The situation now:

This is how it's been all along. We have Spanish from Spain, which the rest of the countries understand, but is indeed different from all their dialects. In Spain we are happy with this as our version has been polished and fits our language, but we understand other countries would like a translation that fits them better.
If we add an "Español Latino" version:

You can create a version that would be closer to all of their dialects, but in the end it would be either just fitted to one specific country, or maybe even it wouldn't fit perfectly any country, and would be "in between" all of them. Is this OK with all the people from all the countries or will they want the latin translation closer to their own? I mean, would they say "now that we have a latin version, make it OUR version"? In any case, I think this is the best option, but having multiple translators from multiple countries would end up in a confusing translation and a harder than usual work to make it decent.
The last option is:

To have just one choice in between Spain and the rest of the countries. We wouldn't be happy at all losing the translation that we already have, and I think it wouldn't please any other country neither. I think this option doesn't make sense.

This is how it's been all along. We have Spanish from Spain, which the rest of the countries understand, but is indeed different from all their dialects. In Spain we are happy with this as our version has been polished and fits our language, but we understand other countries would like a translation that fits them better.
If we add an "Español Latino" version:

You can create a version that would be closer to all of their dialects, but in the end it would be either just fitted to one specific country, or maybe even it wouldn't fit perfectly any country, and would be "in between" all of them. Is this OK with all the people from all the countries or will they want the latin translation closer to their own? I mean, would they say "now that we have a latin version, make it OUR version"? In any case, I think this is the best option, but having multiple translators from multiple countries would end up in a confusing translation and a harder than usual work to make it decent.
The last option is:

To have just one choice in between Spain and the rest of the countries. We wouldn't be happy at all losing the translation that we already have, and I think it wouldn't please any other country neither. I think this option doesn't make sense.