The online racing simulator
Now that looks much simpler.
I stumbled across an Air Attack (demo - FBM@BL) server yesterday night, and unknowingly tried your application.
It seems very stable and refined, and was put to good use on this server.
It also helped creating and manitaining a focused bunch of racers, even if demo, by requesting a minimum LFSW pb to enter the races. Interesting grids ordering trick as well.

PS I got my ass kicked by these guys most of the time, and could not go anywhere close to my mouse pb with the G25, but they still passed me more or less cleanly and did not voice "blue flag" or such comments.
Therefore I recommend this server for demoers who want competitive and still rather friendly races in the FBM, provided they can run a few clean laps under 1:18.
I saw this first on the Air Attack server some time ago and it has to be one of the best (if not the best) InSim applications currently available to the community. Great work, well done!
Some matters here a bit off-topic, but...

Quote from Mille Sabords :...and was put to good use on this server.

That may be the key in setting up Airio. An admin may limit/prohibit many things (tyres, passengers, swearing, lap time, lagging, joining, car options, etc.), but it should not be too prohibitive.

Quote from Mille Sabords :It also helped creating and manitaining a focused bunch of racers, even if demo, by requesting a minimum LFSW pb to enter the races.

Yes, that is a lap time filter, one of the functions. Server prime time may be defined and the filter may turn on/off automatically by number of connected people. All, naturally, configurable.

An example: The filter is (when turned on) set to allow only people with 1.18 or better lap on BL1 with FBM. The lap time is taken from LFSW stats (people may improve their time on any existing server and come back) or server stats. Some say 1:18 is too much, that it should go to 1:16 or even 1:14. I may tell you it would not work, it would be too prohibitive, the server would be empty most of the time. Average people could not race there, good races would not connect to (almost) empty server.

Quote from Mille Sabords :Interesting grids ordering trick as well.

Yep, partially reversed order. People on points from previous race are in reverse order, the rest is arranged by their session best lap time (meaning since they connected). Newcomers start from the back...

Quote from Mille Sabords :Therefore I recommend this server for demoers who want competitive and still rather friendly races in the FBM, provided they can run a few clean laps under 1:18.

Thanks for the reccomendation, the AirAttack crew accepted me some time ago and allowed me to develop Airio on their servers. I can tell you it was doing occassionally very bad things, until properly debugged. I thank the AA people for their patience.

But generally you know how it goes on demo servers. One day there's a cool bunch of people, everyone enjoying the races, keeping them tight but clean, the next day... Eh...
Great Job!
But i've so many questions, to setup your amazing Tracker for our Server(s)...

Is it right, that your tracker is only for a Raceserver?
Is it right, that the Airio Tracker could not replace our running LFS-Lapper on the Trainserver?

Could u explain the Trackrotation with an expample, plz.
I don't understand the comment in the cfgfile.

THX & Regards

Sorry for my Banana-english
ah, i think ive found the trackrotation example in the adminmanual. i'll test it right now!
Quote from sid6.8 :Is it right, that your tracker is only for a Raceserver?

Managing the races is the main purpose of Airio, as well as giving people as much data as they want, and allowing admins to set large number of options. Airio currently does not support drag races (and will not support that in near future) and drifting points are implemented in a way somehow similar to Lapper, but there'll be changes in the calculations and conditions, I'm sure. Also, it is not a cruising system. Basically: No cruising, no dragging, but everything else (racing, qualifying, hotlapping, practicing)...

Quote from sid6.8 :Is it right, that the Airio Tracker could not replace our running LFS-Lapper on the Trainserver?

I currently know of no reason why Airio could not replace LFS Lapper on a dedicated server. You can even import Lapper's PB.txt file with all split/lap times, lap counts etc. If you know of Lapper feature you miss in Airio, just mention that and I'll see what can be done. One thing: Airio does not support any kind of scripting (except calling external PHP scripts to obtain data/commands). You set up all you need in config files. And if you miss something, again, let me know. (Basically I see no point in creating custom external scripts - if you can program scripts, you may as well grab some InSim library and have all the power you'll ever need.)

