Can't wait to test it out!
sweeeeet. Just got another reason to buy myself s2 for christmas
nice, i would like to faster test it!
Quote from Stutt :For those who remember, MRT was a gift too:


Sonicrealms Racing started about then
Finally the much awaited stuff!
Very nice - thanks for the Xmas present, Scavier
Great news guys! Can't wait to try this baby on the road... Is this coincidence or are we going to get new car every year around Christmas? But I'm leaving for Christmas holiday the same day it is released, so I will only try it 2 weeks later.
WOOT! Engine fire feature!!
Very nice! Cant wait to test it out ( Great Job Developers ) keep up the good work
Thanks Scawen
Eric did a really nice work... the 3d model is really cool
We Love You Lfs Devs! (at Least I Love Them)
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Can I make a request (to the Dev's), that when you patch a game up, please do not include files that we would already have, such as the Steering Wheels used, headlights, custom tyre skins, etc, unless anything regarding these items have changed. I unpacked the installation, expecting it to only add the Scirocco to the LFS viewer, only to find that all of my textures relating to cars had been replaced by the bog standard ones.

Now maybe it's my fault, for blindly clicking "yes to all", but I didn't expect, what is basicaly a patch adding the Scirocco to the viewer and a skin, to over-write all of my hi-res addons. I mean, this 'patch' added a few things for the Scirocco, yet it somehow feels the need to overwrite the dds files for the all the cars. Maybe just something you could work on in the future? But I'll be backing up my .dds file every time a new patch comes out now :hide:

Don't take this the wrong way, btw. I, for one, appreciate this pre-patch alot

This is not a update to CMX, that's why it has all the files, because it will install the entire CMX viewer, and that is what it is supposed to do. It's the full program, not a update. Think of the people who didn't have the older CMX one.
If it was a update, it obviously wouldn't have the files that didn't change since then.
Aint Xmas Great?
Quote from Shotglass :they even got james may to testdrive it

Ha ha. Nice reference!

While non-racing cars don't exite me much these days, it will be interesting to see what effect the VW data support will have on the handling. Judging by the video it could be the new reference for road car sim physics. In fact I wonder if tyres have been worked on in general.
The devs' counter attack to iRacing.
Love your work.
Quote from J.B. will be interesting to see what effect the VW data support will have on the handling. Judging by the video it could be the new reference for road car sim physics. In fact I wonder if tyres have been worked on in general.

The video doesn't give away too much in that regard (does look good through the cones though), I like you await with interest
By the way, am I the only one here who thinks that the Scirocco is an ugly car?
Anyone notice that VWS/FBM wheels are now dds files?
I think I'm probably one of only a few people who is lukewarm about the Scirocco. What does it add to LFS? We already have the FXO for a front drive 'hot hatch'. All it really gives LFS is presumably a paycheque to the devs from VW and a slightly bigger audience of people who'll go "OMG, a real car in LFS" (totally ignoring the fact we have some real cars already) and buy an S2 license. For a while (days or weeks probably) after the release loads of people will be racing it online. Then, when everyone comes to the decision it feels just like the FXO (which it probably will...) and it doesn't have any natural competitors it won't be used much any more. It's the same sort of decision that came about with the release of the FBM in a way. Because of the relationship with the FBM's series we got Demo/S1/S2 merged which means if you run an S2 server with demo content you can't stop demo'ers connecting (AFAIK). I like to drive the FBM because it's significantly different from anything we have already but how much does the Scirocco actually add to the experience of LFS? We'll know more when we drive it but for the moment I'm sceptical. The amount of time that's gone into the research, development and implementation of this could have been better spent fixing the many problems with LFS or developing new tracks/significantly different vehicles.
Is this a bug or something? Im getting this for all cars. I extracted all of the files normaly, the old viewer works fine.

EDIT. The pics with the dirstorted image are when i am in the viewer in windowed mode, when in full screen there are only the textures missing.
Attached images
Quote from farcar :Yay! A new patch before Xmas!

This will be the first and the last time I will ever utter following sentence in earnest:

I can't wait to see your shlong after christmas!

Quote from amp88 :
I think I'm probably one of only a few people who is lukewarm about the Scirocco. What does it add to LFS? We already have the FXO for a front drive 'hot hatch'. All it really gives LFS is presumably a paycheque to the devs from VW and a slightly bigger audience of people who'll go "OMG, a real car in LFS" (totally ignoring the fact we have some real cars already) and buy an S2 license. For a while (days or weeks probably) after the release loads of people will be racing it online. Then, when everyone comes to the decision it feels just like the FXO (which it probably will...) and it doesn't have any natural competitors it won't be used much any more. It's the same sort of decision that came about with the release of the FBM in a way. Because of the relationship with the FBM's series we got Demo/S1/S2 merged which means if you run an S2 server with demo content you can't stop demo'ers connecting (AFAIK). I like to drive the FBM because it's significantly different from anything we have already but how much does the Scirocco actually add to the experience of LFS? We'll know more when we drive it but for the moment I'm sceptical. The amount of time that's gone into the research, development and implementation of this could have been better spent fixing the many problems with LFS or developing new tracks/significantly different vehicles.I think I'm probably one of only a few people who is lukewarm about the Scirocco. What does it add to LFS? We already have the FXO for a front drive 'hot hatch'. All it really gives LFS is presumably a paycheque to the devs from VW and a slightly bigger audience of people who'll go "OMG, a real car in LFS" (totally ignoring the fact we have some real cars already) and buy an S2 license. For a while (days or weeks probably) after the release loads of people will be racing it online. Then, when everyone comes to the decision it feels just like the FXO (which it probably will...) and it doesn't have any natural competitors it won't be used much any more. It's the same sort of decision that came about with the release of the FBM in a way. Because of the relationship with the FBM's series we got Demo/S1/S2 merged which means if you run an S2 server with demo content you can't stop demo'ers connecting (AFAIK). I like to drive the FBM because it's significantly different from anything we have already but how much does the Scirocco actually add to the experience of LFS? We'll know more when we drive it but for the moment I'm sceptical. The amount of time that's gone into the research, development and implementation of this could have been better spent fixing the many problems with LFS or developing new tracks/significantly different vehicles.

Well, how it fits into the existing LfS carpark remains to be seen, BUT people also complained about the FBM bfor eit arrived. "oh no, another ss", "it's like the FOX" etc., but it turned out to drive quite uniquely.
I suppose the same will be true for the VWS, especially as I hope that Scawen managed to code a DSG and the suspension of the Scirocco. Also, it should handle quite differently to the other early to mid ninety style cars, thus I do think that it adds more than money and publicity.
But I agree that the most pronounced effect of the VWS will be an influx of new players, because it's the first real car in LfS that you can actually drive and buy in real life. I for one have seen the odd Scirocco here already and I must say, it grows on me, even though I found it butt ugly in the first place. But knowing it's in LfS made me kind of emotionally attached to it, and it replaced the latest "car I will buy as soon as I have the money" I had
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VW Scirocco release plan
(695 posts, closed, started )