The online racing simulator
Account Hacked
(79 posts, closed, started )
Quote from dougie-lampkin :I, for one, would like to welcome our new LFS overlord

Never piss off ppl from the net or get hacked.

knida offtopic, nice pc case (Dustabsooooorber!)

Racername: NjHarwood
Online at: SO Racing Club

There we go again
now lost all my email screwed...**** knows what i can do now
Not use the same and/or simple password over multiple accounts maybe?

Clearly the person doing this knows who you are and you have made their job very easy. I used to know a chap at college who constantly hijacked one chaps e-mail addresses and the like, he was the sort of person who you had to punch in just for fun, but in some ways you wanted to punch the chap he was doing it to for not making his passwords harder.
Quote from NjHarwood :now lost all my email screwed...**** knows what i can do now

you still haven't formatted your pc yet?? :chair:
ive sent it back 3 i can do...if i reformat i loose everything i have, including work documents everything...i have no way to transfer...

im ****ed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :knida offtopic, nice pc case (Dustabsooooorber!)

Very, needs a shot of air every couple of weeks to stop the fans getting clogged

Quote from NjHarwood :now lost all my email screwed...**** knows what i can do now

Not that it matters now, but if I were you I'd disconnect the net from your PC as soon as possible. Back up only your most important stuff, the less the better, and nuke the HDD. The longer you stay with the PC, the more you're going to lose Don't install another OS until you've done a full format either, otherwise it could easily transfer across to the new OS

Hope you get it sorted mate, I hate this kind of shit
rite, this comp is going offline, ill sort everything in the morning. thanks all. nite
best of luck to you buddy!
Hi, NJ's hacker. You're still hacking our dogs, eh?
NJ, he said he knows your name. could be someone you know.
It seems you pissed him off. He said that you know why he hacked you.

Think.. Who did you pissed off before you got hacked?

Thru msn?

Go get your account back, We dont like to get thru these nasty stuff.

I'm sure that the devs are on it.
has anyone been able to get his ip? maybe we can report him to his ISP for computer trespassing.
Quote from bunder9999 :has anyone been able to get his ip? maybe we can report him to his ISP for computer trespassing.

He said that hes using some sort of proxy or whatever. His IP is hidden..
Quote from Takumi_lfs :He said that hes using some sort of proxy or whatever. His IP is hidden..

that doesn't mean much... we report the proxy and let the proxy maintainer have-at-it.
this is odd, quite clever for the guy hacking him, but feel bad for NJ....Hmmmm intersting how cruel people are now a days! Hack a computer and delete stuff...Wow what is the world coming to??
Quote from greg_slideways :this is odd, quite clever for the guy hacking him, but feel bad for NJ....Hmmmm intersting how cruel people are now a days! Hack a computer and delete stuff...Wow what is the world coming to??

doesn't surprise me... people have been doing this to valve steam accounts for years.
Man I feel sorry for you NJ. I hope this can be resolved as soon as possible.
It's sad to see people do this.
Bad news, i hope you get it all sorted soon Nj. This may be slightly off topic, but i found some kind of trojan/worm on my pc earlier in the week, which my AVG8 had never found before. What interests me is it's name.
PSW BIYW Onlinegames.
It popped up twice on my machine, both times when i had just disconnected from LFS online.
As i mentioned. My machine is pretty bullet-proof and i have never had anything like this before. Both times it must have been a new infection as avg8 popped up with a box that detected whatever it was on open and cured it. Could there be a link in some way with this??

Most of all, best of luck getting it sorted, these people should be strung up by the nut sack!
Conspiracy: I got my first BSOD in about 3 years while on the same server he was on.
It looks as if the thing that tried to infect me may have possibly been responsible for these problems lately.. ... s-pswonlinegames-remover/

Is there any way that some idiot could be spreading this around, as part of an automatically downloaded skin or something when you go online in LFS??
Quote from danthebangerboy :It looks as if the thing that tried to infect me may have possibly been responsible for these problems lately.. ... s-pswonlinegames-remover/

Is there any way that some idiot could be spreading this around, as part of an automatically downloaded skin or something when you go online in LFS??

now u are scaring the f*ck out of me..... this thread does too.... why the human race had to become so mean to each other ?
I know mate. All any of us can do is keep our PC's AV and firewall up to date and hope for the best. Sad sad individuals who have nothing better to do, they need to get a life instead of ruining everyone elses IMO
By the way i didnt mean that people are spreading this via LFS, its probably not even possible, as i would say that it is much more secure than that its just a thought thats all.
Quote from danthebangerboy :It looks as if the thing that tried to infect me may have possibly been responsible for these problems lately.. ... s-pswonlinegames-remover/

Is there any way that some idiot could be spreading this around, as part of an automatically downloaded skin or something when you go online in LFS??

good point. cos im sure that wouldnt be too hard to do. for the time being imma turn off skin downlaods. id rather see blank skins than loose my account...

hope all goes well for ya nj.
I just thought, theres no way it could be done by auto skin downloads. All skins that the player downloads are downloaded from LFSworld through the master server, which means all uploaded content is uploaded there first. I very much doubt this would happen with an infected file as LFSworld wouldn't accept the file in the first place.
Afaik the only thing that gets transfered directly from him to you could be setups. But I'm not sure what happens to these if you don't save them. Or the servers layout files? Cruise servers always have custom layouts...
This thread is closed

Account Hacked
(79 posts, closed, started )