The online racing simulator
I doubt it's one person.....

Unless you can open 5 or 6 copies of LFS at once without your PC dying, then being quick enough to Alt-tab between them to vote to ban, with it having to load again each time you do say.
Quote from S14 DRIFT :I doubt it's one person.....

Unless you can open 5 or 6 copies of LFS at once without your PC dying, then being quick enough to Alt-tab between them to vote to ban, with it having to load again each time you do say.

Yesterday, our teamleader has spoken to another team about him. The guy, who's banning, is called Goatseforce (aka Goatse / Goatsby) and that other team told our teamleader he has been hacking and banning LFS for over 2 years now.

Btw; I tested it: With my Celeron D, I have 5 FPS when I start with 15 people next to me, I can boot up to 2 copies. Imagine how many you can boot with a decent PC
#28 - Jakg
You can run multiple copies of LFS easily (I had 4 working with no AA etc and a small res watching Ai on my 'ol single core AMD 3700...).

The Great Goatsby = Twunt btw.
I got 6 LFSes running in ~600x400 windows
No AA, No AF, no hires packs, and all lod's to lowest, but 60 fps in every copy
Quote from Jakg :
The Great Goatsby = Twunt btw.

You know him?
Can you maybe tell more about him? His way of ****ing LFS?

Nvm, I just found out that a Twunt "A fool" is, as I couldn't find him on LFSW ^^
SRY for bump but ill making atm a application wich only allows Kicking people if Voting is allowed. For baning ppl you need a password or i can make that its denied it to ban people

PS: Wrote Silox a pm
i was just on the server to see if the guy is still there and i got a few screenshots donno if it will help bu here there are
Hey Guys!

I saw same thing, but they have got 14 people

My friend told me that there was name:

Master #1, Master #2, Master #3, Master #4...

they didnt talk, they just only be there and server was going laggy (they got some warez on). Anyway, we banned them and they didnt come back but 2 other with same name but #17 #18. Then we banned #17 and #18 said: "lol noob" and got away from server.

This has been happen since I have played in Patch U but different servers
Saved the mpr and sent to the admin of the server that will be able to ban the players.
Attached files
Multiple accounts.mpr - 307.3 KB - 235 views
im Blues... im without team ... im free racre .. sorry if i disturb you .. but...

about this tread http: //

im always nbanned from one of that multiaccounter... can you help me? im in top 18 in belgium xfg rankingsystem

sorry bad english...
can you unbannme ... i will let you know the name of multiaccounter

im BlueS''' " mgtghei " tnx a lot
Today was in demo server, and it was a total chaos, some dude was votebanning everyone, when we votebanned him, he came back with different account, that happened almost 5 times.
Problem come back :(
People who are (only) baning on FBM_Begian...:
belgian_racer (i find him one day ago on LFS_Display, but not now)
niko bellic
Roman Bellic
and propably:
Most of them i did't find on LFS_Display or i found them only one time, short time after baning session .
All of them (...) are from Algeria (of course it's not true), and made few laps on FBM, and on XFG cars.
They start voting, when few of them are on server. Few minutes later server is empty, and they going to XFG_Belgian... . One time i wont to ban them on XFG_server but they ban me second time .
Today, after ban on FBM, i sow that they go to XFG_server and also few minutes later that server was empty. So propably they do this there also.
So if you can't give them long time ban, give us (in real time) information how many NEW Racers are on server (example 6/14 == new/all), and information that propably those (names) racers are BAD_VOTING. We will knew what to do.