Best excuse to being late for work?
(78 posts, started )
Sorry boss i was crashed of the road by noobs who play to much NFS
Quote from Chrisuu01 :Sorry boss i was crashed of the road by noobs who play to much NFS

ooooo. Those noobs can hold you up a bit. Sometimes I play just for the cars . Then i get bored and walk away.
These days on the rare ocassions I go into the office i'm typically 30-60 minutes late, I dont comment on it or acknowledge i'm late. To be a bit Gandalf about it, I arrived exactly when I intended too.
#54 - MR_B
My girlfriends rabbit had it's head cut off by someone getting into her back garden. And they've kept the head. After visiting her and leaving at 2am I realised i had no house keys. So kept on a sofa for a few hours.

'tis true y'know!
sorry im late but i got on the wrong bus and ended up in india
so then i took a plane back but that took me to newcastle

boss , stfu
Quote from Bladerunner :I dont KNOW any excuses for being late for work....because in the last 8 years I have only been late twice...once when the stretch of road I happened to be on at the time got closed by the police because of an RTA (a quick phone call to the boss, they knew all about problemo!) and the other was when I got involved in an RTA when some stupid b***h (a female driver ) decided to rear-end me at the traffic lights...again, quick phone call and I didnt even lose any pay over it.
Considering that my start times vary between 0320 am at the earliest and 1650 (4.50 pm) at the latest..with just about everything in between!... I think that is a pretty good record.
Best excuse? dont be late!

But you're a bus driver.

It's a good job, I hear.
"Sorry Sir, I squirted all the toothpaste out the tube and spent all morning putting it back in"

"Sorry but Aliens abducted me and stole my knowledge so I am to stupid to work today"

Blame my dad, not me
thought it was sunday...
Sorry i thought i worked at the other pr0n magazine company.
Sorry bos I was driving my bike to work and somehow al thse lorries rolled over while on fire i had to avoid al of then Vin diesel style.
And then my tyres bursted becaus i made to much burnouts in My Buik regal ....
i think this thread is getting out of hands...
I've had to use a few lately, I wish I could be early for work

There are pretty funny answers, its amazing what people (including myself) will do to get your way out of being late
i used it once but they dident fall for it and i can see why

Me ... My mums car was snowed in

Boss ... its august

Me ....
boss- why are you late?

me- he he.. hehe...

Quote from -NightFly- :thought it was sunday...

Quote from Takumi_lfs :This one is the best I ever heard

I've actually done the opposite. I showed up for work and everyone there said, "You know it's Sunday, right? You don't come in until tomorrow...."
sorry, a giant inflatable snow man scarred me .
Quote from mrodgers :I've actually done the opposite. I showed up for work and everyone there said, "You know it's Sunday, right? You don't come in until tomorrow...."


Overly keen for work, or just plain desperate?
Me: sorry im late, bumped into grandpa simpson again, his storys are wonderful, like the stuff in bob smiths pants...

boss: Who ??

Me: never you mind
I don't even apologise when I'm late, I just sort of shuffle through the door and sit down. That said, I'm a couple of mins late every single day so maybe they've just accepted it. I got told off this week for sauntering in at 10 past, so I think I've found the tolerance threshold

I have some decent and believable ones prepared though, involving forgetting insulin or losing keys. Just can't be arsed wasting them if nobody is going to question me

Boss: "Hello?"

Reply: monkey butlers locked me in my room and boarded up my windows!


Boss: "Pwned."
My fave is a brief electricity cut over night, my alarm didn't go off
Me: Cold....

Boss: ok

It might work, if not..

Me:rings boss

Boss: hello?

Me: hi erm... im going to be a little late for work today.

boss: how come?

Me; i sneezed and blew my tonsils out.

Boss: oh ok, get well soon

would be a lot more interesting to read if people post here true stories only, half of the excuses here are a "bit" absurd IMO.
Quote from floodan :boss- why are you late?

me- he he.. hehe...


that made me smile, brought up few memories
ahhh the wonders of flextime

Best excuse to being late for work?
(78 posts, started )