Long story short, i`ve had my first and only fender bender, because of ABS.
He suddenly braked on clean asphalt, because he thought the car coming the other way didn`t have enough room(narrow road, 2 cars + 10cm).
I was on asphalt+sand, speed 20-30km/h, and used very little brake pressure but the ABS still engaged.
Did not slow down at all. I was just a spectator, waiting for it to stop, it did.. 20-0 in 0.1 seconds. There was no room to go, except.. a big concrete wall.
I preferred his bum, thinking it would be ok, he wasn`t on his brakes. Turned out he was, but the brake lights were not functional. So i got a little kidney massage, some damage. He got none.
From then on, i took out my ABS fuse.. and in time, i managed to avoid similar or worse situations.
From what i read, and from what i observed, the tyre friction is max, when there is a degree of slip, like 5-10%. A little chirp.
My car`s ABS system seems to engage well before it even has 0.1% slip

. No thanks. Really.

I never heard "chirp" under heavy braking, dry asphalt. But i got ABS. Me wants chirp. Me haz chirp with no ABS. Chirp it is

And then i drove some BMWs, VWs, even an old Mercedes. It didn`t suck THAT bad, and it ~changed my opinion about ABS. But not about my car's ABS.
Snow is coming.. Ice + ABS = .. love.