The online racing simulator
Spurs that edit is seriously cool!
Speed limit?
@Spurs on dirait une photo
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Quote from ldriver :Speed limit?
@Spurs on dirait une photo

the pix isnt really good in quality and contrast/brightness color.. and focus..

but i liike the idea
Why does everybody pick on the poor AI 1 all the time?

Poor fellow

All he wants to do is provide us with some good racing! bastards
well, did something for a change, i have s2 now u know...
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going to add this and some more to the ZT Gallery tomorrow (If I dont forget it )
:tit: 1st ever try of a night edit...
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my first rain one
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Taavi(EST) very nice edits. Frokki that's not bad either.

Keep up the good work guys!
So powerful it tears roads apart.
lol! good one deggis
a quick mock up of what a bf1 might look like on blackwood straight nowhere near perfect in size proportion, and i think fov is wrong and stuff, but it looks okish..
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BF1 Blackwood.jpg
It is a very very very flat car
Hi all !
I was expecting more BF1 edits, but then again everyone is out driving it
Quote from xapexcivicx :I was expecting more BF1 edits.

Heres mine..
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Quick edit, took 5 mins, notice the spots where the blur is missing
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enough of F1s some drifting on AS North, probably one of the best drifting track
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Quote from lov2xlr8 :Quick edit, took 5 mins, notice the spots where the blur is missing

Could look so much better without the lens flare.

Edited pics
(14106 posts, started )