(13603 posts, closed, started )
It's not about being "hardcore" at all. It appeals to them as well, but it's more about how much value you put in your racing experience.

I assign a lot of value to the experience I get racing online, so for me the price isn't a deterent. It's all about value (or should I say "worth", since it's a fluid value that varies from person to person) vs investment. To me, the value is much higher than the investment. Thats how most people see it as well that are in the service. Very few are "hardcore" simmers. I will say though, that the system does create a more "mature" environment, but that has little to do with age and more to do with a beautiful coincidence I think.

As far as the forums. The forums are closed to public because everyone is given their real name... and they've said that is one of the reasons for the privacy of the forums.

As far as going around defending themselves, it's not neccessary. Apple, Microsoft, Chevy, Ford... etc don't go around trying to correct internet forums... and they get plenty of ill-will and mis-information spread about them... it's just not "professional" to get in pissing matches in public forums...
Quote from chunkyracer :Picking up on this last sentence, about IRacing not being for everyone and people getting wrong impressions, and coming back to what Mattesa was refering earlier on this thread and that Moose also aluded too, let me quote a post that was made today in RSC: ( I´ve highlighted one of the sentences, because is absolutely precious...)

Yeah, I wonder what people are thinking when they make those claims about reasons for the pricing structure. The safety rating system and the sporting code are there to prevent bad behavior. Besides, subscription to World of Warcraft costs just as much as iRacing and I don't think their plan has ever been to weed out little gamers...
And i'm sure most "gamers" play racing games because they want to drive a car and do some racing...
*Wrecks jibber in T1*
*Drives in wrong direction*

Quote from rjm1982 :Android, like I said, depending on the implementation of the game... Mention FFB problems with a logi wheel on the iRacing forums and the first thing you will see is "turn off the profiler"

They went above and beyond when it comes to the FFB in iRacing, and it shows in it's use. While you might not get the auto force reduction in the profiler, the game does it for you. Like a real car, the forces are varied depending on how close to center you are... and it's different for each car... The problem with the profiler is that it tries to normalize everything, which is counterproductive when the game simulates the different "feel" of every car. The solstice with power steering is very different from the skippy without it... for example.

Honestly, I can't call a game a sim, if I can't use my tried and proven settings, like android said.

So, it just proves my conclusion that Iracing is good, but not that exceptional to justify the monthly fee, let alone the content pricetags.
Quote from ColeusRattus :Honestly, I can't call a game a sim, if I can't use my tried and proven settings, like android said.

So, it just proves my conclusion that Iracing is good, but not that exceptional to justify the monthly fee, let alone the content pricetags.

to me it's exceptional for what I want from it but we all have different views. That's why it's only good for those that appreciate all it's parts.

I have a DFP and it runs like a dream on iRacing WITH the wingman drivers and profiler all running....
Quote from StableX :to me it's exceptional for what I want from it but we all have different views. That's why it's only good for those that appreciate all it's parts.

I have a DFP and it runs like a dream on iRacing WITH the wingman drivers and profiler all running....

True, I can see why it has appeal to many others. Doesn't kick it for me though. And I had the urge to tell some who might be more pissed at 20 dollars spend for soemthing that didn't turn out to be the best thing since sliced bread for them.
I was pretty much expecting to waste the 20 dollars, but i was just too curious and took the risk. There's always a big chance that you won't like something you could not try first, and to be honest, i think there is no reason why they couldn't actually offer an offline demo with one or two cars and tracks.

When i first tried IR, it felt good somehow, but a little bit too familiar with rFactor or something like that... was just a feeling i got. But in a way, it was different. I felt that it's not the same as ISI games at all... that it's just quite realistic and hard. So i continued...

I felt like "hmmm, it's good, but LFS feels more "simulated" and less "coded" than this...", and in a way, that's true. IR at first, can feel like that. But after about 5-10 races that i've driven with the solstice now, i can safely say, it's not the case. The solstice just isn't what i would call an excellent car. But the physics are more detailed than what i've seen from other sims. To truly judge the physics, you somehow have to get used to one of the cars first.

When it comes to slides and not spinning out/keeping control... the solstice is not an easy car since there is limited opposite lock. And after all, it's not that easy in real life to hold a slide... it depends much on how the car is set up in a corner... how the slide is initiated... what you do with your throttle (throttle control is absolutely brilliant in IR), etc.

If you properly start a drift/slide or react fast enough when your rear end suddenly slips away... it is very possible and realistic to do in IR.

The situations i came accross in IR and how i've reacted to them (i talk about losing control over your car and to regain it), saved them or lost it... it again reminds me very strong about the days on the track with the Miata.