Quote from sid6.8 :Could u explain the Trackrotation with an expample, plz. I don't understand the comment in the cfgfile.

Good point! Here's an example:

RotateTracks=SO1|5|XFG+XRG > SO1R

Tracks will be rotated after every 10th race. (You may see current race number using !track command.) If SO1R is the current track and 10th race finishes, then after one or two minutes the server will go to end screen and change track to SO1R, cars to XFG+XRG and set laps to 5. After 10 races it will switch to SO1R, then back to SO1 with lap count and cars set again.

RotateTracks=SO3R|-10 > SO1R

Track will switch from SO1R to SO3R and race length will be set to 10 minutes (notice negative number), cars will not be changed. When switching to SO1R neither race length not car types will be changed.

RotateTracks=SO3R|5|FBM > SO1R > SO2|10|XFG+FBM > SO5|-15 > SO1|3|XRG

Well, as you see, you may specify as many tracks as you want (and their laps/minutes and cars). If laps or cars are not set, previous settings remain in effect. Negative lap count signifies race length in minutes (shown as hours inside the game).

I hope I did not confuse you too much. :-) Take care!
I got the error "The application was not initialized properly (0xc0000135)". That does not hapen with it only. I tried to start ISRM and LFSLapper and got the same error.
Most common cause: .NET Framework is not installed. Airio needs .NET 2.0, Lapper the same...
YES!! I just found out!! My computer had no .NET framework installed.

I am installing version 3.5 now.
#36 - arco
Is there a global setting for turning off the speed output?
Also, is it possible to get the graphical interfaces centered on the screen? On my widescreen monitor they are positioned more to the left.
THX for your aswer... The Trackrotation is allready fine, i`ve tested it on our raceserver calls tsaitschen racing server.
But one question (again ): What happend if the session ends, the new track is loaded and one of the mabe 10 Racer do not join the Race. The Race on the new track do not start....
Is it possible to kick this player for inaktivity in this case?
Or is it allready implemented, but I will not kicked, because i am connected as admin?!
Quote from arco :Is there a global setting for turning off the speed output?

Speed is always measured, either globally or in speedtraps you may define on each track (which is better because then crash speed is not captured). There is no admin setting to turn off speed measuring completely. However, every racer may turn off best speed messages for himself. The button is called "Race speed" and you'll find it in the GUI since 1.9 something.

Quote from arco :Also, is it possible to get the graphical interfaces centered on the screen? On my widescreen monitor they are positioned more to the left.

The option screen is weight-centered. What I mean is that the action buttons themselves are in center, while the background limiting area is moved slightly to the left. This makes place for server logo and is also more appropriate for race-end screen with buttons on the right.

Quote from sid6.8 :But one question (again ): What happend if the session ends, the new track is loaded and one of the mabe 10 Racer do not join the Race. The Race on the new track do not start.... Is it possible to kick this player for inaktivity in this case?

If I understand the question correctly: Last race ends, Airio calls /end command, server (and all clients) go to race end screen (where you can select tracks and such). New track is automatically loaded and server waits for people to join and press the Ready button. Well, that is a standard thing, the server waits for everyone joined in race to be ready. If I remember correctly anyone can remove anyone else from the start grid by clicking on appropriate (minus) button. Once all people are ready, race starts. This means you can spectate anyone yourself. I'm not sure it is necessary (or even possible) to create in Airio new check removing people from race end screen start grid (what a strange combination of words ), if they are not ready for, say, 30 seconds...
#39 - arco
Quote from EQ Worry :Speed is always measured, either globally or in speedtraps you may define on each track (which is better because then crash speed is not captured). There is no admin setting to turn off speed measuring completely. However, every racer may turn off best speed messages for himself. The button is called "Race speed" and you'll find it in the GUI since 1.9 something.

