Damn, couldn't save the replay - I got 'replay was not being recorded' for some reason. 
Anywayz, complete fail, there were like 5 racing laps in the whole event. If this was the proper event, I might be submitting a few reports, unless when I get my hands on the replay I see something REALLY awful! The things I can remember were Greg constantly bumping my arse during SC - you don't have to be two centimetres away from the person in front all the time! Back off! You can catch up in 2 seconds if you want to! And Tiff bumping me off the track 5 laps or so before the end, probably costing me a lot of places because there were loads of crashes further up the field! Thanks for apologising!

Anywayz, complete fail, there were like 5 racing laps in the whole event. If this was the proper event, I might be submitting a few reports, unless when I get my hands on the replay I see something REALLY awful! The things I can remember were Greg constantly bumping my arse during SC - you don't have to be two centimetres away from the person in front all the time! Back off! You can catch up in 2 seconds if you want to! And Tiff bumping me off the track 5 laps or so before the end, probably costing me a lot of places because there were loads of crashes further up the field! Thanks for apologising!