But again, it is possible that the LFS physics are in fact "simulated better" (i don't know how to call it, but the way of the simulation feels very "detailed" in LFS). However, IR simulates the experience/feeling of driving a real car WAY better.
Quote from ColeusRattus :True, I can see why it has appeal to many others. Doesn't kick it for me though. And I had the urge to tell some who might be more pissed at 20 dollars spend for soemthing that didn't turn out to be the best thing since sliced bread for them.

I think it's worth $20 for a month of something different to be honest.
Quote from StableX :I think it's worth $20 for a month of something different to be honest.

It's the price for content (tracks in particular). that's the real problem.

I hear it costs well over 100$ to do a season with the craftsman truck :scared:
Quote from Tezuka :
I hear it costs well over 100$ to do a season with the craftsman truck :scared:

It does. Again, it's value:investment

Laser Scanned tracks and Vehicles that the team spends weeks with measuring and weighing and scanning... stuff costs money. Not that it's entirely revelvant, but flight sim guys will spend $100 on a jet developed by people who haven't had real access to the actual thing... its all about perceived value.

For me, im 26, make good money have have very small amount of bills... the amount that it takes to play and have all of the content over the time that I've played it falls within my budgeted "play money" ... but I know that doesn't apply to everyone, and I can see the reasoning for avoiding it.

That said... the first time you put laps at daytona you will know why it costs what it costs (ok, i let a little fanboy leak out that time... sue me )
The prize for additional content is a joke, yep. The price for the sim in general aswell.

Can somebody tell me how to save a replay by the way?
Do i have to enable it in the options somewhere? The button to save a replay at the end of a race is always inactive...

Quote from rjm1982 :
For me, im 26, make good money have have very small amount of bills... the amount that it takes to play and have all of the content over the time that I've played it falls within my budgeted "play money" ... but I know that doesn't apply to everyone, and I can see the reasoning for avoiding it.

I'm 28, and it's the same for me. However, it's still overpriced. I agree aswell about "value for money" and i feel like what i get is well worth it... but that doesn't make it less overpriced either.
Quote from John5200 :my first render looks better than this

Imagine that! A render that takes minutes to render looks better than something that has to render at least 30 times a second!!! Amazing!

Tiny screen shots don't do justice...

Try something like:

edit: I never remove my posts... but damnit if you didn't make me be a smartass... i was trying to avoid that... :/
Jibber, replay saving it not implemented yet. It was for a bit in the beta, but they weren't happy with the results so they pulled it out untill they got it right... better to not have it than to have a poor implementation of it.

It's looking like next update, which will be out at the end of the current 12 week season (they don't release major updates in-season, as to not effect season points/etc) will have it, although they are still sketchy on commiting to anything.
I see, thanks for the info. Will be nice to have... i never enjoyed watching replays like i do now in iRacing.

That video you've posted... even the trees look the same!
Quote from jibber :I see, thanks for the info. Will be nice to have... i never enjoyed watching replays like i do now in iRacing.

That video you've posted... even the trees look the same!

All of the tracks are like that... For good reason.

At plenty of tracks, or in sections of many tracks the trees provide the reference points (At laguna seca, for example, alot of people IRL and in game use the trees that you see in front of you as you crest the corkscrew as the guide of when to stop turning and get back on the power, or in the boot section of the 'Glen the trees are good references of when to get back on the throttle out of the corners...)
Quote from rjm1982 :Android, like I said, depending on the implementation of the game... Mention FFB problems with a logi wheel on the iRacing forums and the first thing you will see is "turn off the profiler"

They went above and beyond when it comes to the FFB in iRacing, and it shows in it's use. While you might not get the auto force reduction in the profiler, the game does it for you. Like a real car, the forces are varied depending on how close to center you are... and it's different for each car... The problem with the profiler is that it tries to normalize everything, which is counterproductive when the game simulates the different "feel" of every car. The solstice with power steering is very different from the skippy without it... for example.

Sorry but you don't have much knowledge about the technical side of FFB, do you? The reason I said to use the profiler is so you can turn all the effects which are not made by the game OFF. Force reduction at the centre is a BAD thing, but it's there by default in the drivers. By installing the profiler you can make sure all that crap is turned off and the pure FFB that the game generates can be felt.

Now saying that iRacing "went above and beyond" that just takes the cake. Sorry that's at its essence delusional fanboy BS propaganda talk. Like you have no idea what's actually going on behind it but it's so good that it must be some kind of magic made by the geniuses at iRacing.