I was thinking of a setting that globally turns off the best speed message for everyone, and have it off by default. Then if they want to see it, they can activate it themselves.

Quote :The option screen is weight-centered. What I mean is that the action buttons themselves are in center, while the background limiting area is moved slightly to the left. This makes place for server logo and is also more appropriate for race-end screen with buttons on the right.

Yeah I can see that the buttons in the options screen are centered. It looks better imo if the window itself was centered. Same with the other info windows, like !top. Not really a big deal, but that's what I would prefer.
Attached images
Quote from EQ Worry :If I remember correctly anyone can remove anyone else from the start grid by clicking on appropriate (minus) button. Once all people are ready, race starts. This means you can spectate anyone yourself. I'm not sure it is necessary (or even possible) to create in Airio new check removing people from race end screen start grid (what a strange combination of words ), if they are not ready for, say, 30 seconds...

I dont know, because im not so often drive on pub servers, but ill test it, thx.
Quote from arco :I was thinking of a setting that globally turns off the best speed message for everyone, and have it off by default. Then if they want to see it, they can activate it themselves.

What I may do is set it up in code so that all new players (connected to your servers with Airio for the first time) have race best speed messages turned off. All new people would have to specifically turn on these messages to watch best race speed, the selected setting would then be stored and reapplied. The !speed command output will be of course always available. OK, will do in 2.0.3.

Quote from arco :Yeah I can see that the buttons in the options screen are centered. It looks better imo if the window itself was centered. Same with the other info windows, like !top. Not really a big deal, but that's what I would prefer.

You are right about !sb and such commands output, I'll move the buttons to the center or make them a bit wider. However I will keep the options screen as it is now.

Edit: Airio 2.0.3 is available. See the included changelog.
Attached files
! Changelog.txt - 1.8 KB - 573 views
u are so fast fine... How to upgrade the existing Tracker?
Owerite all Files or only the Airio.exe?

BTW: Plz have a look to our LFS Serverstatus Menu on our Website
If you rewrite all files, you will (or may) lose all customizations, changed settings etc. in TXT files. Suggested actions:

1) First look inside the ChangeLog file (part of the archive) and see what new items were added into configurations since the version you currently have.

2) Find the new items in default config files in the archive and copy them into your existing appropriate config files (CFG keys into CFG, SRV keys into SRV...). Change them as necessary.

3) Stop Airio completely, rewrite only EXE and PDB (with data for debugging) files from the latest archive.

4) Start new Airio with added settings.

If you do not copy some configuration items, application default will be used. These defaults correspond to values in example config files. You may add config items into the text files at any time later.
Airio 2.0.4 is sending more data (once a minute) into global stats – and receiving in response global usage you may see in !ver output. To see all Airio managed servers with tracks/cars/users, browse to
Really great application! Congrats!

But I would like to be able to create some own commands and then sort them either to limad or admin. I am thinking about some commands pointing to a track and / or car change e.g. ...

Maybe like that:

!car car1+car2... is doing /car=car1+car1 - only possible for admin

!qu is doing /qualify possible for limad ...

also some wired joking commands like:

!hello is doing a /rcm Hello world!; /rcm_all and after a defined time a /rcc_all (this also could be done via buttons of course)

Another great thing would be to be able to define more than one timed messages - unlimited maybe?

Thanks for this App
Quote from Crady :But I would like to be able to create some own commands and then sort them either to limad or admin. I am thinking about some commands pointing to a track and / or car change e.g. ...

Good idea! I'm already thinking about a flexible framework to make this possible. When it is done, I'll also remove the limad !open and !close commands (and maybe some other as well), because you can always define them yourself. The definition may look like this:

CustCommand2=cars > /cars=*

This will assign new !cars command to limads level 2 (and above), executing /cars= command with all supplied parameters. I'll think about it and try to implement that framework ASAP.

