Meh.. a bit disappointing, but I have a test patch Z5 with some cool shadows to be going on with, so I'm not complaining in the slightest. 
I feel bad for Scawen. I can't begin to imagine how it feels to have to announce a delay like this, knowing the excitement that the VW has brought to the community. Respect to him for making the RIGHT decision, to delay the release until it's right.
I think we all have to just take the delay on the nose. We all reap the benefits of Scawen's pursuit of excellence at other times.. so we should be ready to take a bit of a knock to our anticipation taste buds this time. It's not actually a big deal, really, and symptomatic of a GOOD thing overall.

I feel bad for Scawen. I can't begin to imagine how it feels to have to announce a delay like this, knowing the excitement that the VW has brought to the community. Respect to him for making the RIGHT decision, to delay the release until it's right.
I think we all have to just take the delay on the nose. We all reap the benefits of Scawen's pursuit of excellence at other times.. so we should be ready to take a bit of a knock to our anticipation taste buds this time. It's not actually a big deal, really, and symptomatic of a GOOD thing overall.