Forgive me snapping at you but this is just blind fanboyism, and if I've learned one thing on these forums then that it is NEVER good, for NO game. iRacing is new, it's fresh and it's good, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't question it.

If the FFB breaks when the profiler is installed (which is supposed to be installed and existed way before iRacing), then either iRacing is doing something wrong or it actually relies on the default non-profiler behaviour of the drivers, in whatever way they alter the FFB commands sent by the game. "Don't use the software you're supposed to use" is just the generic BS I-have-no-idea-whats-wrong solution to a problem, just like saying to reinstall Windows for every little thing that crops up.

Quote from John5200 :omg! i ll never even try the game whe there wont be at least a free demo! RL is cheaper! better craphics better phisics

With a mentality like this, you're clearly not the in demographic iRacing is looking for in the first place...

Anyway, the real reason I came here to post tonight was to show these, which may put to bed some of the misconceptions that iRacing doesn't look any good...

Obviously I've added some shallow depth of field but other than the blur these are straight screenshots. Good stuff.
Attached images
FM LRP Essees.jpg
Skip Barber Lowes.jpg
Radical VIR.jpg
Radical Laguna 6.jpg
Radical Laguna Smoke.jpg
watkins 1.jpg
watkins 10.jpg
Quote from titanLS :With a mentality like this, you're clearly not the in demographic iRacing is looking for in the first place...

Anyway, the real reason I came here to post tonight was to show these, which may put to bed some of the misconceptions that iRacing doesn't look any good...

Obviously I've added some shallow depth of field but other than the blur these are straight screenshots. Good stuff.

WoW.. what spec is your machine?
Quote from titanLS :With a mentality like this, you're clearly not the in demographic iRacing is looking for in the first place...

Anyway, the real reason I came here to post tonight was to show these, which may put to bed some of the misconceptions that iRacing doesn't look any good...

Obviously I've added some shallow depth of field but other than the blur these are straight screenshots. Good stuff.

Haha, good one... Touching up a screenshot of Blackwood's start/finish-straight with DOF made everyone think they had a photo of Le Mans on their monitors... I also wouldn't call it shallow, there is quite a bit of it in your pics... Your pictures have the same credibility to showcase iRacing's graphics as the DiRT2 ones for their game...
Quote from bbman :Haha, good one... Touching up a screenshot of Blackwood's start/finish-straight with DOF made everyone think they had a photo of Le Mans on their monitors...

Sorry but if everyone thought that, they're idiots.

Quote from bbman :I also wouldn't call it shallow, there is quite a bit of it in your pics...

Shallow Depth of Field can be defined by the size and depth of the focal plane. Clearly the simulated focal plane in most of those shots does not cover the entire frame hence my use of the term shallow. Do they have a wider focal plane than say, a macro shot? Of course, but these are landscapes. When you shoot a landscape and everything doesn't appear tack sharp, you're using shallow depth of field.

Quote from bbman :Your pictures have the same credibility to showcase iRacing's graphics as the DiRT2 ones for their game...

I'm not selling iRacing here, I'm just some guy posting screenshots on an internet forum. Background blur can't make awful screens look amazing. Period. You have to have something decent to start with, which IMO iRacing provides.
I do have quite a bit of knowledge with FFB... I've developed for it in DirectX on windows and In the terribly neutered XNA framework for the 360.

Don't know what wheel you're using, but the G25 doesn't dampen around center at all by default. If it did, you wouldn't be able to feel the minute details at the tracks the way you can.

And don't give me the "its supposed to be there" crap. Thats like saying that AOL is supposed to be there when you buy a new PC because it's bundled. If you need button reassignment, the profiler works well, but I can tell the difference in effect with it on and off... its "mushy" with it on. Not to mention that it's a buggy peice of garbage if you're in vista. Until the latest version, it liked causing blue screens for no apparent reason.

Top it off with the fact that its a resource hog (after getting out of a game and checking, it was using 80MB of ram), and it was built as an all-around tool (for joysticks AND wheels, both have different desirable properties) and it doesn't work well. If you prefer it on for some reason, have at it, but you shouldn't fault a company for developing for a baseline. Raw data to the device vs relying on a middleman is a better scenario.

The reason people tell everyone to turn it off is the feel around center. With it on in its default settings, you can't feel the small details in the track nearly as well as if you just turn it off...
Quote from John5200 :my first render looks better than this

I've attached another, untouched screenshot of the Silverado truck taken with an ATI 4870 graphics card (not by me).

Basing criticism of graphics on a comparison between renders and resized 380px × 229px in-game screenshots is absolutely pointless.
Attached images
This thread is closed

(13603 posts, closed, started )