The online racing simulator
Many people think that this is boring. It began becoming boring yesterday.

#177 - Don
so what would be better? if they just shutup till the patch is released? ppl have no idea what they want. first they moan devs doesnt communicate anymore, now, when they do every day, people moan its boring? dont you think they have a reason not to release it yet?
Quote from Don :so what would be better? if they just shutup till the patch is released? ppl have no idea what they want. first they moan devs doesnt communicate anymore, now, when they do every day, people moan its boring? dont you think they have a reason not to release it yet?

And this day isn't over so many things could still happen, you'll never know
It is not boring - boring are that "metaphysical theories" about that "surprise". If Victor put a pig instead the F1 car on the page, would you say "Great, there will be animals running over the tracks in a patch?"
they are really streching ppl patience lol, i must say it has become less exciting and is dragging on a little. I mean its up to the devs to do what they want but all this hype and updates is killing us.. will need new nerves soon....

edit* give me my avatar back
Ok, crazy thought.
It seems fairly likely that BMW Sauber will be using LFS in their new Pit Lane Theme Park, which is apparently being unveiled at Nurburgring GP this year (may time)

So the question is, will visitors to this theme park be expected to drive round Blackwood, or Aston? Will the multi-million pound BMW theme park experience include some fictional tracks from some developers that 98% of visitors have never heard of?

It seems unlikely to me, which means that OMG we might even, if we're incredibly lucky, get a genuine F1 track in the game. Most likely the Nurburgring GP circuit (not the 14 miler) seeing as thats where the theme park is starting.
Quote from balee :Oh, yes, seems I'm blind...

take it easy m8, never meant to offense, was trying to help u actually...

anyways, who's gonna ever make PIPMNINI to work with LFS?
Quote from Don :looks like ford gives very good data to nk ... d=361093&d=1144751367

Haha, join the Kidcodea's nKp trolling fan club. That's really ridiculous, you can take same kind of flying in the air buggy pics in LFS. I thought I was a LFS fanboy but at least I take other sims seriously.


I think this mystery thing doesn't have anything to do with LFS, devs have just gone nuts with this teasing. On the other hand that Intel-LFS commercial sounds suspicious.
with the F1 we know why they made the long Aston GT, with the downforce and HP of the F1 those corners would feel great !
Quote from Don :so what would be better? if they just shutup till the patch is released? ppl have no idea what they want. first they moan devs doesnt communicate anymore, now, when they do every day, people moan its boring? dont you think they have a reason not to release it yet?

some more information than just sparking up tons of speculations would certainly be apprechiated by everyone
Patience is a virtue. Why are you even assuming the patch is done, and that Scavier are just holding the patch just to be cryptic for the sake of it? Would you rather have a flawed patch?
The patch is probably (near) finished, but you always have to test it extensively to be sure the last flaws can be corrected.
Some of you are really taking al this way too seriously. It's not like your life depends on it right?
When the devs feel the patch is ready for release, i'm sure they will release it asap.
I think the cryptic messages are fun, this way alot will stay a surprise until the release. And who doesn't like surprises?
It surely brought alot of excitement to the forum
Quote from colcob :Ok, crazy thought.
It seems fairly likely that BMW Sauber will be using LFS in their new Pit Lane Theme Park, which is apparently being unveiled at Nurburgring GP this year (may time)

So the question is, will visitors to this theme park be expected to drive round Blackwood, or Aston? Will the multi-million pound BMW theme park experience include some fictional tracks from some developers that 98% of visitors have never heard of?

It seems unlikely to me, which means that OMG we might even, if we're incredibly lucky, get a genuine F1 track in the game. Most likely the Nurburgring GP circuit (not the 14 miler) seeing as thats where the theme park is starting.

interesting thought there colcob but it shouldnt really matter what track you drive their car on unless they own the nurburgring track as well, to them blackwood aston could be just another test track even tho they are unrealistic really.. To bmw it will be all about the car and how it handles..
It's tedious. It's bad enough having to wait so long with zero communication but having each little change drip fed with this teaser campaign makes me feel even further distanced from what was a down to Earth honest game development.

I'm happy for those that have found it genuinely exciting though, and that does seem to be the overwhelming majority fair play to you all.

I gues LFS is changing in many many ways
Yeah, but I'm talking about the commercial operation charging people entry to the 'Pit Lane Theme Park Experience'.

If I was an F1 fan who stumped up my cash to get in, got a go on the simulator, and was faced with a fictional track that I'd never seen before in my life, I'd be quite pissed off. In that context, you would rightly expect that the simulator featured a genuine F1 track.
There is one problem with this info releasing system. It just builds up the hype which was too big even before the 1st april update. And now it just gets even bigger.

Hope people will understand that it isn't S3 what is to be released...

And the track the BMW-sauber are going to be used might be some bmw owned test track. Does bmw own any racing tracks. Though they test a lot at the 'ring
Quote from Don :so what would be better? if they just shutup till the patch is released? ppl have no idea what they want. first they moan devs doesnt communicate anymore, now, when they do every day, people moan its boring? dont you think they have a reason not to release it yet?

Well, for me communication isn't a pic (render, or whatever) of a F1 car with some text that reads ''What the f***?''
Quote from joen :
The patch is probably (near) finished, but you always have to test it extensively to be sure the last flaws can be corrected.

The patch will have been finished and tested before any of the updates even began the devs are just trying to create intrest in the patch, although I think they've got to release it today or they'll start loosing intrest.
I don't mind all this teasing stuff, but I understand why some people do. After all, the April update stated that every day they would "post some info and a picture or two about a new feature or update", and the last two days really don't check all of those boxes.

"Guru says blah blah...."
"What the ****?" mmkay thanks for the info
Quote from Hyperactive :And the track the BMW-sauber are going to be used might be some bmw owned test track. Does bmw own any racing tracks. Though they test a lot at the 'ring

They could get permission to make a Nurburgring for the pitstop display only. The Goodwood Festival of Speed Hillclimb was made for a GPL display stand there but was never released due to the terms it was made under.
Quote from Homeless_Drunk :The gauges wernt like that during the initial update where they?

No, the FOX dials have also changed.
OT: haha, I just found out that you can press all the buttons of your Momo Racing in the overview in the configuration screen totally wack ! the Vortex thing is illepall it wobbles
Quote from ajp71 :The patch will have been finished and tested before any of the updates even began the devs are just trying to create intrest in the patch, although I think they've got to release it today or they'll start loosing intrest.

You seem to have much of knowledge of nK and that might give you some sort of credibility here (at least has in my eyes). But don't go guessing things concerning LFS development / release schedules
:wtf2: ..... :sleep2::sleep2::sleep2::sleep2:
Quote from ajp71 :The patch will have been finished and tested before any of the updates even began the devs are just trying to create intrest in the patch,

will have been finished? Do you mean that patch was finished and tested before before 11th of april, which is the day of the first update?
Read this:
Eric and I are working full time on the patch and we're still not finished.

The date is 5th of april.
Quote :
although I think they've got to release it today or they'll start loosing intrest.

No, even if some feel bored and/or start to lose interest, they will be back the moment they know the patch is out.