb.net, for torrents go to tokyotoshokan (just google it)

I've downloaded all the eps that are up on anime-suki, I just cba with mkv files for a subbed anime.

Chrisuu I think that XFR skin would of been better without the xbox logos.

Edit: Does this sound like the anime you mentioned Chrisuu?

Quote :Shindou Ranmaru has just graduated from police academy and assigned to Tokki: Special Mobile Investigation Force. On the day of his graduation, he meets the half-naked girl he has been seeing in his dreams, Rokujo Sakura. It turns out she works for a secret group within Tokki, known as Tokko: Special Public Safety Task Force.

Shindou ends up joining Tokko to avenge his parents' death, and solve the mystery mass murder of residents in his hometown of Machida. Bottomless pits start to appear around Japan, and mysterious creatures emerge from them, linked to the mass murder of humans. All this to do with something called "The Box of Dirge"...

Is there any anime with zombies in?
Quote from LineR32 :I've downloaded all the eps that are up on anime-suki, I just cba with mkv files for a subbed anime.

Chrisuu I think that XFR skin would of been better without the xbox logos.

Edit: Does this sound like the anime you mentioned Chrisuu?

Is there any anime with zombies in?

It has zombies U idiot thats what the anyime is all about deamnmons and incect invested zombies.
And are you a xbox hater by any channce (be honnest)
Quote :Oh and shame about The VWS i had my Toradora Taiga skin ready for it

can you show it please?
Yep, it's made from the same crappy plastic you find in all luxery (suposedly) american cars, plus they ripped off the Deamcast's controller.
Quote from ekze :can you show it please?

When i had sleep and when its tomorrow yes!!
Its a failry simple design thow

Do u like anime? (I do)
(2006 posts, started )