People who are (only) baning on FBM_Begian...:
belgian_racer (i find him one day ago on LFS_Display, but not now)
niko bellic
Roman Bellic
and propably:
Most of them i did't find on LFS_Display or i found them only one time, short time after baning session
All of them (...) are from Algeria (of course it's not true), and made few laps on FBM, and on XFG cars.
They start voting, when few of them are on server. Few minutes later server is empty, and they going to XFG_Belgian... . One time i wont to ban them on XFG_server but they ban me second time
Today, after ban on FBM, i sow that they go to XFG_server and also few minutes later that server was empty. So propably they do this there also.
So if you can't give them long time ban, give us (in real time) information how many NEW Racers are on server (example 6/14 == new/all), and information that propably those (names) racers are BAD_VOTING. We will knew what to do.