Quote from Crady :Another great thing would be to be able to define more than one timed messages - unlimited maybe?

Question is what you mean here. If you need more messages to be sent at different intervals (e.g. one every 10 minutes and other just once an hour), well, that is not currently possible and I'm not sure if that would be really useful.

If you just need to send more lines at regular intervals, you can do that easily using starting or concatenating '+'. Example:

TimedMotd=^3This is first line of a message sent every 15 minutes...
TimedMotd=+^1And this is the second line...
TimedMotd=+^2Here is ^7third+^2and even ^7fourth ^2message line...

In similar fashion you may create multiline or multibutton output using several other configuration keys...
Quote :Question is what you mean here. If you need more messages to be sent at different intervals (e.g. one every 10 minutes and other just once an hour), well, that is not currently possible and I'm not sure if that would be really useful.

I mean something like that:

TimedMotd1= Visit our website at ...
TimedMotd2= Please say sorry if you cause a crash!
TimedMotd3= Type !event to see our planned events!
TimedMotd3= /unban Admin1
TimedMotd3=+/unban Admin2
TimedMotd3=+/unban Member1


Quote :Good idea! I'm already thinking about a flexible framework to make this possible. When it is done, I'll also remove the limad !open and !close commands (and maybe some other as well), because you can always define them yourself.

Yes great! exactly what I mean
Automaticly PB.Txt Lapper Export
Here i am, again....

We are using your exciting Tracker and everything works fine!!!
But one question we have.
The situation is:
We have 2 Server, one Raceserver and one Trainserver.
We have separated the Airio.srv.txt File in Airio.srv.1.txt and Airio.srv.2.txt and so we have a different configuration on both Servers.
But if, we are export the PB.txt file to display this one on our Website, all Times and Splits from both server will exported and written in the PB.txt, because the lapper export is written in the Airio.cfg.txt.

We have tried to write the exportcommand in the Airio.srv2.txt and we have it disabled in the Airio.cfg.txt. But it does not work.

Is it possible to export the pb.txt file, only from Server2(Trainserver)?
Quote from Crady :TimedTime1=30
TimedMotd1= Visit our website at ...
TimedMotd2= Please say sorry if you cause a crash!
TimedMotd3= Type !event to see our planned events!
TimedMotd3= /unban Admin1
TimedMotd3=+/unban Admin2
TimedMotd3=+/unban Member1

Wow, I see some confusion here:

1) With the example timing you'll have one message sent every 10 minutes, accompanied by one more every 20 minutes. The third timing could be sending a message every minute...

2) Timed messages must really be messages, not commands. Entry such as /unban would NOT work, because the message is sent to individual connections, not globally using /msg or IS_MST in InSim...

And about the new framework with definable commands. After some consideration I decided to improve the current arrangement, giving admins options to assign allowed commands to specific limad levels as they see fit. I would include the basic support for all basic commands such as /cars or /track, but complete definable customization will be available (in the future) only in FULL version. Still, it should be substantial improvement of limad rights configuration even in the FREE version.
Quote from sid6.8 :We are using your exciting Tracker and everything works fine!!!


Quote from sid6.8 :Is it possible to export the pb.txt file, only from Server2(Trainserver)?

If you have 2 servers (or more) managed by one Airio instance, then by core design principle it is NOT possible to export stats from just one server, simply because all connected servers have the same stats. This is a major feature of Airio, allowing you to connect more servers (4 in FREE version) at once and use common stats among them, no synchronization necessary.

If you need to export stats from just one server, you must use two separate instances of Airio. Each one will then export its own stats into its own directory. But of course you'll have two different Airio stats, separate for each server. Synchronizing such stats is not currently supported, meaning you cannot later merge them. But I plan to implement a command for this, it should be relatively easy.

AIRIO - Advanced LFS Tracker
(2389 posts, started )