The Virtual Dashboard for Life for Speed!
Works with OutGauge, can be setup to a secondary monitor.
Or use it over Lan on a second PC!
Works best in 800x600 screen resolution.

== Version 0.2.1 ==

==> Watch on Youtube <==
Update in v0.2.1
* Possible to select Ledbar style (led,Triangle,Blocks) and direction, and single ledbar!
Update in v0.2.0
* It is now possible to create you're own favorite color scheme!!!!
Most color of the objects such as Text/Gauges/Led Bars and background can be manualy be adjusted, at your Taste!!!

Update in v0.1.9
* Gauges have a more profi look now, also adjusted some max speeds..(please let me know if a Max limit is to low)
* Button that will maximize and remove borders (only in 800x600 resolution) so it will fill the screen..

* RPM ledbar added at top of the screen, that will act from Half of Max rpm.. (maybe this could be better, please let me know)
* More Help text added..
* Ticks fixed in Turbo Gauge.
Latest version:
VLFSDash is written with Microsoft Visual Basic 6 Enterprise.
>>> VLFSDash version 0.2.2 SOURCE <<<
VLFSDash version 0.2.1 UPDATED!!!
Older versions:
VLFSDash version 0.2.0
VLFSDash version 0.1.9
VLFSDash version 0.1.8
VLFSDash version 0.1.7
VLFSDash version 0.1.6
VLFSDash version 0.1.5
Please let me know if you like it

Have fun!
Bjorn - [iRT] Eraz
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